Norview Pilots 11/2024

Our Mission
Norview High School, our mission is to empower and inspire every student to reach their full potential. We strive to equip our students with the knowledge, skills, and character necessary to become responsible contributing members of society. Our staff is committed to building a positive school culture where our diverse student population can “take flight”.
The Unusual Suspects Audition
LSCE Information Night
Our LCSE Program will hold its information night for current 8th graders this Thursday night, Nov. 14 at 6 pm in the auditorium. We will also hold a student workshop for 8th graders who are currently enrolled in Algebra 1 or Geometry. This workshop will be on Saturday, Nov. 23 from 10 am - 1 pm. Students must register for this event. More information about LCSE can be found here https://www.npsk12.com/Page/10304.
Leadership Class w/ Mr. Zimmerman
In Leadership class, 9th grade students are preparing Unit 4 speeches on the topic of “A Person I Admire.” They went to the media center and students read biographies about inspirational people, such as athletes, inventors, politicians, activists and others to get some ideas.
Earth Science Remediation
Biology Remediation
2024 Stockley Gardens Arts Festival
Let’s give a round of applause to Catelynn Lucas and Derek Rodriguez for their exceptional talent and dedication! These students were selected to participate in the Emerging Artist's Exhibit at the 2024 Stockley Gardens Arts Festival. We’re proud to see their artistic achievements recognized in the community!
Derek Rodriguez
Catelynn Lucas
Catelynn Lucas
Catelynn Lucas
Athletes of the Week
Congratulations to our outstanding Athletes of the Week! These students have shown exceptional skill, dedication, and sportsmanship, setting a great example for our community both on and off the field. Let’s celebrate their hard work and achievements! Keep up the great work, Pilots!
Deshon Brown
39 Aces, 84 Kills, 17 Digs, 15 Blocks for the season...amazing team captain...
Kristina Ponio
Helped the Lady Pilots secure the 7 seed for the Region 5B Tournament...great leadership and poise
Toiletry Drive
Attention Seniors
Cell Phone Policy
In accordance with Governor Youngkin’s Executive Order 33, all Norfolk Public Schools will be cell phone-free “from bell-to-bell” beginning on January 1, 2025. This new policy is intended to create a more focused, distraction-free environment that supports student learning and engagement.
We encourage families to plan ahead for this upcoming change.
Thank you for your cooperation as we implement this change.
Honor Roll
Congratulations to each of you who made the Honor Roll for Quarter 1! Your hard work, dedication, and commitment to academic excellence have truly paid off, and we are proud of your achievements.
As a token of recognition, you are invited to enjoy ice cream during your lunch period. This is our way of celebrating your success and encouraging you to keep up the fantastic work!
Keep striving for excellence—your efforts are noticed and appreciated.
Attendance Recovery
- he Virginia Department of Education (VDOE), is allowing schools to implement Attendance Recovery again for students who are chronically absent from school.
- The VDOE however, limited the total number of make-up days to 15 this year.
- In order to recover a full day, the student will need to attend a 3 hour session. There are specific guidelines in which the student has to be focused on specific academic areas.
- Each attendance recovery session will run from 2:15pm - 5:15pm and the student must attend the full 3 hours to recover a day. NPS Transportation is provided at 5:15pm. Attendance Recovery is in the media center.
- See the flyer below for more information.
Hall Sweeps
To reinforce the importance of punctuality, we continue implementing hall sweeps periodically throughout the day. In the event that your child is caught in a hall sweep, you will receive an email notification. If we do not have your email address on file, please contact the main office to update your records.
During these sweeps, students found in the halls will be subject to our tardy continuum, outlined below:
First Offense: Verbal reminder and documentation.
Second Offense: Tardy Plan -Students will develop a plan to arrive to class on time.
Third Offense: Community Service - Immediately following lunch, students will assist in preparing the Commons for the next lunch period.
Fourth Offense: Students will be assigned After-School Detention on Wednesday from 2:15-3:45.
Fifth Offense: Students will be assigned Saturday Detention from 8am - 11am.
Sixth Offense: Administrator Conference.
Student Activities
Students must be in good standing to attend activities such as attend prom, run for class office, or participate/attend other extracurricular events. The principal will not sign-off for you to attend another school's event if you are not in good standing.
Students may be considered not in good standing if they are:
- Absent more than 10% of the school year
- Failing classes
- Off-track for graduation
- Fighting or have discipline concerns
- Excessively tardy to school or class
- Skipping class
Meet our Graduation Coaches
Upcoming Athletic Schedule
Bell Schedule
Attendance Matters at Norview High School
School Board Policy JED-R
Students assigned to a block schedule and who are absent seven (7) or more days (excused or unexcused) in a semester course, or fourteen (14) days (excused or unexcused in a school year, will not be granted credit or promoted, regardless of their grades; provided, however, that excused absences for religious holidays shall not be counted for the purpose of determining a student's eligibility for academic credit or a promotion.
We want to make it as easy as possible for you to keep us informed about your student's attendance. Parents and guardians can submit absence excuse notes directly via email to NHS_Attendance@nps.k12.va.us. Include your student's full name, student ID, and the reason for the absence in your email. If available, please also include any official documentation, such as a doctor’s note, court appearance documentation, or any other relevant notices.
Thank you for helping us ensure accurate attendance records!
Stay Healthy
Dress Code
Norfolk Public Schools expects that all students will choose to dress or carry on or about their person only items/images that are appropriate for the school day or for any school-sponsored event. Student choices should respect Norfolk Public Schools’ intent to sustain a community that is inclusive of a diverse range of identities. The primary responsibility for a student’s choices resides with the student and parent(s) or guardian(s). The school district is responsible for ensuring:
➢ Student choices do not interfere with the health or safety of any student.
➢ Student choices do not contribute to a hostile or intimidating atmosphere for any student.
➢ Dress code enforcement does not reinforce or increase marginalization or oppression of any group based on race, sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, cultural observance, household income, or body type.
Any restrictions imposed upon a student’s choice in this area must be necessary to support the overall educational goals of the school and must be explained clearly to the student and parent.
1. Basic Principle: Certain body parts must be covered for all students at all times. Clothes must be worn in a way such that private parts, midriffs, buttocks, and breasts are fully covered with opaque fabric. All items listed in the "must wear" and categories below must meet this basic principle.
2. Students Must Wear:
- Shirt/Dress (with fabric in the front, back, and on the sides under the arms), and/ or
- Pants/Shorts/Skirts or the equivalent (for example, athletic wear or leggings), and
- Shoes
3. Students Cannot Wear:
- Violent language or images
- Images of language depicting drugs or alcohol (or any illegal items or activity).
- Hate speech, profanity, pornography.
- Images or language that creates a hostile or intimidating environment based on a protected class or consistently marginalized groups.
- Hat or hoodies on their heads in the building
- Any clothing that reveals undergarments.
- Accessories that could be considered dangerous or could be used as a weapon.
- Any item that obscures the face or ears, except as a religious observance, unless face coverings are required due to safety mandates.
*Courses that include attire as part of the curriculum (for example, professionalism, public speaking, and job readiness) may include assignment-specific dress, but should not focus on covering bodies in a particular way or promoting culturally-specific attire. Activity-specific shoe requirements are permitted (for example, athletic shoes for PE).
Academic Advisors
We’re excited to introduce both our new and returning academic advisors at Norview High School! Our dedicated team is here to support students in navigating their academic paths, exploring career options, and achieving their personal goals.
Senior Pictures
Door Policy Reminder
To ensure the safety and security of everyone at Norview High School, students are strictly prohibited from opening any exterior doors during school hours for anyone—whether it’s a fellow student, staff member, or visitor. There are signs posted on all exterior doors as a reminder. After the 7:25 bell, all students must enter the building through the main doors. Violating this policy by opening exterior doors will result in disciplinary action.
Keep Us Connected
Has your contact information changed recently? We want to ensure that we can reach you in case of emergencies or important updates regarding your child.
Please come to Norview High School in person to update your phone number and emergency contacts. Don't forget to bring your ID for verification purposes.
Your child's safety is our top priority, and keeping the lines of communication open is essential. Help us stay connected and informed!
The year Norview will sell sporting tickets exclusively using GoFan.
Plan Ahead
November 27 - 29: Thanksgiving Holiday
December 23 - January 3: Winter Holiday
January 17: Teacher Workday/Professional Development Day
January 20: MLK Day- NPS
2024-2025 Academic Calendar
The 2024-2025 school year is August 19th through May 30th. Plan accordingly to start the new year. The full academic calendar can be found here.