October 2023 Hawk Talk
This month, our Hawk Trait is Self-Control. Self-control has been defined in many ways–as willpower, self-discipline, or conscientiousness. However you define it, self-control is about being able to regulate yourself. Students will learn self-control through lessons with our school counselor, Mrs. Derry, tips and challenges during our daily morning announcements, and through classroom lessons. Below is a quick video explaining self-control, how to know if your child is struggling with self-control, and some fun games you can easily play with your child at home to practice strengthening their ability to self-regulate their emotions and actions.
Did you know National Hispanic Heritage Month began on September 15th and runs through October 15th? Click on the button below to view a wide variety of resources for a month of celebrating and honoring the history, culture, and contributions of Americans whose families hail from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America.
As always, below, you will find a wealth of information about everything happening at Maple Hill in October. I hope you find these resources helpful.
Kind Regards,
Ms. McNeil
Principal at Maple Hill
Important Dates in the Month of October
October 3rd- Virtual School Site Council Meeting (see below)
October 5th- Early out day TK/K dismissed at 11:30 am and 1st-5th dismissed at 12:40 pm
October 9-13 Fall Book Fair (see below)
October 9-13 Parent Conference Week (see below)
October 19th- The Great Shakeout Disaster Drill
October 19th- Early out day TK/K dismissed at 11:30 am and 1st-5th dismissed at 12:40 pm
October 23-27 Red Ribbon Week
October 24th- MHCC Virtual Parent Meeting (see below)
October 26th- Early out day TK/K dismissed at 11:30 am and 1st-5th dismissed at 12:40 pm
October 30th- Fire Drill
October 31st- Fall Parade (see below)
Great opportunities to meet other parents and learn all about what is happening at Maple Hill this school year.
School Site Council Virtual Meeting - EVERYONE is Invited
At this meeting, Ms. McNeil, our Principal, will share information about our School Site Council, the requirements of the committee, and our district-wide LCAP goals. Throughout the school year, we will meet to look at our School Safety Plan. We are currently looking for more parents to join this committee. If you want to learn more about the School Site Council Committee, join us for this virtual meeting. Everyone is welcome.
School Site Council Meeting #1
Tuesday, October 3 · 3:00 – 3:45 pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/xio-uefc-zaa
MHCC Virtual Meeting- EVERYONE is WELCOME to join us!
Please join us for our third Maple Hill Community Club Meeting of the school year. We will be sharing how much money we raised in the Fall Enrichment Fundraiser and how those funds will help make this school year amazing. We will also discuss the upcoming family night's out and future fun events for our students.
At the meeting, the MHCC exec board will share updates, and you will also hear from our amazing teacher representative, Mrs. Roviria, and the Principal, Ms. McNeil.
MHCC Virtual Meeting
Tuesday, October 24 · 8:30 – 9:30am
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/eyv-ouem-cui
Flyers for the book fair have gone home with your child.
Conference Week October 9th -13th
Monday 10/9- 11:35 am dismissal for all students
Tuesday 10/10- 11:35 am dismissal for all students
Wednesday 10/11- Regular dismissal- 1:16 pm TK/K; 2:35 pm 1st-3rd; 2:40 pm 4th-5th
Thursday 10/12- Early out day TK/K dismissed at 11:30 am and 1st-5th dismissed at 12:40 pm
Friday 10/13- 11:35 am dismissal for all students
Fall Parade Information- Tuesday, October 31st at 8:25 am
During this parade, students are welcome to wear school-appropriate costumes. Please make sure costumes meet the requirements of our school-wide dress code and do not have fake blood or fake weapons of any kind.
Also, parents and guardians are welcome to join us for the parade. On that day students will enter campus the same way they do every day. If a parent or guardian plans to stay for the parade, please wait outside in front of our campus until our 8:10 a.m. bell rings. All gates will be closed until all students are safely inside the building. Once teachers have accounted for all students and taken attendance, the gate will be reopened for parents to join us outside for the parade. We will be sending home more information later this month.
October Hawk Character Trait: Self Control
Our SEL enrichment lesson this month will focus on the character trait of Self-Control. We will thoughtfully discuss self-regulation, coping skills, safety networks, and mindfulness. Our lessons will include engaging activities that build fundamentals on recognizing triggers and calming our bodies when we feel big emotions. I hope that your child will build a better understanding of themselves and how to keep themselves safe.
Here are some literature suggestions:
TK/K: When Miles Got Mad
1st-2nd: The Way I Act by Steve Metzger
3rd-5th: I AM YOGA Read Aloud Book For Kids
Family Activity Ideas:
Here are some activities you can do as a family that practice self-control and understand how our bodies can react to impulses. You can help teach your kids to develop the skills to have self-discipline and willpower to help regulate emotions.
Simon Says: Give an instruction like, “Touch your nose,” but kids only follow the directive if the directive begins with, “Simon says.” For example, kids would not touch their noses if you didn’t say, “Touch your nose,” but they would touch their noses if you said, “Simon says touch your nose.”
Red Light, Green Light: No materials are needed for this game! In an open space, play music. Kids will dance while the music plays, and when the music stops, they will freeze! If you want to add a layer of difficulty when kids freeze, have them strike a yoga pose.
Jenga: The slow, controlled movements needed for Jenga are great for practicing self-control! Move too fast, the tower will topple. Forget to pay attention to balance, and the tower will come crashing down! Kids will have to slow down and focus on the task to play.
Make a Calming Jar: DIY Calming Jar
Front of School Safety Reminders Slide Show
Also, ensure your child knows who is picking them up each day and has a designated meeting spot so they are confident about where to meet them. Tk-1st grade students will stay with their teacher until an adult has walked to the gate to meet them.
Please DO NOT encourage your child to wait at the park across the street. There is no adult supervision there. Instead, pick a spot in front of the school to meet your child. Any child who has not been picked up and is still on campus after 15 minutes will be brought into the office to call home.
In the front of the school, we have been able to add some enhanced safety features this school year, including a fence and retaining wall to help families stay safe as they walk up to our front gates. We also have new signage in our loading and unloading zone as well.
Click on the button below to access our Safety Slides for more detailed information.
2022-2023 School Year- Free Brunch and Lunch
Please visit our nutrition service website link below to find out more information. Families may also fill out a meal benefit application form to determine eligibility for school funding, computer network access, discounted fees on college applications, and discounted fees on standardized tests.
Important Information Linked Below
Ms. McNeil- Principal at Maple Hill
Email: kmcneil@wvusd.org
Website: www.maplehillschool.org
Location: 1350 Maple Hill Road, Diamond Bar, CA, USA
Phone: 909-861-6224