Principal e-Note
Concord Elementary School - Sept 22, 2024 (Week 6)
A Note From the Principal
Concord Families,
We are excited to share that we will be featuring student collections in our Concord lobby display cases! Student collections can showcase anything from Lego figures, to books, to craft creations... the possibilities are endless! We hope this builds some community and fosters student belonging. If your child is interested, click the Concord Collections Application for more details and to apply!
Yours in Education,
Brian and Liz
Important Dates
September 2024
September 27- No School
October 2024
Sept.30-Oct. 4 Spirit Week for LHS Homecoming
October 3 - Local Farmer’s Tasting during lunch for students
October 9 - 75th Anniversary Open House 5:45-6:45 pm
October 9 - PTG meeting and Dr. Lake Listening and Learning 7:00 pm
Oct. 14-18 - Unity Week
October 17 - Fall parties 2:00-3:00
October 18 - PL Day No School
October 20- PTG Trunk or Treat 5:00-6:00
October 31 - End of Trimester 1
2024-25 School Year Calendar
For a full list of dates, please click on the 2024-25 District Calendar, which is linked below.
Counselor Corner
Dear Concord Families,
I hope this message finds you well! Last week, we wrapped up our "Who is Your School Counselor?" lesson, and it was a joy to reconnect with our K-5 students!
This week, we’re excited to dive into our counseling lessons for Kindergarten and First Grade. Our Kindergartners will explore the concept of Whole Body Listening, learning how to engage not just their ears but their entire selves to create a focused and supportive learning environment. First Graders will discover the importance of making responsible choices, emphasizing that they have the power to influence the outcomes of their decisions.
Thank you for your ongoing support as we work together to foster a positive and nurturing school community!
~Rachel and Gina
What's for Lunch
Monday, Sept 23
Breakfast - blueberry muffin or cereal
Lunch - Choice 1 Turkey hot dog Choice 2 Sun butter & jelly
Tuesday, Sept 24
Breakfast- donut holes or cereal
Lunch - Choice 1 Cheesy chicken flour tacos Choice 2 Cheese quesadilla
Wednesday, Sept 25
Breakfast - biscuit & gravy or cereal
Lunch - Choice 1 Chicken sliders on Hawaiian roll Choice 2 Veggie ranch wrap
Thursday, Sept 26
Breakfast - berry parfait or cereal
Lunch - Choice 1: Cheese burger Choice 2: Bosco sticks
Friday, Sept 27: NO SCHOOL
PTG News
District News and Notes
Social-Emotional Screeners 2024-25
Lindbergh Schools will administer the Social, Academic, Emotional, Behavior Risk Screener (SAEBRS) survey two times this year. The upcoming screening window begins on Oct. 1.
This building-wide social-emotional learning (SEL) screening survey serves two purposes:
SEL Screening helps the district to evaluate the effectiveness of district-level mental health and social and emotional programming.
SEL screening identifies areas of strengths and needs for individual students in grades K-12.
More about the SAEBRS SEL Screening Survey:
There are two components to the K-5 SAEBRS survey:
Teacher observation risk-rating scale (referred to as SAEBRS)
Student-rater screening survey (referred to as mySAEBRS).
SAEBRS is a 19-item rating scale completed by the classroom teacher and based on teacher observations. It is used to help monitor student strengths and areas of concern. This will be completed by all teachers in grades K-5.
mySAEBRS is a 20-item student-rater screening tool. Students respond to computer-based questions aligned to social, academic, and emotional behaviors. This will be administered only in grades 3-5.
Both SAEBRS and mySAEBRS screen for strengths and areas of concern aligned to the following domains:
Social Development: Students’ ability to understand social norms, empathize, and understand the perspectives of others.
Academic Development: Skills necessary for students to be prepared for, participate in and benefit from academic instruction.
Emotional Development: Students’ ability to regulate internal states, adapt to change and respond to stressful or challenging events.
This document includes sample screening questions on the mySAEBRS and SAEBRS screening surveys.
If you would like more information regarding the importance of SEL screening surveys or you would like to opt your child(ren) out of the 2024-25 SAEBRS survey, click here. You will need to complete an opt-out form for each child enrolled in the district.
Varsity Tutors: Free Access for Missouri Families
The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) is providing free access to the Varsity Tutors platform to all Missouri school districts until June 2030. Varsity Tutors is a Missouri-based program that provides online tutoring intervention. Students can access the resources below during class (if applicable) and/or independently at home throughout the school year and even during the summer.
Varsity Tutors is not a replacement for required Lindbergh curricula, teacher support, or assessments. It is a supplemental tool that students and families can independently access at home if they so choose. Learn More: Varsity Tutors Overview
Students log into Varsity Tutors through their Clever account. There is no obligation that students use this tool, but we want to make sure families know about this program and can explore its potential to assist with homework, essay review, intervention, ACT/SAT preparation, and/or enrichment supports.
Please contact your building administration with any questions. You can also contact Dr. Jill Lawson, Executive Director of Assessment and Student Services, at jlawson@lindberghschools.ws or 314-729-2400, ext. 8644.
Consequences of Hoax School Threats
Due to an uptick of hoax threats in our area, the FBI St. Louis Field Office is reminding the public of the consequences of making a hoax threat against a school or other public place.
Issuing a threat—even over social media, via text message, or through e-mail—is a federal crime. Those who post or send these threats can receive up to five years in federal prison, or they can face state or local charges.
In addition to consequences for individuals who issue threats, there is also a significant societal cost. Schools and law enforcement agencies have limited resources, and responding to hoax threats diverts officers and disrupts student learning. The threats can also cause severe emotional distress to students, school personnel, and parents.
What Should I Do?
Don’t ever post or send any hoax threats online … period.
If you are a target of an online threat, alert your local law enforcement immediately.
If you see a threat of violence posted on social media, immediately contact local law enforcement or your local FBI office.
Members of the public can always submit a tip to the FBI at tips.fbi.gov.
Courage2Report Missouri is another option to make an anonymous tip. Report online or call 1-866-748-7047, or text “C2R” to 738477.
Notify authorities but don’t share or forward the threat until law enforcement has had a chance to investigate—this can spread misinformation and cause panic.
If you are a parent or family member, know that some young people post these threats online as a cry for attention or as a way to get revenge or exert control. Talk to your child about the proper outlet for their stress or other emotions, and explain the importance of responsible social media use and the consequences of posting hoax threats.
How to Set Meal Purchase Limits for Your Student
Did you know? Parents can email foodservice@lindberghschools.ws to block ala carte purchases and set limits for their student, including:
Blocking ala carte purchases. This prevents students from buying snacks in addition to their daily meal, or from purchasing additional cartons of milk.
Setting a daily purchase limit. The “Single Purchasable Restriction” option allows parents and guardians to set a daily limit for how much money their student can spend.
These limits only apply to purchases that are made through the student’s electronic nutrition account. All limits and blocks remain in effect until a parent or guardian requests in writing that the account be changed.
Lindbergh 75th Anniversary Events: Sperreng Color Run!
10 a.m.-12 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 12
Sperreng Middle School is hosting a family-friendly fun run for the entire community, in celebration of the Lindbergh Schools 75th Anniversary! All Lindbergh students are invited to participate in a one-mile color run with treats and music! Registration is required. Register by Sept. 20 to guarantee a T-shirt! For more information and to register, click here.
Throughout October, schools across our district will host events to celebrate 75 years of Lindbergh. Watch future e-notes for more information, or visit go.lindberghschools.ws/75Years.
SSD Family Academy
Special School District of St. Louis County is sponsoring a Family Academy fair for school districts in the south St. Louis region, from 9 a.m.-12 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 28, at Southview School, 11660 Eddie and Park Road. This event will include fun learning, community vendors, and interactive classes on a variety of topics. Learn more at www.ssdmo.org/FamilyAcademy.
Sunday Night Lights - Celebrating 15 Years!
Sunday Night Lights is celebrating 15 years in the Lindbergh Community, and the entire Lindbergh community is invited to help fill the stands and cheer on children who have braved the journey of a serious childhood disease on Sunday, Oct. 13.
Do you know a hero who would like to experience a night under the lights? To register a child or learn how you can support this event, please visit https://www.snlheroes.org/.
Love to Read? Stories to Service Needs Volunteers for Book Selection Committee!
Love to Read? Stories to Service Needs Volunteers for Book Selection Committee!
“From Stories to Service” is returning in fall 2024, and we are looking for volunteers to read and select books for consideration. Volunteers will be responsible for reading and completing a short evaluation of 15-20 picture books, and attending a committee meeting in late September.
“From Stories to Service” is an opportunity for community members to read with students and support service learning, with a culminating event to bring our community together. This year’s theme is “Intergenerational Relationships.”
Contact Information
Mr. Moeckel, Principal
Mrs. Keutzer, Asst. Principal
Faith Rose, SSD Area Coordinator
Mrs. Herrman
Mrs. Niebur
Nurse Sanders
Concord Elementary School
Email: concord@lindberghschools.ws
Website: go.lindberghschools.ws/concord
Location: 10305 Concord School Rd, Sappington, MO, USA
Phone: 314-729-2436
Facebook: facebook.com/ConcordFlyers