FEBRUARY 10, 2023
Save the Date
Upcoming Dates
Winter Waltz is TONIGHT at 7pm!
Thank you for getting tickets to our first ever CAS Winter Waltz! If you didn’t have a chance to purchase tickets online, walk-ins are welcome and able to pay at the door.
The fourth-grade fundraising team will be selling concessions at the dance. Profits from such sales will fund fifth grade sweatshirts, yearbooks, etc.
Due to the time of the event (7:00-9:00 pm) we will be offering mainly desserts. Please bring cash or Venmo if you wish to purchase treats such as Oreos, Rice Krispies Treats, gummies, popcorn, and bottled water.
Thanks so much for your support, and let’s get those dancing shoes ready!
Read Across America in March!
There are lots of events scheduled for CAS Students along with spirit days every Friday for the month of March.
This is to celebrate Dr. Seuss who is the original author of Read Across America Week.
Please reach out to CAS Library Media Specialist Mr. Paradiso with any questions at Paradisoc@madisonnjps.org
See flyer below for details!
Kindness Week February 13-17
Our 5th grade Peel Leaders will be leading CAS in RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS WEEK February 13-17.
We ask you to have your child wear any kindness shirts or positive sayings during this week. This helps send out the message! Peer Leaders will be selling kindness bracelets at lunch on Friday: $1 each, small bills only, please. They will be reading kindness books to classes and showing kindness videos at lunch. Students will have the opportunity to get recognized by doing a random act of kindness and can earn a token from your teacher or a peer leader. Let’s spread the word that KINDNESS COUNTS!
New Program - Lunch with the Principal
Kindergarten through 3rd grade students will have an opportunity to have lunch with Mr. Liss and friends! The goal of these lunches is for students to share what they love about CAS, what we can bring to CAS, and general fun conversation about interests. This is also an opportunity for Mr. Liss to get to know your child even better! Please understand this is not mandatory.
Children will be able to pack or buy his/her individual lunch. Click on the sign-up genius to get a spot for your child. Please only sign up for one spot per student.
Valentine's Day is Coming!
Lets support our Crossing Guards, see details below!
Calling all STEAM loving 3rd - 5th Graders!
CAS STEAM Fair is happening FEBRUARY 23 this year! If your student registered to participate, display boards were distributed yesterday, Thursday, February 9.
See flyers below for details and timeline.
Save the date - Family Fitness Event with CrossFit 377 on March 3rd!
Get ready to sweat and have a blast with the entire family! More details coming soon. This event will be held in the CAS gym and will have a limit to the number of attendees.
Lost and Found
As the cold weather approaches, our lost and found table starts to grow to a snow-covered mountain! Help your coats, hats, sweatshirts, scarves, water bottles, and lunchboxes find you again by labeling your stuff. See below flyer for Oliver's Labels!
Volunteer Opportunities!
We are so excited to have parent volunteers back in the building! There are all sorts of ways you can volunteer to help, here are our immediate needs:
PTO Treasurer
Our PTO By-Laws limit this position to a 2-year term. PTO Treasurer is responsible for keeping the books, working with the PTO Presidents on our budget, writing checks and various other tasks. This role should be detail oriented and a basic knowledge of bookkeeping is helpful. If you are interested in learning more, please email CASPTO@gmail.com to let us know.
PTO Vice Presidents
This role is a 2-year commitment, as you will be Vice President for the 2023-2024 school year and President for the 2024-2025 year. This role works best with 2 people, so grab a buddy and sign up! The Vice Presidents shadow and assist the Presidents in a variety of activities, including managing emails, scheduling events, organizing volunteers, overseeing the budget for events and fundraisers, fulfilling teacher requests, after school enrichment, teacher appreciation and more. This is a very FUN and rewarding role and is a great opportunity to expand your network, make new friends and get valuable insights into the inner workings of CAS. If you are interested in learning more, please email CASPTO@gmail.com to let us know.
The 2022-23 Madison Schools directory is here! Download the new "MobileArq Next" app.
We are excited to let you know that the NEW Madison School district-wide directory app is available to you. You can use this to connect with parents/teachers/staff in your student's class and school. Please install the new app 'MobileArq Next' available on the Apple App store and Google Play. See the detailed information below on how to install the app.
The code to enter is 'madisonnj'.
Unless you provided your consent to share your information, you will not be able to join and use the directory app.
Please provide your feedback and any questions to support@mobilearq.com.
The 2022-23 Madison Schools directory is ready! Access to the directory is available upon registering and providing payment to each school where you have a child registered. Each Madison school PTO is a separate, non-profit organization that provides financial support and parent volunteers for a wide range of programs, services and social events that enrich our children's educational experience. By registering on MobileArq you are joining the school’s PTO as a supporting member.
Please follow the steps below and SIGN-UP today!
There is a new app for MobileArq this year! It is a fresh new look to the app we used last year. We are sure you are going to like the changes. So, delete the old App now! Registration is yearly, so register on the new app for 2022-23.
- Download the new MobileArq - Next App (for iphones) https://apps.apple.com/us/app/mobilearq-next/id1614422922 (for Android) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mobilearq.school&hl=en
- Choose the 'Signup' button when you see the login page. This is your new registration. Reminder, last year’s registration will not work for this year.
- Select whether you’re a parent or teacher.
- Enter your first name, last name, email address (the email that the school has on record), and the district code: madisonnj (case-sensitive).
- Click “create account.” A verification code will be sent to your email address. Note, this code will delete within 5 minutes. Should you miss it, a new one can be sent to you.
- Upon entering the 4-digit verification code, you will be directed to setup your password. You can also follow instructions once you login to set up your phone touch Id or fingerprint for a password less login.
- You will be taken back to the original Home Screen for the app. Log in using the email address and password (that you just created) and click login.
Let us know your feedback!
Madison PTOs and MobileArq
4th and 5th Grade Writing Project
Support the MEF!
See flyer below for details.
Changes are coming! CAS PTO has been meeting with landscapers and contractors to develop a plan for an enriching and practical learning garden for our students to enjoy. Be on the lookout for opportunities to get involved and leave your mark at CAS.
Visit our website: Central Avenue School | Home (madisonpublicschools.org)
Follow us on Facebook: (20+) Central Avenue School Madison Public Schools | Facebook