Cedar Crest Intermediate
August 9, 2024
Message from Mrs. Williams
CCI Families,
We are thrilled to welcome students back for an amazing school year! The first three days of school have been filled with energy, excitement, and new beginnings. Our MAGIC making teachers have been busy creating engaging activities that help students reconnect with friends and get to know their new classroom environments.
The first week, students eagerly explored their schedules and met their teachers, while participating in hands-on activities.
As we embark on this new journey, we are grateful for the support of parents and wonderful community. Here's to a fantastic school year filled with growth, learning, and cherished memories!
Every Moment Matters!
As always, if you have any questions or concerns don't hesitate to reach out! cassie.williams@sedubois.k12.in.us
Mrs. Williams
PTO Ranger Gear Orders Due Wednesday, August 14!
Bus Information
For information about your child's bus route, please contact SED Transportation Director, Mr. Ryan Haas. Please call 812-817-0900 extension 4 or email ryan.haas@sedubois.k12.in.us.
Need Help with Harmony? Click the button below.
Recommended School Supply Lists by Grade
Mrs. Lueken
Mrs. Rogier
Ms. Sitzman
Ms. Schroeder
Mrs. Steczyk
Mrs. Welp
Volunteer Information
School Calendar
🏈 Football shirts 🏈
- September 2: NO SCHOOL Labor Day
- September 6: Grandparent's Day
- September 18: NO SCHOOL Staff PD Day
- September 26: CCI School Pictures
- October 1 and 3: CCI Parent Teacher Conferences
- October 11: End of Qtr 1; CCI Walk-A-Thon
- October 14-18: SED Fall Break (Great Time for Vacation)
- November 1: NO SCHOOL Staff PD Day
- November 11: Veteran's Day Celebration (Please let your family Veterans know)
- November 27-29: SED Thanksgiving Break
- December 23-January 3: SED Holiday Break (Great Time for Vacation)
- February 5: NO SCHOOL Staff PD Day
- February 13: Fine Arts Night/Talent Show
- March 24-28: SED Spring Break (Great Time for Vacation)
- April 18: NO SCHOOL Good Friday
- May 9: 6th Grade Dance
- May 23: Last day of School
- May 24: SED Graduation