Veterans Day Monday

#lifeisaballinthe210 and #ivebeendraftedbyhjh
This Week @ HJHS
Washington DC - National Blue Ribbon Schools Presentation
Principal Harvell, Principal Hayes, and Angela Boyd, Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction accept the National Blue Ribbon Schools Award in Washington D.C.
October Perfect Attendance Winners
HJHS Art Students Create Tim Burton Inspired Self-Portraits
One Act Play Cast and Crew
HJHS Mock Elections for Election Day
October 2024 Teacher of the Month - Travis Epling
November 2024 Teacher of the Month - Coach Rodriguez
Homerun Hero of the Week
Danuta Jackson
Homerun Heroes are voted on by the staff. This week's Homerun Hero was Ms. Jackson.
Home Run Hero
Here is what our staff had to say about Ms. Jackson-
She is doing an amazing job stepping into the teacher role. She had her students participate in the election. The students were provided background knowledge of the candidates. The students had discussions about the candidates. Her classroom is a great welcoming learning environment not only for students but also staff.
Jackson is doing an Awesome job, really Love working with her and also she's starting to say GOOD MORNING...and I Love It; Also she’s not a hugger but one of our students is making her hug him everyday....#CountItAllJoy:}
She has done a great job in stepping into her role as a teacher. Love the fact that she wants to see her students be successful in their learning and that she pushes them to learn.
She is jumping into her new role with so much energy. She wants what is best for her students and is starting an amazing year!
HJHS Leadership Team
Principal: Patrick Harvell
Assistant Principal: Jamie Stepp
Instructional Coach: Melissa Brake
Counselor: Lacey Tadlock
The U.S. Department of Education named Hillsboro Junior High School (HJHS) a 2024 National Blue Ribbon School!!
HJHS is one of 356 campuses selected across the country.
This prestigious recognition highlights campuses that excel in academic performance and serve as models of effective and innovative practices for educators across the nation.
We are SO PROUD of our students, educators, and staff members who contributed to the achievement of this award. Earning a National Blue Ribbon Award is an honor for our entire community.
Please follow this link to view the announcement video: https://buff.ly/2XEbzF9
or this link to view HJH's awards webpage: https://buff.ly/3XSLaPU.