Word From The Woods
Bishop Woods School Newsletter - 6.6.21
Greetings Bishop Woods Families,
Welcome to the final stretch of the school year! Our staff will be working hard to keep your children engaged as we know they are itching for summer break! Please be sure to speak with your children about the importance of maintaining positive behaviors and following all school rules so they finish the year strong! If any work is missing, it should be turned in this week. Teachers are working on finalizing grades for marking period 4 and the school year.
8th grade parents...please be sure to check your email for detail regarding 8th grade events that are beginning this week. If you are in need of extra graduation tickets, the Google form is past due. We will not be accepting any further requests as of tomorrow.
We have so much to be proud of! Bishop Woods was so well represented at this year's district science fair, and so many students won awards! See below for a list of winners! Special thanks to Dr. Gersch for being our resident science guy, and leading this effort! Thank you also to the many staff that supported students with their projects!
In addition to science fair awardees, we also have several students that will be recognized this Wednesday evening, June 9th, at Fair Haven School! This district ceremony will be for students that have exited the English Language Learner program this year! There names are listed below. This is no easy feat, and requires passing some very rigorous tests! We are so proud of you!
Per district personnel, devices from all students must be collected before summer break. We will be collecting all devices AND CHARGERS from in person learners on Thursday, June 10th and Friday, June 11th. The schedule for remote learners to drop off devices AND CHARGERS is below. Your child's final report cards will not be issued until his/her device has been returned. All students will receive their existing device, or a new, upgraded device, upon the return to the 2021-2022 school year. This process needs to be done in order to conduct an inventory of our school's needs.
Remote student device & charger return schedule:
Monday, June 14, 1:00-2:30 pm
Tuesday, June 15, 9:00-11:00 am
Tuesday, June 15, 11:15-12:15 pm (8th grade only)
Wednesday, June 16, 5:00-7:00 pm
Tomorrow, Monday, June 7th, our May walk-a-thon winners will be celebrated with a victory lap around our building! Which grade will win for the month of May? We will find out tomorrow!
Our June PBIS Spirit Day will be this Friday, June 11th! Students should wear red, white and blue to show their school spirit! We will also be recognizing our overall PBIS awardees for the 2020-2021 school year on Friday!
Looking forward to a wonderful week ahead,
Mrs. Natalino
Monday, June 7th - Derrick G. (Grade 2), Ja'Shya N. (Grade 8), & Nehemiah S. (Grade K)
Tuesday, June 8th - Anaya A. (Grade 5), Trevon M. (Grade 4)
Wednesday, June 9th - Jaydon M. (Grade 6), Melanie H. (Paraprofessional)
Saturday, June 12th - Alvin G. (Grade 6), Jeremiah S. (Grade 7)
Congratulations Science Fair Winners!
We are so proud of the MANY science fair winners from Bishop Woods School! We are also proud of ALL of our students that participated in the Science Fair this year! Special thanks to Dr. Gersch for leading this effort, and to the many teachers that supported our student projects!
This year's district awardees are listed below:
1st Place - Makara A. (Grade 7) - Hot Lights
2nd Place - Cirenio A. (Grade 7), Kweku T. (Grade 7) - Seeing in the Dark
3rd Place - Zulaikha K. (Grade 8) - Edible Water Bottles
Special Award for Excellence in Environmental Research
3rd Place - Ms. Harrison's Class - 5 Second Rule
2nd Place - Ms. Garceau's Class - Save the Lighthouse
Honorable Mention - Ms. Stevens's Class - Tooth Decay
Honorable Mention - Andy Z. (Grade 7) - Destructive Interference
Honorable Mention - Kiara L. (Grade 8), Madison F. (Grade 8) - Sugar Rush
Special shout of to former Bishop Woods student Taylor B. (Class of 2020), who came in 3rd place, plus won two special monetary awards for her project! Go Bishop Woods Alumni!!!
ESL Exit Ceremony!
On Wednesday, June 9th, the following students will be celebrated for exiting the EL program~
Ruth J. and Freddie A. - Grade 8
Arielyz R.and Luis O. - Grade 7
Emilio P. (Grade 8) and Alexandra C. (Grade 7) - Honorable Mention
Special thanks to Ms. Schule and Ms. Holahan for all of their hard work and dedication to our EL population!
Messages of Gratitude & Inspiration! Raffle Prizes!!
Link to Padlet: https://padlet.com/monica_abbott/cv1ztgkrk4n27ldo
Link to Raffle Entry:
If you prefer, you can email the your positive stories or photos to: monica.abbott@new-haven.k12.ct.us #NHPSWeConnect
Let's show some positivity and have some raffle winners from Bishop Woods!
Summer of Fun!
Mr. Huckabey, Jermaine C. (Grade 5), Jermaine's grandma (Mrs. Cowan - Missing from photo), and I made it to the top of East Rock mountain last week during Superintendent Dr. Iline Tracey's Summer of Fun Challenge! As you know, one of our foci when we returned to school this year was health and wellness. Please continue to keep your child active this summer. We will be celebrating our May Walk-A-Thon victors tomorrow! Which grade will it be? Stay tuned to find out!
Summer School & Camp Opportunities
Mayor Elicker has also sent out a summer youth guide that is available at the following link...be sure to check out many great opportunities for your child this summer!
Lastly, one of our community partners is offering a limited number of Bishop Woods families scholarship funding to assist with paying for summer camp. If you are interested in this opportunity, please fill out the Google Form at the link below. Any questions can be directed to our school social worker, Mrs. Willis, at stephanie.willis@new-haven.k12.us.
Scholarship Form: https://forms.gle/LTrpQPEdjVtWCdfA7
Free Weekly Covid Testing
Our school has been selected to participate in the Increasing Community Access to Testing (ICATT) program. ICATT is providing screening testing coverage for teachers, staff, and students in communities to expand testing in schools. ICATT expands testing operations in schools to reduce COVID-19 disease spread, ensure that schools are safe environments for learning, and help schools stay open. Additional information on ICATT, can be found here: https://www.openandsafeschools.org/about
What is the COVID-19 testing program?
- Participating students/staff will be tested for COVID-19 once a week by the ICATT staff
- The test is performed at your school.
- The COVID-19 test is quick, easy and it does not hurt. (A nasal test gently swabs the lower inner nostril, and lab results are sent within 24 hours.)
- The test is free. You do not need to pay for the test or have insurance to get the test.
- The program is optional, but we hope you will participate to help us stop the spread of COVID-19.
To participate in the testing program, you need to sign a consent form for your child. You only need to sign up once for the weekly testing. Information will only be shared with the Department of Public Health and other departments if a student/staff tests positive in an individual test.
If you are interested in signing your child up for this VOLUNTARY program, please fill out consent form at the following link:
Gersch Grrrls Science You Tube Channel
Healthy & Safety Protocols
Student Absence Form:
Family Resource Padlet
Contact Information
Email: dina.natalino@nhboe.com
Website: bishopwoodsschool.com
Location: 1481 Quinnipiac Avenue, New Haven, CT, USA
Phone: 475-220-7300
Twitter: @BWoodsNewHaven