Your CTL #1
Tips, Tricks, and Trainings - August 2024

Welcome to Fall 2024 @ SCC!
Welcome back, faculty, and welcome to new instructors starting this semester. At the Center for Teaching and Learning, we look forward to partnering with you to provide engaging opportunities for student success. This term holds potential as you cultivate curiosity in your classrooms.
We are here to support your teaching objectives in any way possible. Please feel free to reach out if you need guidance or resources as the term begins. It will be our honor to collaborate to help our students. Thank you for all you do!
~ Your CTL
Week of Accountability: Training Calendar
We are excited to offer an outstanding array of professional development opportunities for you during our Week of Accountability. Our goal is to equip you with innovative tools and strategies to take your teaching to the next level. This year's lineup includes amazing educational software guaranteed to inspire your students and bring out their best work.
We strongly encourage signing up for at least one session during the weeklong series but feel free to register for as many as fit your schedule. Add the events to your calendars now to avoid any conflicts. You won't want to miss out on the strategies shared by your colleagues on utilizing these groundbreaking technologies. To browse complete session details and directly register, please click the button below. Our door is always open if you need any assistance selecting workshops aligned with your goals for the semester. Let the learning and growth begin - we can't wait to see what you accomplish!
First Day Icebreakers
Icebreakers help people connect with each other and stimulate a sense of belonging. To start certain events and activities on a different note, here is a list of 10 fun icebreakers geared toward college students. Click on the iceberg to learn how to break the ice.
Need a few tips to start your semester off right?
Click on the pictures below for some good advice to start your semester off right!
Tips for Faculty Starting the Semester
In this post, two higher education educators share ways to shake up the start of the semester with some reminders of how we, as faculty, can survive and thrive in the beginning weeks of the new semester.
The First Day of Class: Advice & Ideas
Most faculty members realize the importance of the first day of class. Students (and teachers) form impressions quickly, and those initial observations color interactions for the rest of the semester. Community College of Rhode Island gives a list of advice and ideas that might help you prepare for this all-important day.
7-Habits of Highly Effective Adjunct Professors
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Adjunct Professors was adapted from Richard E. Lyons, Success Strategies for Adjunct Faculty, 2004. Based on Dr. Stephen Covey’s The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (1989), he created this inventory to offer adjunct faculty a set of successful teaching and course management strategies. This set of guidelines is useful for any faculty member who wants to be a more effective educator.