The Eagle Express
November 20, 2022
Important Dates
Mon., Nov. 21 - Fri., Nov. 25 - Thanksgiving Break - NO SCHOOL
Mon., Nov. 21 - Happy birthday, Mrs. Mejia!
Wed., Nov. 23 - Eat & Earn at Johnnie’s
Mon., Nov. 28 - Happy birthday, Mrs. Liles!
Tues., Nov. 29 - Spirit Tee Tues & 2pm Dismissal
Tues., Nov. 29 - Eat & Earn at Tucker’s Onion Burger (Quail)
Thurs., Dec. 1 - School mass - 8:15am
Tues., Dec. 6 - School Picture Retakes (new date)
Tues., Dec. 6 - Spirit Tee Tues & 2pm Dismissal
Check out the calendar on the school webpage for more
No School Next Week!
Holiday Shopping? Remember Our Toy Drive!
Christmas Music Program: Carols by Candlelight
Easy Volunteer Ops at Basketball Games
December Art Club Sign Up
Bedlam Results
Time & Talent Ops!
Volunteer During Basketball Season! - We will need help at the gym when CSSE hosts basketball games. We will need gym monitors, concession help, and scoreboard help. If anyone wants to volunteer they can email Dave Frame at or Aaron Hartman at Games start soon!
Volunteer in the Lunchroom - We need a few volunteers to cover a shift in the lunchroom once a week on Fridays. Volunteer will help pass out lunches, monitor students, and clean tables between lunch periods. See available dates and sign up to earn a couple of Time and Talent hours! Must have current Safe Environment.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd - We need volunteers for Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS)! In order to provide this beautiful Montessori-based approach to religious education, we need volunteers to assist teachers in the Atrium (you do not need to be a trained catechist) and to help prepare materials for the children. Materials making will take place at 9:30am Friday, Dec 16th in the Bride's Room of the CHURCH, Dec 16. More dates will be available beginning in January. Please contact Christie Ardoin if you can help in either capacity or for more information:
Eagle Excellence
Congrats to alumna Rebecca Horn who earned two state awards (2nd place) for her work on last year's BMCHS yearbook!
Have some good news to share about a student, alumni, or school family? We want to celebrate with you! Share your Eagle Excellence for inclusion in the EE!
CSSE Gratitude
The 8th grade class and families thank you for coming out to Turkey Bingo! It was a huge success with a fantastic turn out and fun for all!
Mrs. Hattaway sends a huge THANK YOU out to those who shopped, helped set up, and run the book fair this week, especially Peggy Dooley, Reem O’Donnell, Kathy O’Donnell, Jacob Sweis, & Mallory Marks. Teachers and parents, thank you for embracing your students’ excitement! It’s such a fun event that the kids and (let’s face it) many adults look forward to. Thank you for supporting literacy and your St. Eugene school library! The book fair will return in May 2023 with the debut of our first Literati Book Fair!
Have you been following our #cssegratitude posts on social media? Follow us on Facebook or Instagram to check out all the things that our CSSE students are thankful for this month!
News on Repeat
Uniform Sweatshirts - We have a few Flynn O’Hara sweatshirts left, and they are available first come, first served. They come in Youth Small, Medium and Large for $20. Adults sizes are Small, Medium, Large, X-Large for $24. Email Liz if you would like one:
Still Need Safe Environment? We still have a lot of people wanting to volunteer who have not completed Safe Environment. ALL ARCHDIOCESAN/PARISH/SCHOOL EMPLOYEES & ADULT VOLUNTEERS who have contact with minors or vulnerable adults must complete the new online Safe & Sacred Training (2020) including a background check. Until all steps have been completed in the online training portal, employees and volunteers may not serve at the parish/school or organization. Please complete this google form to send in your name and email address to Jennifer Goodrich so that she can send you information to begin the process! You must have updated SE if you plan on driving on field trips, being a homeroom parent, or coaching a team, etc.
Win-Win Tax Credit Opportunity!
CSSE received over $67,000 in tuition scholarships for students this past school year thanks to the OK Tax Credit Scholarship! When donors give to the scholarship fund, they receive a tax credit. In turn, they help a student receive a Catholic education at St. Eugene! This is vital to our mission to help all students receive a Catholic education if that is their wish. Father Jim and Mrs. Goldsworthy will be hosting an informational reception in the Rectory next week for anyone who wants to explore the advantages of contributing to our CSSE Tax Credit Scholarship program. CLICK HERE to learn more, make a donation or share with others who may be interested! Visit our school’s TCS website.
Parish News
Interested in growing in holiness together with your spouse and building a community of fellow Catholic families? Come hear more about the growing Domestic Church movement!
Advent Resources
Here are some resources for Advent for our families!
Holy Heroes Advent Adventure - Fun, faithful and free activities for ages 5 -12 for every day in Advent created by our friends at Holy Heroes. Learn more about this program at
Please Pray For...
Pray for our staff, students and their families. We are grateful to be back together at school, and pray that the school year is full of engaged learning, collaboration, patience, and love. | Please pray for the Benites family as they mourn the passing of Mr. Benites’ father. | Please pray for the mother of Mrs. Aleman as she recovers from surgery. | Please pray for the healing and comfort of Sasha, granddaughter of Mrs. Belva Neal.
If you would like to include something in the Prayer Requests section, please contact Kim Hattaway at
Quick Links
The Catholic School of St. Eugene
Location: 2400 West Hefner Road, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 72120
Phone: 4057510067