Student/ Family Handbook
Woodard Elementary School 24-25
Welcome to Woodard!
Wildcat Rules
At Woodard, we show “Paw Power” by remembering the following:
P- Polite and Respectful
A-Act Responsibly
W- Work Hard
S- Stay Safe
Medical Information
Lunch Information
Please make sure your child knows his/her lunch number. The Food Service Department has a picture of the keypad on social media. No outside food is allowed. Lunch money can be sent to school in a labeled envelope, or you can put money directly into your child’s lunch account online.
Please check your child’s folder/ notebook daily.
Keep up with notifications on Class Dojo or Remind, or social media.
Look for newsletters coming home.
Monitor your child’s classwork and homework.
Reinforce skills being taught at school.
Attend Parent/ Teacher conferences.
Have your child READ at home and limit screen time!
Please send a note to notify us of any changes in transportation.
Car Riders- Please be sure you have a green car rider tag for this school year.
Morning Car Riders- Our line starts at 7:30 AM. Children need to exit from the RIGHT side of the car. If this is not possible, please park and use the crosswalk. It is not safe to exit on the left side of the car. Parents should remain in the car. A staff member will help students who struggle with car seats and doors.
Afternoon Car Riders- Due to safety concerns of people on campus during the school day, please do not arrive for car rider line before 2:15. In the afternoon, please step outside your car and make sure your child sees you. When in line, be sure phones are down and heads are up. It is against the law to be on your phone in a school zone.
Bus Riders- Please remind your children to stay seated on the bus and to use a calm voice. Most of our discipline write-ups are a result of unsafe behavior on our buses.
SAFETY Is our priority!
Protecting Instructional Time
Make sure students have needed items for each school day.
Ensure that students arrive on time and are in classrooms by 8:15 to begin the day.
If eating breakfast in the cafeteria, be sure students are at school before 8:00 to finish eating before our day begins.
Try to schedule appointments after the school day has ended.
Plan family vacations on scheduled school breaks.
Meet your child in the lobby when having lunch with them and say “good-bye” at the cafeteria.
Avoid early dismissal whenever possible.
Contact Us
Communication is so important at Woodard. Our goal is for all families to be active participants in the education of our Wildcats. Please contact us any time you have questions/ or concerns.
Woodard Elementary School
207 Rutherford Lane
Columbia, TN 38401