Monthly Newsletter
May 2024

May SLV 4-H Monthly Newsletter
Important Dates:
Dist. 8 Meeting at the Extension Office Tonight at 7pm
June 4-6 Conservation Camp
June 11-13 Conservation Camp
June 18-21 State 4-H Conference
***Those enrolled in a horse project may come into the SLV Extension Office anytime to take their Written Levels Test
Busy 4-Hers
4-H Community Night
4-H Community Nights are for those not enrolled in 4-H but wanting to learn more about 4-H and the projects that we engage in. Last month we did a project on Foods and Nutrition and made trail mix!
Horse Raters Testing
Dustin Aldridge, Dena Jaminet and Kristi Culver travelled to Larimer, CO for horse rater's certification clinic
Livestock Judging News
Come support our Livestock Judging Team! They will be holding a bake sale at the Monte Vista Horse Sale May 18 from 10am-2:45pm
Monte Vista Coop
Become a member of the Monte Vista Coop Youth Feeder program --> Deadline to apply is June 1, 2024!
***Parents or guardians must be members of the MVC!
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Janae Naranjo
Janae is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters