BIRCH Friday News!
December 6th
Such fun for students at the CU Game!
It was so much fun to cheer the CU Women's Basketball team on to victory on Tuesday. We owe a huge shout out to CU Athletics who sent us in style in luxury charter buses! Wow! It was a total treat to see the kiddos delight in seeing the CU Robotics perform the half time show. They even had robot dogs! Go Buffs!!
Congratulations to:
Elison Velasquez, River Rike, Ella Lucci, Olivia Deren, Magnolia Carmichael, Cal Kessler-Hoelzel, Fiona McClain, Maylee Mandelosi, Nick Trefren, Aurelia Lever, Emma Robertson, Karcyn Amador, Carter Bevens, Michael Carter, Amelia Montoya, Isabel Fraire Arellano, Steven Kelly, Xamion Barela, Subarna Pokhrel
We are so grateful for your help in feeding families and fueling hope in Broomfield! We truly appreciate Birch Elementary's thoughtful contribution to FISH of 580 pounds of food on November 22, 2024. Thank you for caring for the community and supporting our neighbors in need!
The high cost of living and the impact of inflation have made it even harder for low-income residents to make ends meet. In 2023, we served more than 13,000 unduplicated residents and distributed more than 1.5 million pounds of food! As a Family Resource Center, our goal at FISH is to make sure that everyone has food to eat and a safe, stable home.
FISH SUCCESS STORY: : “ Sometimes everyone needs a little help with getting the simple basics of food. If you live in Broomfield and need a little food to get you by, go to FISH. No judgment, just people wanting to help people get food. They have other things to offer besides food but a simple meal can go a long way. Thank you, FISH ."
Please know that you have made a real difference in the lives of your neighbors. As a volunteer-powered nonprofit, FISH is able to help our neighbors because of supporters like you. We can’t thank you enough for your generosity and are proud to call you part of our donor family!
With deep gratitude,
Dayna Scott, Executive Director
Broomfield FISH
🌟 Get Ready for Our 1st Annual Birch Winter Market! ❄️
The Birch PTO is thrilled to host the 1st Annual Birch Winter Market—a festive event filled with holiday cheer, local vendors, crafts, and community fun! Join us as we celebrate the season with unique gifts, delicious treats, and activities for all ages. It's the perfect opportunity to support local businesses and make magical memories with friends and family.
For Birch Elementary's Community, please use the code commed24 to purchase $9.25 ticket (fee and tax included), and tickets can be purchased HERE
Please also see the step by step instructions below to apply this passcode, and some screenshots just in case:
1) Select the desired performance date/time
2) On the top right corner, click on “Special Passcode” (the code is commed24)
3) Select the seats below
4) Scroll down to “2.Tickets” and use the dropdown menu to select the $8.00 CommEd Partner ticket)
📣 Lost and Found Reminder! 🧥👟
Our Lost and Found is overflowing! Please take a moment to check for any missing jackets, water bottles, lunchboxes, or other items. All unclaimed items will be donated after December 20th.
Encourage your child to look through the Lost and Found before winter break—you never know what treasures might be hiding there!
Let’s work together to clear the clutter and ensure everyone’s belongings find their way home. Thank you! 🌟
Eco-Cycle’s Zero Waste Holiday Guide
Did you know Americans create 25% more trash during the winter holidays? But we don’t have to! Eco-Cycle’s Zero Waste Holiday Guide will help you have a more meaningful, waste-free holiday season. It includes waste reduction advice, green giving ideas, alternatives to wrapping paper, and more!
Friday, Nov. 1 through Wednesday, January 8
The Boulder Valley School District begins accepting applications for open enrollment on Friday, Nov. 1, 2024 through Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2025. Due to the lottery process, families have equal possibilities of getting their school of choice, as long as it is during the window. Lottery results will be sent on or about Jan. 10.
FRIDAY-November 15th 10am-11am
MONDAY-December 9th 10am-11am
- Birch Winter Craft Fair-Saturday, December 7th 11am-4pm
- Open Enrollment Talk & Tour-Monday, December 9th 10am-11am
- Dinner Night Out-CHOP SHOP-Tuesday, December 10th
- 5th Grade Instrumental Music Concert-Monday, December 16th @ 8:10am
- Dental Clinic-Wednesday, December 18th @ BIRCH
- Winter Break NO SCHOOL-Monday, December 23rd-Tueday, December 31st
- Winter Break Continued-NO SCHOOL-Wednesday, January 1st-Friday January 3rd
- District Professional Development Day-NO SCHOOL-Monday, January 6th
- Martin Luther King Jr. Day-NO SCHOOL-Monday, January 20th
Birch Elementary
Counselor-Emily Tweten
Office Manager-Kristy Shanks
Registrar-Mary O'Brien
Health Assistant-Carol Bristow
Website: https://bie.bvsd.org/
Location: 1035 Birch Street, Broomfield, CO, USA
Phone: 720-561-8800