JAGWire August 10th
Jones Middle School Newsletter
Happy New School Year!
Dear JMS Families,
As we finish our first full week of school, I want to take a moment to express my genuine excitement and enthusiasm for this school year! Our primary focus will continue to center around your child's holistic development, ensuring a safe, inclusive, and stimulating atmosphere for optimal learning.
With the unexpected increase in our student enrollment, we are closely monitoring our class sizes and making tweaks in our day-to-day routines to maintain order and safety. For example, students rotate weekly into the cafeteria for lunch. When not in the cafeteria students eat lunch with their class in their classroom or outside enjoying the summertime weather. We have also adjusted our master schedule to include Jag Time every day. This is time we use to build relationships between students and teachers and to plan lessons based on student diagnostic data.
Our amazing staff is committed to maintaining effective communication, inspiring academic programs, and meaningful extra-curricular opportunities to meet the diverse needs of every student. Please keep an eye out for upcoming family engagement events and opportunities to hear about our shared vision and goals. We are looking forward to an unforgettable school year!
Announcements & Reminders
Apply here and contact Erin Gomez for more information.
Interested in joining the 2023-24 Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council?
Gwinnett County Public Schools Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council (SSAC) is a unique opportunity for middle and high school students to share their feedback, school experiences, and perspectives on various issues affecting students, schools, and communities with Superintendent Dr. Calvin J. Watts.
Through the council, students are able to voice their ideas, share suggestions for improving our schools and our district, act as thought partners as they connect with fellow students, and build their leadership capacity alongside students with whom they may not otherwise work alongside.
Interested in Applying for the 2023-24 SSAC? The application for the 2023-24 SSAC will be available in the Student Portal from August 9-27, 2023.
Questions? Please email: Melissa.Laramie@gcpsk12.org
Gwinnett Parent Portal
The Parent Portal is our primary communication tool. Here you can find information about grades, teacher correspondence, assessment data, transportation, attendance, etc in real time. Please be sure you know your username and password before the year starts. Our recommendation is to check the Parent Portal once a week.
If you currently do not have a Parent Portal account, use this link to request one.
2023-2024 Traffic Pattern
Car Rider drop off & pick up will follow the BLUE pattern. Car Rider drop off begins at 8:50 AM
Car Riders
Traffic is a challenge given our physical design, traffic on Ridge Rd, and the number of cars dropping off students in the mornings and pick up in the afternoons so allow yourself enough time to navigate our procedures. Thank you in advance for familiarizing yourself with the plan to ensure an efficient and safe drop off for all students.
In the mornings:
- If your child is attending study hall, tutoring, intramurals, or any other club/activity, they may be dropped off between 7:50am-8:15am. Drop off is on the side of the building at the cafeteria doors. There is no student entry through the front doors until 8:50am.
- Any student that arrives between 8:15 - 8:50am must remain in their vehicle until the 8:50am bell.
- Pull up to the drop off sign before letting your child out of the car in the mornings.
- Be sure your child is prepared to quickly exit the car when you come to a complete stop.
- Only turn right out of the parking lot to keep traffic moving.
- Only let your child out of the car in our designated locations for drop off (not the parking lot).
- After 9:20am, please park and check your child in tardy.
In the afternoons:
- Students will be dismissed at 4pm and will exit through the front doors and will be supervised by adults.
- Communicate with your child at 4pm where you are in the car rider line.
- Pull all the way forward before stopping to let your child in your vehicle.
- Only turn right out of the driveway.
- Students may be picked up at Zion Hill Baptist Church or Ivy Creek Elementary School. We have adults who escort/supervise students until they are off campus safely.
Thank you for your support and cooperation to maintain order and make drop off and pick up as smooth as possible for everyone.
Free and Reduced Lunch Applications - Required Every Year
Be sure to complete the Free and Reduced Lunch application. Families need to apply every year. The online application for the 23-24 school year will be available Tuesday, July 18, at www.gwinnett.schoollunchapp.com
One application per household - Be sure to list everyone that lives under the same roof. Eligibility is determined by the household size to income ratio. Once approved, eligibility is good for the entire school year. There is no reason to submit more than one application unless there is a change in household size or income.
The application doesn't just cover free or reduced lunch for your student but also may also qualify them to receive free SAT, ACT, and AP testing. As well as potential discounts on college application fees and certain utility bills.
Welcome JMS Parents & Guardians,
It is hard to believe, but another school year is well underway. We are looking forward to working at Jones Middle School this year as we once again meet some familiar faces, as well as some new ones. We would like to share some of the programs our JMS counseling department has to offer. Each year individual and small group services are available for all students, as well as classroom lessons, small groups, etc. These services promote personal and social growth, which in turn promote social- emotional resilience and increase academic success for all of our scholars!
Over the next few weeks, your students will have the opportunity to attend a "Meet Your Counselor" session. The students will have a chance to hear more about how we support them, they will learn stress-relieving strategies and ways to contact us when needed.
Thanks for working with us! We are delighted to be a part of your student's academic success and we are here to provide a caring supportive environment to help them grow socially and emotionally.
Welcome To Jones Middle School!
Your JMS School Counseling Team- 23-24SY
Shena Manning, 6th
Nathan Shope, 7th
Ashley White, 8th
Ashley Collins- Counseling Intern
Here are some resources from our counselors
Brainstorm: The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain: An Inside-Out Guide to the Emerging Adolescent Mind, Ages 12-24
Daniel J. Siegel
Dr. Siegel is a leading expert in brain science. This book sheds light on the often misunderstood yet critical time in a child’s life in which they straddle childhood and adulthood but don’t fit squarely in either phase. Siegel characterizes the teen years as the most powerful life phase for activating courage, purpose and creativity. He creates empathy for the teenage experience and helps parents understand how to work with and support the teens in their lives.
Jag Time
Media Center
Book Bistro Reading Challenge
Students who read 4 book during Quarter 1 will qualify for Game Day in the Media Center.
Books can be fiction or nonfiction and should be a minimum of 150 pages.
One book can be a graphic novel (no page limit).
Students should record the books in their Beanstack digital reading log to qualify.
See the Media Center website for more details: https://www.gcpsk12.org/Page/8862
Summer Reading Challenge
Screen Time Balance
Yes, we know that too much screen time is bad for our kids and for adults. Yes, we know that reading is better for the brain and for social development. But let's face it, screens (particularly smart phones) are here to stay, so how can we help our tweens and teens find a digital balance that doesn't result in a family battle? Common Sense Media suggested creating screen-free times and zones by limiting screens in bedrooms and at the dinner table. Help your child find a balance with other screen-free activities such as playing with friends and sports. Finally, CyberLegends.com recommends parents invite their children to contribute ideas on how they can earn their screen time. For example, if they walk the dog for 30 minutes, do their homework or read for 30 minutes, they earn equal screen time. Consistency and giving your child a voice are probably the two most important keys to creating better digital balance for your child.
Congratulations to the 200 students who completed the Jones Summer Reading Challenge!
These students will earn a sweet treat and participate in the Summer Reading Celebration on August 24th as well as be eligible for some awesome prizes sponsored by the Media Center Book Fair and a generous contribution from the Jones PTSA.
PBIS At Home
Students + Parents + School Connection= Positive PBIS
Parents can use PBIS tips at home too!
JMS Events
JMS Clubs & Activities
Seckinger Activities
Athletic Events
- Only Seckinger HS students and opposing HS students will be permitted in games without a parent. High School IDs will be checked.
- Students must leave school on game day and can return thirty minutes before the start.
- All games are available for purchase online. Visit the GoFan website here: https://gofan.co/
- All elementary and middle school students must be accompanied by an adult at all sporting events.
- Please click here to access the head coach's directory and email the coach for more information.
Gwinnett County Activity Calendar
We are excited to announce that our school district has adopted a new form of school-to-home communication called ParentSquare. This unified communications platform is designed to keep parents and guardians informed and encourage greater engagement and connection with your child’s school and Gwinnett County Public Schools.
ParentSquare provides a safe way for district administrators, school principals, teachers, staff, and parents to receive and send information, such as:
- Weather-related closings & delays
- School and class information
- Share pictures and files
- See calendar items
- Upcoming class activities
District and school information will now be sent to your computer or phone via email and/or text via ParentSquare. For even more convenience, download the ParentSquare app (available for free for iOS and Android devices). Please note that some schools and teachers may still use other district-approved tools for the 2023-2024 school year to communicate with their families.
If you received our notification about ParentSquare and you have questions about confirming your account access, please send an email to PSQHelp@gcpsk12.org.
Connect with us!
We offer multiple ways to connect with our staff and administrators to address your questions regarding your child's needs and interests.
Quick Access Links
24/7 Access Give You
- Student cafeteria balances and purchase history
- Prepayments for breakfast/lunch, with auto-pay capability
- Low balance e-mail reminders
- AP exam registration and payment
- Online open house and orientation
- Summer school registration and payment
- Other fees and activities such as yearbooks, uniforms, field trips and more!
24/7 Access Gives you
- Grades & assignments
- Communication with teachers
- A direct line to the classroom, with 24/7 real-time information
- Anytime, anywhere access
- In-portal translation in multiple languages
Not Registered?
Download this form. Bring it to the front office with an ID or email your information to lori.pirkle@gcpsk12.org
24/7 Access Gives You
- Student academic support
- Counselor website
- Bus passes
- Absent excuse notes
- Testing information
- Parent Newsletter
- School events & activity calendar