NES Eagle Update
Week #5 September 25-29th
Swimming Together in 2017-2018
Growth Mindset-"If at first you do not succeed...you're normal!" Kid President
As the lead learners in the building, we must change our mindset first! Remember every day matters-set a goal for the week and CRUSH it!!
Please remember to plan at least 2 higher level questions (DOK 2, 3,) in each subject area in your lesson plans. Remember when we created questions about Goldilocks by using the DOK resources with Dedra Stafford in August? Let's put our heads together in planning to ensure our students are thinking deeply about the content.
Intentional planning ensures students are provided the BEST learning opportunities with fidelity! Please make sure to include in your lesson plans the time you will do guided reading and groups you will begin seeing in Week 6 of school. This is the time to teach students procedures. What will students be doing while you are conducting a guided reading group? What do students do if they need assistance while you are with a guided reading group? Please let us know if you need any support with guided reading or centers/work stations.
- When you put in for a substitute, please put in the time frames for your workday. (7:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m. or 7:00-11:15 or 11:15-3:30). If you do not, then a substitute will not be paid for the full or half day and more importantly will not be here on time to cover your classroom.
- Please make sure you VIEW your walk-throughs in STRIVE. When you do not, it does not show accurate data for the number of walk-throughs each teacher has had.
- You may sign up for PTA membership any time. If you do join, you will get a one day JEANS pass. The membership fee is $7.50. Money can be turned in to the PTA box in the office.
- Classroom teachers, please continue to teach your students procedures for MY SPACE time. Remember this is a time for students to engage in reading, writing, and mathematics tasks to review the TEKS already taught. This is not a time to go to the library or do ST Math. If you need help planning activities, please let me know.
- Grade levels please turn in a list of students seeing a teacher for intervention during MY SPACE time by Friday, September 22nd. Woo-Hoo! I have first and second grades lists turned in. Please turn these lists in to me as soon as possible.
- Please label groups by the skill/TEK they will be working on or reading level. Intervention is a time to support students through providing targeted instruction where students are ready to learn (instructional reading level or skills based on MAPS RIT in math). Please let us know if you need any support with developing your grade level intervention list of students receiving support.
Lunchroom Procedures
- When students get to the table, students are to fill up one side of the table. Seats are NOT to be saved at anytime.
- Students are to eat and talk with quiet voices. If voices are heard across the room, one warning will be given before removal to the silent table.
- When it is time to be dismissed from the lunch table, lunch monitors will pick up pre-k and kindergarten students trash and trays. 1st-5th grade students will be instructed to throw their trash away by the lunch monitor.
- Students will be directed to stand up and push their chairs in. Then the lunch monitor will ask one side of the table to transition to the floor by the stage. The other side will be called next. Students are to stay in line based on where they were seated at the lunch table .
Growth Mindset
Let's make every day a GREAT day for kids!
21 Day Challenge
Important Dates
09/26-PTA Meeting in the library
09/27-Benefits Meeting KHS-4:30
09/28-District SBDM Elections
09/28-SPED PLCS -4:45-6:15
09/29-Campus SBDM Elections
09/29-RtI-3rd and 5th grade
10/2-Curriculum Study Sessions-Kinder, 1st
10/2-Staff Meeting
10/2-Fall Pictures
10/3-Curriculum Study Sessions-Pk-4, 2nd, 4th
10/5-Curriculum Study Sessions-3rd, 5th
10/8-10/13-Fire Safety Week
10/10-New Teacher Meeting (library) 3:15-4:00
10/12-Open House/Annual Title 1 Meeting -5:00-7:00
10/13-End of 1st 9 weeks/Early Out (33 days)
10/17-IR Team Meeting 3:15-4:00
10/19-Student Council Induction Ceremony (3:30-4:00)
10/20-Fieldtrip Plan Deadline to Dr. Haider
10/20-Box Tops due
10/22-10/26- Red Ribbon Week
10/23-Committee Meetings (Initial Meeting)
10/20-Fieldtrip plan must be turned in to Dr. Haider
10/26-3rd Grade Music Program
11/6-Staff Meeting
11/7-Big Kahuna Fundraiser Delivery
11/9-Veteran's Day Ceremony-9:00 a.m. (cafeteria)
11/10-Holiday for Veteran's Day
11/14-Progress Reports go home
11/16-2nd Grade Music Program
11/20-11/26-Thanksgiving Holiday
11/27-Fall Conference reports due to Dr. Haider
11/30-Picture Retakes
12/4-Staff Meeting
12/4-Curriculum Study Sessions-Kinder, 1st
12/5-Curriculum Study Sessions-Pre-k, 2nd, 4th,
12/7-Curriculum Study Sessions-3rd, 5th
12/12-Cookies with Santa and Family Game Night/4th/5th grade choir performance
12/15-Student Early Release/Winter Parties/End of 2nd 9 weeks (39 days)
12/18-1/1/2018-Winter Holiday Break
Nolanville Elementary
Location: 901 Old Nolanville Road, Nolanville, TX, United States
Phone: 254-336-2180
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nolanvilleEAGLES/
Shout outs!
- Shout out to the EAGLES that used a SHOUT OUT and added to the SHOUT OUT board by my office! Thank you for recognizing EAGLES that support each other because that is who we are! #EAGLE FAMILY #NESEAGLES2017
- Shout out to all the staff that supervise students at recess! We appreciate you-Mrs. Garcia.
- Shout out to Mrs. Gladys, she went above and beyond to fix my "cool down" chairs for my room. I appreciate you!
- Shout out to Mrs. Shine! You work so well with our deaf ed babies! There is more chocolate in my bottom drawer!-S. Evans
- Shout out to Ms. Watson, Mrs. Shepherd, and Ms. Bonner for stepping in to protect a student's safety at morning duty! -Dr. Haider
Shout out cards were placed in your mailbox. If you would like to recognize another staff member, you just fill it out and put it in my box to place on the board. Or, you can always email me to include in the weekly update.