Two Mile Tidbits
September 12th
Monday the 16th is Dot Day! Our amazing art teacher, Mrs. Lillig, has been helping students create art to celebrate. Students are invited to wear polka dots or clothes that inspire them to be creative.
Learn more here:
Mark your calendar!
Grandparent & VIP Day
Grandparent and "very important person" day is on Friday, September 27th! Grandparents or other special family members/friends are invited to spend lunch with their grandchild/friend, visit the classroom, shop the book fair, or play outside!
· Due to parking and limited space, please adhere to our schedule and timeframe. We ask that unless you have a kindergarten student or first grader, please do not show up prior to 10:30. Doors will not open before 10:25.
· Doors are locked at all times during the school day. We will have staff members/volunteers stationed at the doors to help with arrival times. Every visitor will need to check in with a TMP staff member and get a visitor sticker.
· Visitors will meet their buddy/grandchild by the cafeteria (gym).
· Visitors may bring lunch for their grandchild/buddy if they choose. Only students can purchase a school lunch due to limited supplies.
· If the grandparent/VIP has more than one student to visit, he/she may split their time.
· If your child is leaving early, please have the visitor sign him/her out at the office.
· The Book Fair will be open in the library.
10:30-11:30--Kindergarten and 1st graders
11:00-12:00-- 2nd and 3rd graders
11:30-12:30--4th and 5th graders
All State Choir
Hello Two Mile Fourth and Fifth Grade Families!
Does your student love to sing? Are they a choir fanatic? Consider signing up your singer for the Missouri All State Children’s Choir! The Missouri All State Choir is an auditioned ensemble that rehearses and performs for the Missouri All State music conference and festival. It is a prodigious ensemble that gives students the unique opportunity to sing with other singers all over the state of Missouri all while being led by an internationally recognized director. The audition window closes on September 30th. For more information about the ensemble please visit the MMEA All State Children's Choir website at
PTA info
- We will have the Class PTA Membership Competition for PTA sign-ups. Membership forms were sent home in last week's Friday Folders. The class with the most memberships will get a pizza party provided by PTA.
- Exciting news: We will have a dine-to-donate at Las Margaritas North on September 19th from 4 pm to close. I invite you to take a night off from cooking and enjoy some chips and queso!
- Lastly, our Spirit Store fundraiser has been extended for one more week to September 13th. If you want TMP merch get to the website and get those orders in! TMP LINK: Home | TMP Fall Fundraiser 2024 (
NiCole Sadler, PTA president
Vocab word of the week
We have a vocab word of the week we share on morning announcements. I will keep an updated list here in the Tidbits.
This week: eliminate
Previous Weeks:
Upcoming Dates to Remember
September 23rd: No School (Teacher work day)
September 24th: Prairie Dog Pride Night (Open House) 5:00-6:30pm
September 27th: Grandparent and VIPs Day (10:30-12:30 SEE SCHEDULE ABOVE)
October 2nd, 3rd, and 4th: No School (District professional development days)
October 7th: PTA meeting 5:30pm
October 10th: SCHOOL PICTURE DAY (forms will be sent home prior)
October 11th: Family Fun Night 5:30-7pm (rescheduled). Play on the playground!
October 31st: Fall Parties (costume parade at 1:45, party at 2pm)
November 1st, 4th, and 5th: No School (Teacher Work days)
Week of November 11-14th: Parent-Teacher Conferences
November 15th: No School
November 21st: PTA Pancake dinner 5:30-7pm (more info to come)
November 27th-29th: No School-Thanksgiving Break
December 20th: Class Parties 2pm, last day before winter break.
From previous newsletters:
Counselor's Corner
Please click to read Mrs. Synon's newsletter for September.
NEW this year-updated visitor rules
In Columbia Public Schools the safety of our students, staff, and families is our top priority. Beginning this school year, Columbia Public Schools is implementing a Visitor Management System called Raptor in all school buildings.
The goal of the Visitor Management System is to welcome our guests while also providing an additional layer of safety for our campuses.
Raptor is used by school districts across the country to streamline entry into school buildings. This electronic system will replace the paper sign in sheets we’ve historically used and will allow for better tracking of visitors to our schools.
- This system requires all visitors to scan their government-issued IDs to gain entrance. Visitors will then receive a visitor’s tag that identifies them as guest in our buildings. If a visitor does not have a government-issued ID, manual entry into the system can be done by the school.
- The system will conduct a check against the sex offender registry as well as a check against any custody or campus entry limitations maintained by the district.
- Those visiting our buildings will need to remember to bring identification with them when going to the school.
- This system will be in place during school hours.
- A visitor’s badge will not be necessary for those who visit our schools simply to drop off an item in the office or pick up paperwork.
You can learn more about the Visitor Management System at: