Woven Words
Florida Alpha Delta Kappa Vol 1 August 2024
President Message
As we see the Summer come to an end for our Alpha Delta Kappa teachers, we close the book on vacations, sleeping late, and eating whenever we want! Teachers are blessed with this break to renew, refresh, and reset their lives.
My wish for all of you, whether working or retired, is to enjoy the smell of a box of new crayons, buy a new "first day of school" outfit, and watch the buses full of children as they travel to and from school.
I look forward to traveling to your District and seeing many of you at Leadership Seminar this fall. Make connections with those in your school and community and invite them to learn about Alpha Delta Kappa.
As we navigate our individual paths, let us remember that the threads we weave with others are the ones that give our tapestry its depth, its color, and its meaning.
ZOOM Officer Training
August 3, 2024 Chaplain-11:00 am Eastern Time
August 10 and 17, 2024 Treasurer and President Elect-
9:00 am Eastern Time
Membership and President-
10:30 am Eastern Time
Sergeant @ Arms, Secretary, and Historian-
12:00 pm Eastern Time
Meetings will last no more than 1 hour and 15 minutes.
The ZOOM link will be sent two days prior to the meeting (Thursday). The link will be the same for all of the meetings on the scheduled day.
Treasurer's Cash Flow (formerly C-1) is due!
Due August 30th, the Cash Flow (formerly C-1), Annual Chapter Treasurer's Report is due to International. This form is found on the International Website:
Members Only Tab>Resource Library>Chapter Officers>Financial Forms (bottom, right column)
Have you sent your chapter budget to State Treasurer, Missy Decker?
State Leadership Seminar for Members and Committees
October 5, 2024
We will be back at College Road Baptist Church for State Leadership. The cost will be $10 per person. There will not be a fee for Ways and Means. However, we will have a limited number of half tables. The registration form is attached.
The Equus Inn has given us the following rates:
King Suite/Double Queen Suite $119.00
King Standard $105.00
2 Queen Standard $109.00
Rooms must be booked prior to September 20, 2024. The rate is not guaranteed after this date. You may call the front desk at 352-854-3200 to reserve your room or follow the link below.
Wear for favorite Alpha Delta Kappa shirt to the meeting! Show your Florida spirit.
From Denise Fenicle, President Elect
Our state altruistic project for this biennium is Pace Center for Girls. Pace is a non-profit organization that provides academic classes, counseling, and social services to middle and high school girls. The mission of Pace is to provide girls and young women an opportunity for a better future through education, counseling, training, and advocacy. There are 23 Pace Centers in Florida. Visit pacecenter.org for additional information.
If your chapter does not have a designated President-Elect or Vice President, please send me the name and email address of a point of contact for your chapter that I may use for any information I need to send. Otherwise, I will send any correspondence to your Chapter President. You can email me at denisefenicle@aol.com. Thank you.
Membership Moment, Paula Byrd, VPM
I hope all Chapter Membership Chairmen have registered for the ZOOM training. You can choose from Aug. 10 or Aug. 17, both at 10:30 a.m. Eastern Time. The same information will be presented at each session; there isn’t any need to do both. A lot of information was shared in the July “Weavings” Membership Newsletter. If you aren’t receiving this newsletter, please email me your correct email address. If your chapter doesn’t have a Membership Chairman, I’ll send the newsletter to the President.
Important things to do:
Update your chapter roster in the International Directory. Make sure that all member email
addresses are correct. Here is the pathway to instructions :
www.alphadeltakappa.org>Members Only>Tutorials>Adding or Updating member email
Threads of Information
- Congrautions also goes to Beta Psi, District II, a Seven Pearl Chapter! They were not recognized in the previous newsletter announcement.
- District Meeting Updates: DIV 10/18/2025 (not 11/18) and DVII no meeting on 4/26/2025 but will meet on 10/25/2025.
- Chapter minutes should be sent to Debbie King, PCCP and chapter newsletters should be sent to Caroline Gilmore.
- Ask your chapter members if they are getting International and State emails. It's important that everyone see Alpha Delta Kappa news and happenings!
Chapter Officer Duties
FL Executive Board
Membership Service Award
Gulf President Lottie
Threads of Happiness
- Congratulations on the merger of DII, Gamma Gamma and Alpha Nu
- Gamma Chi, reinstatement of Julie Pitts
Threads of Concern
- Alpha-Beverly Reinschmidt-recovery
- Fidelis Nu-Charlotte Schipman-surgery
- Beta Xi-Susan Vincent-recovery
Threads of Saddness
- Gamma Gamma-loss of member, Patty Swann
- Gamma Omicron-Lisa Schuerholz-Winters, loss of husband
- August 3rd-ONLY Chaplain ZOOM Training
- August 10th and 17th - Chapter Officer Training via ZOOM
- 9/21 - District III
- 10/5 - State Leadership Seminar, Ocala
- 10/12 - District I
- 10/19 - District II, District IV, and District VII
- 10/26 - District V and District VI
- 1/25 - State Leadership Seminar, Ocala
- 2/22 - District II
- 3/1 - District I
- 4/5 - District VI
- July 10-13 International Convention, Austin, TX
Caroline Gilmore
Denise Fenicle
Liz Lilly
Paula Byrd
Audrey Reali
Jacqueline Jackson
Debbie Garrison
Missy Decker
Mary Roach
Gulf Region 2024-2026
Debbie King
President of the Council of Chapter Presidents
4037 Meander Place #102
Rockledge, FL 32955