360 Degree View December 2024
Notes from HMS, 360 Division Street, Hamburg, NY 14075
Thanks For Everything!
HMS Family and Friends,
My first job in education was in the fall of 1996, and I taught a summer class of Global 9. That fall, I got my first full time position, teaching 7th and 8th grade social studies. Over the past nearly 29 years, I've remained at the middle school level and loved it. While my role will be changing in another month, I know that I'll always feel a connection to this school, the amazing work that happens here, and all of you. Those connected with HMS in 2019 welcomed me and encouraged me to embrace all that Hamburg has to offer, and to be myself. Like all great teachers, they saw value in being the best "you" that you can be, the same that they hope to see in our students. I found a place at HMS that continues to strive to live up to the ideals of kindness and caring, a place that knows when to be serious, and when to have some fun. I found a staff wanting to talk about the great things that happen here, and how we could try to make it better. I found families who were amazingly committed to their kids, our school and district, and to this village and town. Most of all, I was able to meet students who inspired me, moved me, and challenged me to be better at my work. I'm indebted to all of you, and look forward to seeing you down the road, whether at concerts, games, community events, and beyond. Thanks for letting me be part of Hamburg Middle School; it's been an absolute honor.
Talk to you soon,
Tom Adams
Joy, Value, Connection Part I
HMS Turkey Trot 2024
Well it happened! We had our HMS Turkey Trot on Monday, November 25, and the weather cooperated! So did the trotters! It was a great morning; thanks to all who made it happen: staff from buildings and grounds, our athletic department, the HMS PTSA, all our HMS staff, Officer Blasz, and our pressbox team of Mrs. Achtyl, Mr. Day, and Mrs. Forrest. We hope our students enjoyed it as much as the adults did!
Our top three finishers in each grade:
6th grade girls : Delaney Kain, Abby King, Sarah Winter
6th grade boys: Declan Ashton, Lennox May, Liam Young
7th grade girls: Piper Masterson, Lily Davidson, Ella Sowinski
7th grade boys: Andrew Eustace, Gavin Bykowicz, Rory Day
8th grade girls: Francesca Persico, Audrey Logel, Gabby Bapst
8th grade boys: Tommy Herbert, Jacob Mason, Miles Aumer
HMS Welcomes the Scholastic Book Fair, December
It's almost time for the 37th Annual Scholastic Book Fair! Students will be visiting the book fair in the HMS Library between December 3 and 6 with one of their teachers. There will be a Family Night on Tuesday, December 3 from 6-7:30pm. Visit the library's webpage for more information. Students should check their email for an opportunity to win items off the fair!
Grades, "The Portal," and Communication
We are deep into the second quarter of the school year, and it's a great time to look at parent portal to see how you HMS student is doing in terms of grades. While not the end all and be all of the school experience, grades serve as important indicators of student success; taking a look now can only serve to help. If you're concerned about your HMS student's grades, be sure to contact their teachers to discuss ways to help at both school and home. We can arrange parent/teacher conferences as well; please consider reaching out. The staff directory can be accessed here, and parent portal can be accessed here.
News from HCSD Food Service
Get Ready for the HMS Spelling Bee!
This year's Spelling Bee will be on January 13, 2025 at 6:30pm, in the HMS Library.
HMS Students interested in participating in the 2025 Spelling Bee should sign up on the webpage, or in the library. The deadline to sign up is January 9. There will be an optional practice session after school on January 9. Students and parents/guardians will receive rules and word lists via email. Contact Mrs. Moelbert for more information. Thanks to the HMS PTSA for sponsoring this event!
Join Our Team!
Joy, Value and Connection, Part 2
News from SEPTSA
The Special Education PTSA, which is part of our HCSD PTSA, is hosting a holiday get together on December 4. It will be held in the Axis Room of Union Pleasant at 6:30pm. Hope to see you there!
HMS Clubs!
We want to continue to make you aware of our HMS clubs. Enrollment in many is rolling; just because you missed the first meeting doesn't mean you can't join! Here's the link to our club calendar.
Some Important Dates for the Month!
November 27-29 - Thanksgiving Recess - No School
November 30 - Village of Hamburg Holiday Parade, 11am
December 3 - Family Night for Scholastic Book Fair, 6-7:30pm at LMC
December 3 - Concert - Grades 7/8 Chorus and Orchestra at HMS, 7pm
December 4 - Concert - HMS / HHS Jazz at HHS, 7pm
December 5 - DC Parent Meeting, HMS Cafe, 7pm (option 1)
December 11 - DC Parent Meeting, HMS Cafe, 7pm (option 2)
December 13 - HMS School Dance (details to follow)
December 16 - Concert - Grade 6 Chorus, Orchestra, Band, 7pm
December 18 - Concert - Select Ensemble Winter Showcase, 7pm
December 19 - PTSA Meeting, 6pm in room 122
December 20 - Last School Day of 2024
December 21 - January 1 - Winter Break
January 2 - First Day back!
Late Bus / "Dog Pound"
Students stay after school at HMS for a number of reasons. They might have made arrangements with a teacher to stay after or they might be participating in a club. They might have a practice that starts at 3pm, and need a place to be. In cases like these, we change our cafeteria's name to the "Dog Pound." Think of it as a place for the Bulldogs to spend time after school while they wait for the late bus or for practice to start. Students should only go to the Dog Pound if they've stayed after with a teacher or if they're waiting for a coach.
Our late bus arrives at school at about 3:40, and the length of the ride home depends on the number of riders. Students are encouraged to call home to let someone know they're staying after.
The Dog Pound is supervised until the late bus arrives, so students should make other arrangements if they don't have an event until later.
HMS Yearbook
Mrs. Follett and her Yearbook club are ready to celebrate the 24-25 edition of HMS. Ordering information can be found here. You can order early at a reduced price as well.
Coming off an extremely successful Career Fair for our 7th grade, and PTECH presentation for our 8th graders, we're getting ready for High School Planning with our 8th graders. Look for that to begin towards the end of January. In addition, the counseling team is getting our visit to Erie I BOCES solidified where our 8th graders will see many of the offerings available to them at sites like Potter Road and the new Calspan facility.
We continue to work daily to help support the needs of our students, and we're so fortunate to work with them and you.
Thanks everyone, and don't hesitate to reach out!
Counseling Office:
716-646-3250 option 4
Jill Crossetta, A-G
Kelly Mulvey, H-O
Sean Vittum, P-Z
Social Workers
Jil Accurso
Wendy Castiglia (shared with AES)
Jackie Martin
Mrs. Jennifer Bauer is beginning our second month with the students and staff of HMS, and we couldn't be more fortunate. Contact her office with student health related questions at 716-646-3250, option 2, or email her at jbauer@hcsdk12.org
Keep in mind that any medications students are required to receive during the day must be provided to the health office in the appropriate container with the correct prescription from the health care provider.
Our HMS PTSA is a constant support of the work we do, and are vital to so much of the good that happens here. Mrs. Lynn Mason and Mrs. Molly Sowinski help lead this dynamic group.
Please consider joining this great team. You can become a member by accessing this link here.
Volunteer Training!
Opportunities for parents and guardians to volunteer/chaperone are in the works!
To volunteer for the 24-25 school year, please go to the FORM LIBRARY of your OPEROO account where you will find the volunteer instructions. These instructions include the link to the training along with information on registering for an account. This completed training is required every school year in order to be approved to volunteer or chaperone for HCSD.
Joy, Value and Connection, part 3
We're excited about all the good things to come this year. Thanks for being part of this journey with us. When we return from Thanksgiving break, we'll spend a week together and then comes the big event; we'll welcome Mr. Matt Lauer to our HMS world on December 9th! The three of us will work together until December 20th, and from there, Sue and Matt will take over. Mr. Lauer, we can't wait to have you here with us!
Take care everyone, and thanks. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Tom Adams
Sue Wilson
Assistant Principal
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Instagram at hamburg_middle_school