From the Desk of Kelly Harmon
November 2017 Newsletter
Dear Educators,
Happy Teaching!
- Kelly Harmon & Randi Anderson
25 Days of Quick Writes!
Writer’s Workshop should start and end with writing from the heart and head. Quick writes are a great way to kick off writer’s workshop or any class, really. Tell students to write as much as they can, as well as they can, as quick as they can. Set a timer for one to five minutes.
Choose a quick write prompt that will relate to the learning target of the day. Refer back to the quick write after the focus lesson to practice the teaching point of the lesson. Usually, students are revising or editing to incorporate the new learning. Quick writes are seeds for future compositions.
Ideas for Quick Writes
- What moment would you capture today for an Instagram post?
- Would you rather be alone or with a stranger?
- Who has been a hero or role model in your life?
- When was the last time you were sad? Why?
Genre Focus: Literary Nonfiction
It is important for students to be marinated in literary nonfiction and study the features and craft of the genre. Like fiction, literary nonfiction carries storylines that include plot and characters that are all true. There are many connections to be made between the two genres. Students can read literary nonfiction to produce research products, gain explanations and examples for expository essays, and much more!
The International Literary Association has done an exceptional job reviewing biographies that are great for kids. For examples and blurbs about different biographies, click here!
Digital Book Talks
Make Book Talks 21st Century worthy! Students can create book talks using Tellagami, Shadow Puppet EDU, or Voki.
Learning targets: I can paraphrase what the reading was about. I can write a composition that includes my opinion about a book and reasons to support the opinion.
How to Create a digital book talk
- Prepare for your book talk.
- Make sure you’ve read the book.
- Think about what is interesting in your book.
- Think about the lead—how will you capture your audiences’ interest?
- Write page numbers and a few notes on a sticky note.
- Write a script you will read for your book talk. Include: An attention-getting lead.
- Tell the title and author. You can also tell the genre.
- Explain why you chose the book and your purpose for reading it.
- Tell a little about the book, but don’t give away secrets.
- Give your rating or opinion about the book and tell why others might enjoy reading it.
- Mention other books by the same author or other books in the series.
- Use the iPad camera to take a picture of the book or article.
- Open the app and CREATE!
- Design your character to look like you or a character from your book.
For the continued steps to complete you digital book talk, click here!
Problem Solving in the Classroom
Problem solving is the central focus of mathematics instruction. (O’Connell, 2007) Students must construct their own conceptual understanding through exploration of mathematical ideas in real world situations. Effective math instruction begins and ends with problem solving. We teach computational fluency in order to solve problems.
Students need to:
Be able to plan to solve problems
Explain the problem situation and how they will or did solve the problem
Organize ideas in the problem
Select appropriate strategies
Determine reasonableness
Teachers need to:
Make thinking visible and model problem solving strategies
Provide opportunities for exploration
Provide a variety of manipulatives for students to use
Facilitate student to student discussions (Drop the bomb and then walk away)
Help students identify and clarify misconceptions
Prompt students to reflect and revise their thinking
Record observations and evaluate individual student learning
Plan repeated practice with mixed problems
To learn more, join Kelly Harmon, Ryan Doetch, and Julia Taylor for a strategy packed conference all about maximizing math instruction! Choose from 21 strategy-packed sessions including:
- Problem Solving
- Math Differentiation Ideas
- Growth Mindsets
- Guided Math Centers
- Math Games
- Using Literature in Math
- and Much More!
December 4th & 5th, 2017 in Columbus, OH.
For more information, visit ber.org or click here!
Creating Strategic Readers Conference
An in-depth conference for increasing student fluency and comprehension in meaningful and authentic instruction
San Antonio, TX
Gain a full understanding of what a proficient reader looks like! Spend the first day examining ways to boost student's fluency while teaching phonemic awareness skills in our From Phonics to Fluency training. Learn ways to progress monitor and assess students with fidelity. On Day 2, educators will dive into the world of guided reading instruction and how that is implemented successfully along with ideas and activities to boost students comprehension in our Guiding Readers to Proficiency Training. Discover ways to get students motivated to read a variety of texts. Walk away with ready-to-use ideas and resources for creating proficient readers in your classroom! Attend both days for $425 or just one day for $225 per participant. Register today to receive an early bird or group discount. Click here, for more information!
Writing Instruction That Works!
Boost your student's writing achievement with fresh ideas to engage and excite students about writing!
January 20, 2018
9:00am - 12:30pm
Grades 3-8
Earn 3.5 Hours of Professional Learning Credit From Home!
Transform your writing instruction when you discover new and engaging writing activities to use in all content areas! Discuss blogging, letter, and journal writing. Increase your student's writing stamina as you scaffold students using rigorous and motivating activities. Learn expository writing ideas, grammar strategies, and much more! This is half day seminar you will not want to miss! To register, call or email Randi @ (817) 583-1290 or randi@kellyharmon.net
After your paperwork and payment is received, you will receive a video link to the training.
February 1, 2018 -
Dallas, TX
February 2, 2018 -
San Antonio, TX
February 12, 2018 -
Houston, TX
During this seminar, learn and experience activities that target specific STAAR reading and writing processes, skills and strategies. Discover the difference between test review and test practice and how to incorporate both into daily instruction. You will leave with intentional instructional ideas that will maximize your students practice before assessments. Also, learn ways to make learning engaging and relevant to your students. You won't want to miss this opportunity to prepare for intentional instruction for the weeks leading up to STAAR.
Registration opens on December 4th, 2017.
Strengthening Your Title I Conference
Learn how to better lead your school or district Title I team in this strategy-packed, two-day institute led by nationally acclaimed presenter, Kelly Harmon. You will discover how to work with teachers to identify and implement the most effective cutting-edge, research-based instructional strategies to increase school and district wide student achievement. You will learn how to develop teacher expertise in working with struggling students along with ways to continually monitor and adjust instruction based on student results. For more information, visit BER.org here!
January 18 & 19, 2018 / St. Louis, MO
8:30am - 3:15pm
Kelly Harmon & Associates, LLC
Email: randi@kellyharmon.net
Website: www.kellyharmon.net
Phone: (817) 583-1290