Centennial Connection Nov 12, 2023
An update for families from Centennial Public School
Dear Centennial Families -
This week we spent a lot of time thinking about what peace means, and reflecting on what remembrance means. Students and staff organized and participated in a special assembly to mark Remembrance Day on Thursday. Many thanks to the parents, guardians and community members who attended. All classes participated - some with art work, some with quiet attendance, some with poems and songs. Every class also had wreath bearers who laid a wreath on behalf of their class. It was a meaningful time of reflection and learning.
On Friday staff engaged in professional learning, particularly in the areas of literacy and numeracy. We looked at data, including EQAO, and dug into a variety of resources. Staff shared their expertise and experiences in small group and large group conversations. We are grateful for the support of both the literacy coach and numeracy facilitator who are connected with Centennial Public School as they support our teaching and learning.
EQAO results from last year went home with students now in Grade 4 earlier this week. Results for students who were in Grade 6 at Centennial last year will be sent home by Calvin Park PS (or where students now attend).
This coming week we will be cheering on the Boys Volleyball Team as they participate in the regional tournament on Wednesday. Thank you to the many coaches and supporters who have been practising with the athletes. Special thanks to coaches Ms Rosser and Mr Rayner.
Please mark your calendars for Wednesday November 25th. The School Council will be hosting a Family Movie Night - more details to come! As well, the next School Council meeting will take place tomorrow - Monday November 13th at 6:30pm. All parents/guardians are welcome to attend. Just a reminder that if you plan to attend and require childcare for school-aged children, please email councilcentennialps@gmail.com
This is the final week for the Dieleman's fundraising. Please consider supporting if you can! Orders are due on Friday. Also on Friday students will be bringing home their Progress Reports. Parents/guardians are welcome to contact teachers should you wish to discuss progress so far this term.
Some Centennial PS families have been struggling to find medical care as they don't have a primary care provider. Please note the new clinic in Kingston that is only for families who do not have a doctor. Hopefully this service will be helpful to some in the community.
We hope all families are having a terrific weekend! Happy Diwali to all families who are celebrating today!
- Deborah Thompson, Principal & Centennial PS Staff
Upcoming Dates
November is Indigenous Heritage Month, Hindu Heritage Month
Upcoming Events:
Monday November 13 - School Council - 6:30pm
Wednesday November 15 - Boys Volleyball Tournament at Boys & Girls Club
Wednesday November 15 - Loving Spoonful Workshop in Grade 6
Friday November 17 - Bus Safety Presentations for all classes today
Friday November 17 - Last Day for Dieleman's fundraising
Friday November 17 - Progress Reports go home today
Wednesday November 22nd - Movie Night by School Council - more details to come
Friday November 24 - Pink Shirt Day in the LDSB
Friday November 24 - Milkshake Day for those who order (Orders done on School Day)
Monday November 27th - Kindergarten classes to the Grand Theatre
Monday December 11th - Dielemans Arrives This Week
Friday December 22nd - Last day of school before December holidays
All classes are using UFLI as part of our structured literacy program
Hot Lunch - Orders Due by Sunday Noon
Once again this year we are using LunchBox to provide families with some options for hot lunch, should they wish to participate. Orders are due by NOON on Sunday for orders being delivered the following week. We are trying out pasta from Boston Pizza on Thursdays - please log in to see dates, costs and ordering information.
Just a reminder that should buses be cancelled, hot lunches are also cancelled and credit will be provided to account.
LunchBox is looking at more varied choices for hot lunches moving forward, and those will be reflected in the menu options, if it is possible.
To create an account and order hot lunches, use the guide below and linked here: Get The Guide
Beautiful bulletin boards at Centennial - thank you Ms Talisse!
A message about fundraising
We haved kicked off our largest annual fundraiser and we are hoping you can support if you are able to. The best way to share your fundraiser is by creating an online account. Out of town friends and family may shop using your participant ID which is emailed to you when you create an account. If you already have one just login and re-send your link out!
Browse the online shop for over 400 awesome products!
To register you will need:
Our Organization ID: 7947
Place Orders By: 11/17/2023
Thank you for your support!
PA Day - Learning Together to Support Student Learning & Achievement
School Council Dates
Please mark your calendars for the School Council meeting dates. Meeting begin at 6:30pm and are 90 minutes in length. Child care for school aged children is provided for those who register by the Sunday before. If you require childcare, please notify the council of your need by emailing councilcentennialps@gmail.com
All parents and guardians are welcome to attend!
Monday November 13th
Monday January 15th
Monday February 12th
Monday April 8th
Monday May 13th
Monday June 3rd
Did you know that a couple of times a month staff and parent volunteers work at the Play Gaming & Entertainment Centre as a way of raising funds for Centennial? Thank you volunteers!
Let's Talk Science Workshop in Kindergarten
We are a nut aware school!
Fun in Grade 1!
Check out the Pop Up in our neighbourhood!
What Do I Need To Bring? What Should Stay At Home?
All school supplies that students need for their learning and work will be provided by Centennial Public School. Sometimes students prefer to have their own pencil case with pencils/markers, but it is not a requirement.
Students do need to come to school with:
- Indoor, non-marking athletic type of shoes
- Water bottle with child's name clearly marked (we have bottle filling stations, not fountains)
- Nut-free snacks and lunch
Please label all items!
- items of value (sentimental or monetary)
- any kind of weapon (for example, a Swiss Army knife)
- any kind of toy that could be a replica weapon (for example, a toy gun)
- electronics of any kind
- jewelry
- make-up
- anything scented
- anything with nuts (please ensure all lunches and snacks are nut-free)
- toys, stuffies, Pokemon cards
Thank you for keeping these items at home. Sometimes a quick check of a backpack can ensure that treasures do not come to school. Thank you for understanding that we are not responsible for lost, broken or stolen personal items.
Lots of learning and fun in Kindergarten!
Attendance Matters
When children miss a day they miss important literacy and math learning, and can fall behind on lessons that build from day to day. Students who are regularly late, even if it is only 10 minutes, often miss critical reading instruction, which often happens first thing in the morning.
We know that children need to stay home when they are sick, and the rules for staying home have changed throughout the pandemic. The most recent guidelines on staying home can be found beneath the chart below. Please contact the school if you need support with attendance issues. Let's work together and get every student here every day!
School Day
Each returning family has a School Day account that you would have used last year. The user name and password you used last year continues to be active for this year.
Families new to Centennial will receive a paper information sheet this week with a unique user name and password (which you can change). Please keep this information handy as we use School Day for various permission forms, school trips, consents and payments.
Returning families who are not sure of their School Day information can contact the school office and a new form can be sent home to you.
Please note that we are not able to accept verbal or written permission generally and that School Day is to be used. Cash and cheques cannot be accepted at the school due to safe money handling procedures and as such, the much more secure method of School Day is used.
This platform may be new to some families (and to us too!) and we are here to work through the process together. Don't hesitate to reach out to the office if you are experiencing any challenges.
Safety in the Parking Lot
Please help to keep all students, staff and families safe by ensuring the parking lot remains for staff only, including at drop off and pick up. Thank you for your help!
Cell Phone Use
Should a student need to make contact with home throughout the day, they are welcome to let their teacher know and the school can either contact home or the student can use the phone in the main office.
We have devices at school such as ipads and chromebooks that are available for student learning, and as such, cell phones are not needed during the school day. At recess students play and have time for social interaction face to face.
Indigenous Self-Identification
Please see the link below for more information and to self identify, if you wish.
Oliver's Labels
Do you need a way to label your things that stay labelled? Do you need a way to show what's yours? Need a way to label your child's things so they don't get lost or mixed up? Support Centennial Public School Council by purchasing through the link. The school receives 20% of your purchase! All funds raised go to support School Council initiatives including student activities. Thank you!
Safe Arrival - How Do I Report An Absence?
How to report your absence:
1. Toll-free telephone
- Call 1-855-257-9349 toll-free to report an absence using the automated phone system.
2. School Messenger App
- Use your mobile device to download and install the free SchoolMessenger blue app from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store, the SchoolMessenger website portal, or from within the LDSB mobile app.
- The first time you use the app, you must select Sign Up to create your account. Please ensure you use the same email address your student’s school has on file. If you do not use that same email address, you will not be able to create an account, or may not be able to see the "Attendance" option. You may have already created an account when we introduced the Communicate broadcast system.
- Select Attendance, then select Report an Absence and follow the prompts.
- Visit the SchoolMessenger website portal.
- The first time you use the app, you must select Sign Up to create your account. Please ensure you use the same email address your student’s school has on file. If you do not use that same email address, you will not be able to create an account, or may not be able to see the "Attendance" option. You may have already created an account when we introduced the Communicate broadcast system.
- Select Attendance, then Report an Absence and follow the prompts.
Stay Up To Date!
Stay Up To Date! Please check the following regularly...
Centennial PS Twitter https://twitter.com/centennial_ldsb?lang=en
Centennial PS Website https://centennial.limestone.on.ca/
LDSB Website https://www.limestone.on.ca/
LDSB Twitter https://twitter.com/LimestoneDSB
LDSB Facebook https://tinyurl.com/wbhjtku
LDSB Instagram https://instagram.com/limestonedsb?igshid=1epyma6c0g5qd
Centennial Public School
"Show Up! Stand Up! Never Give Up!"
Email: cente@limestone.on.ca
Website: https://centennial.limestone.on.ca
Location: 120 Norman Rogers Dr, Kingston, ON K7M 2R2
Phone: 613.546.5517
Twitter: @Centennial_LDSB