BisoNews -
May 7, 2024
"Where it's always a great day to be a Bison!"
A Note from Ms. Marlatt
Dear Bison Families,
This is our next to last BisoNews. I want to give you information about Kindergarten Graduation and 5th Grade Continuation. In order to maintain safety and comply with our fire department, we are only able to accommodate for only 2 family members per student for the celebrations. Both will be in the gym and we can only fit so many people. If you have a small child - not school-age - and you are comfortable with the child sitting on your lap, he/she is able to attend. The week before the events, families will receive 2 tickets. These tickets must be presented in order for families to enter the gym, so hang on to your tickets! Please remember that, just like classroom parties, school-aged children and student siblings are not permitted to attend.
Even though we are a very short 3 weeks away from the end of the school year, we continue to pay attention and encourage great attendance! On time, every day - is our motto. We hope all Bison can make it to school at 7:45am everyday!
Thank you for sharing your children with us!
Ana Marlatt
Birthday Celebrations
We love recognizing our students and staff birthdays. We call birthdays down to the office every day. The birthday person gets a birthday button! In order to get everyone in, this is how we broke it all down:
- We call Friday and Saturday birthdays on Fridays.
- We call Sunday, Monday and Tuesday birthdays on Tuesdays.
- We call June birthdays with May birthdays.
- We call July birthdays with August birthdays.
PTO needs your help!
Personnel News
- Ms. Nicole Nedbalski found a job closer to home. She will be leaving us at the end of the school year.
- We have openings for 3rd grade, kindergarten and special education.
- Ms. Paula Chalmers retires at the end of the year. We will be having interviews for her position on Friday.
It’s Almost Report Card Time Again
The end of the school year is close! Grades will be available on May 24th at noon.
As a reminder, earlier this year, 27J schools began transitioning to a new skills report format that tells you exactly what skills are being taught and how well your child is performing them.
Don’t remember exactly how the format changed? Get caught up before new reports come home:
Come join our awesome 27J team!
Chromebooks and Chargers
In May, all Chromebooks will be turned in to their classroom teachers for the summer. All students are responsible for turning in their Chromebook and a charger at the end of the year. If your student doesn't have the original DELL charger issued when he/she received their Chromebook, your student will get a charge on their account for $30. Our district does not accept other chargers (purchased on Amazon, for example) because they void the warranty on the Chromebook. This mostly applies to 4th and 5th grade students who take their Chromebook home every night.
2nd Annual Second Creek Great Domino Run
We are doing this again! Please send unopened boxes of cereal to your classroom teacher for our 2nd Annual Second Creek Great Domino Run. The class with the most donations will get a fun donut party! Check out the video from last year!
Summer Opportunities
Join us on Facebook!
We share lots of information and fun pictures on Facebook. Join us and never miss a thing!
Attendance Matters - On time, everyday!
If you are dropping your child off after 7:50am, you must come in the office to sign your child in.
PTO News!
Our PTO is very active in the last few weeks of school. Find out the scoop below!
Important Dates- All in One Place!
5/07-5/10 - Staff Appreciation Week
5/08 - Kindergarten Field Trip to the Zoo
5/09 - Choir Concert - 6:00pm
5/16 - All Star S.T.R.O.N.G. Parade
5/17 - Last day for Preschool students
10:00-10:45 am - PK end-of-year Celebration
2:30-3:15 pm - PK end-of-year Celebration
5/21 - 2:30pm -All School Cereal Run
5/22 - 2:30pm - 5th Grade Continuation
5/22 - Last day for 5th grade students
5/23 - 8:30am - Kindergarten Graduation
5/23 - Last Day for Kindergarten - 4th grade students
Traffic Reminders
If you are a returning family to Second Creek, you know our parking lot is small and needs special care during morning drop off and afternoon pick up. Thank you for contributing to the overall safety of our staff and students!
If you are a new family to Second Creek, please read the information below carefully. Staff and sometimes Commerce City police are out during morning drop off and afternoon dismissal to make sure everyone is safe.
Parents, it is very important that we do not park on the bus lane before or after school. Blocking the bus causes delays that go beyond our school.
Here are a few reminders about our drop off and pick up procedures. You know that Commerce City police pops in once in a while and issue tickets to vehicles that are not following our safety rules... so please make sure you are doing what you can do keep our students and staff safe!
- No parked cars in the "no parking zone" - which is by the sidewalk from the beginning of the parking lot all the way to the front doors. This is a fire lane and also a bus lane. There is NO PARKING anytime. Only drop off or pick up. We have noticed many cars parked waiting for the school to open in the morning, blocking the bus and causing lines of cars that go all the way outside the parking lot. Please drop off your student and go - no parking.
- Same rules apply for pick up after school.
- Students can be dropped off at 7:30am. We do not have supervision for students who are dropped off before these times.
- If you drop your student off late, you have to come in and sign your student in at the front office.
- Students must be picked up at 3:30pm every day. We do not have staff to supervise students after school.
- Let us know if you need information about our before and after-school program.
- Please only use the handicap parking if you have a handicap license.
- The Staff of the Month parking is for staff only at all times.
We appreciate your cooperation!
A shout out to our sponsors!
The Landing Place Church
Eng Orthodontics
Coldstone Creamery in Brighton
5280 Realty
Second Creek Elementary School
Location: 9950 Laredo Drive, Commerce City, CO, USA
Phone: 303-655-7555