Notes from Onondaga Road
October 25, 2024
Message From Onondaga Road School Principal
Dear Onondaga Road Families,
We've had another exciting week here at Onondaga Road! Officer Brand from the Camillus Police Department visited to teach all of our students about the importance of physical safety, and the kids really enjoyed learning from her and Office Charlie.
In our first-grade classrooms, students reviewed an ELA unit on The Tortoise and the Hare by turning the lesson into a life-sized board game—a creative and fun way to learn! Our fourth graders also enjoyed a special presentation to enrich their ELA studies on Native American culture. Randy Phillips from the Oneida Nation shared many fascinating artifacts, bringing his culture to life in a memorable way.
To spark some creative writing, some of our students even got to decorate pumpkins, using the experience as inspiration for their next writing activity. What a fantastic week of learning and creativity!
I wanted to let everyone know that we’ll be completing the remaining required drills in the coming days.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership. I hope you all have a restful and enjoyable weekend!
Michelle Collier
Around School...
See our Onondaga Road students in action!
CODE Assembly
Grade 1
Grade 4
Pumpkin Writing
Halloween Information
Thursday, October 31, 2024 - 2:00 p.m.
On Halloween Day, we will run our normal, daily school schedule until 1:40. Our parade will begin at 2:00! You are welcome to come to watch our parade by standing in the bus loop directly out front of the building. Please arrive between 1:45-2:00. If there is inclement weather, the students will parade indoors but we are not able to accommodate any spectators.
Please follow these important guidelines to make the day a safe and happy one for everyone.
Send your child’s costume to school in a bag and label all parts with their name. Do not send your child to school in costume or wearing make-up. Masks should not be brought to school. All scary, violent, bloody masks, weapons, spears or other dangerous accessories are not permitted at school and must remain at home. We want everyone to have a positive experience.
Spectators for the parade will stand in the bus loop in front of the school. We will block that area from traffic starting at 1:55. Please do not stand on the sidewalk in front of the building, because the students will be parading the entire length of the front sidewalk.
Halloween parties will be held in classrooms after the parade. All parents who were interested in helping at the party were asked to sign up in advance. For obvious safety reasons, only those who are already designated helpers/volunteers will be permitted into the building and classrooms during the parties, and you must sign in at the main office. Volunteers are asked to not bring younger children. All treats should have a label of ingredients, as we have many students with allergies.
If you are a volunteer, please avoid wearing a costume mask or face covering. We must be able to easily identify and recognize everyone who is permitted into the building and interacting with our children.
Please encourage children to ride the bus home so we can minimize car traffic at dismissal. Children will not wear their costumes on the buses but will have time and assistance to remove their costumes before dismissal. (Again, be sure every piece is labeled!) We will follow normal dismissal procedures.
We look forward to a fun-filled day with the children! Thank you for your cooperation!
PTA News
The PTA is looking forward to a year of activities! The next PTA meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 7 at 6:00 in the Onondaga Road Library. Please consider becoming a PTA member to help support all of the great PTA-sponsored activities. We would love to see you at the next meeting. Here is a list of upcoming PTA events that your membership supports:
- Pumpkin Walk
- Scholastic Book Fairs
- BINGO Night & Ice Cream Social
- Enrichment Day
- Learning Fair
- Family Picnic
Upcoming Events
- October 25 & 28 - Scholastic Book Fair
- October 29 - Pumpkin Walk & Book Fair (6:30 - 8:00)
- October 31 - Halloween Parade (2:00)
- November 1 - School Store
- November 5 - Half-Day for Students - Early Dismissal (11:00)
- November 7 - PTA Meeting (6:00)
- November 8 - Veterans' Day Recognition