Paw Prints Family Newsletter

October 4, 2024- Vol 3 Issue 3
Principal's Message
Dear GNBVT Families and Community,
I’d like to start this message with a huge congratulations to all of our Principal’s List Award recipients! Your hard work and dedication have paid off, and we are so proud of you. Keep up the great work!
This edition of Paw Prints is packed with exciting news and updates, so I encourage everyone to take the time to dive in. You won’t want to miss learning more about the impactful Torch Program, which is making a big difference in the lives of students who have attended previous sessions. Plus, get the details on the upcoming Homecoming Dance—always a highlight of the school year and a fun way to make student life even more exciting.
I also want to take a moment to acknowledge and celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. As principal of such a wonderfully diverse school, I’m fortunate to interact with and learn from so many incredible people, especially our Hispanic students and families. I’m grateful for the richness and vibrancy they bring to our school community, and I look forward to continuing to foster a space where everyone feels seen, valued, and respected.
Last month, we recognized Suicide Prevention Month, and I shared some important thoughts with our students during my Monday Message over the PA system. As a reminder to us all, the message of being kind, supporting one another, and knowing that each and every one of us matters doesn’t stop when the month ends. Let’s continue to be the light in each other’s lives and create a school environment filled with compassion and care.
Here’s an excerpt from that message:
"Good morning, Bears. This is Principal Williams with another Monday Message: As we make our way into a brand-new week, let us take a moment to reflect, to breathe, and to recognize the greatness within each and every one of us. Today marks the end of Suicide Prevention Month, but let me tell you, my students, that this journey of lifting each other up, of being there for one another, does not end here. No, it continues every single day, every single moment. It’s in the way we speak to each other, the way we look out for each other, the way we carry each other when the burdens of this world get a little too heavy. Understand this: you are somebody. You are worthy. Your life, with all its highs and lows, is a life of immense value. And no matter how dark it may feel at times, there is always a light – there is always hope. You matter. You matter to this school, you matter to your friends, and you matter to me."
As we move forward, please know that all students are valued here at GNBVT. Your continued support in helping our students thrive is deeply appreciated.
Have a fantastic weekend, everyone!
Warm regards,
Principal Williams
Upcoming Events:
Oct 1- Nov 1- Donation of Gift Cards- for After Prom Calendar Fundraiser
Tue Oct 8- School Council Meeting- School Lighthouse Cafe: 3-4 pm
Thu Oct 10- After Prom Meeting-G141:6 pm
Mon Oct 14-No School: Columbus Day - Indigenous Peoples' Day
Oct 15-18- Fall Spirit Week
Tue Oct 15 & Mon Oct 21: College Boot Camp-Seniors
Sat Oct 19- Homecoming Dance:@ GNBVT: 6 pm- tickets go on sale Oct 7th
Sat Oct 19 & Sun Oct 20- The Torch Foundation Training for Teens: 9am-5 pm each day
Thu Oct 24-Sophomore Class Ring Presentation by Jostens -Class Assembly: 2 pm
Tue Oct 29- College Financing Seminar- Auditorium: 6 pm
Tue Nov 19-Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)- Testing: details in Guidance Dept.
Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month- Sep 15-Oct 15
From Student Life Activities...
Student Life is excited to share the 2024-2025 Special Events Listing. Mark these dates on your calendars and watch for details as events approach!!
An Invitation to Join the 2024-2025 School Council
Please join us on Tuesday, October 8th
The School Council is a representative committee composed of the principal, parents, students, faculty, staff and community members. The group discusses such issues as budget, curriculum, student handbook, School Improvement Plan and professional development of the faculty. The School Council meets 4 times per year, usually held on the second Tuesday of the scheduled month from 3:00 – 4:00 pm, in the school’s Lighthouse Cafe.
For more information, click the button below.
From the DEI Advisory Council
The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Advisory Council is composed of a dedicated
group of diverse members established to foster a culture of inclusivity, equity, and diversity
within GNBVT.
Please see the Advisory Council membership and Mission Statement below.
From the Office of Diversity Equity & Inclusion
After Prom
After Prom Meeting ~ Oct 10th
We are pleased to announce that the next After Prom meeting will be held on Thursday, October 10th at 6:00 PM in G141 Media Technology. While this is primarily a parent/guardian meeting, all students are welcome to attend.
After Prom contacts: Jenn Gaspar at ext. 244 or Rick Quintin at ext. 300 or email jennifer.gaspar@gnbvt.edu/richard.quintin@gnbvt.edu
Seeking Gift Card Donations for After Prom Gift Card Calendar Fundraiser-Donations requested by Nov 1st
The After Prom Committee is reaching out for your support with the After Prom Gift Card Calendar Fundraiser. We are in need of 30 gift cards to make this event a success. We are asking for donations of $20 or more in the form of gift cards, which will help us reach our fundraising goal and provide a fun, safe, and memorable experience for our seniors. Gift card donations are requested to be turned in by Friday, November 1st.
Your contributions will make a big difference, and we would be very grateful for any help you can offer. Thank you for being a part of our community and for supporting our seniors. For donations or questions, please contact Jenn Gaspar at ext. 244 or Rick Quintin at ext. 300 or email jennifer.gaspar@gnbvt.edu/richard.quintin@gnbvt.edu
The Torch Foundation-Training for Teens- Two Day Program- Oct 19 & 20th
Program for Freshmen and Sophomores- 9 am - 5 pm- Oct 19 & 20th
The Torch Foundation offers personal growth and leadership workshops for teens ages 13-17. The two-day seminar and one month of one-on-one coaching are tailored to teens' unique interests and needs, providing a safe, engaging, and inspirational environment for profound self-discovery and growth.
​Through carefully guided exercises and activities, the teens will:
1) Discover their maximum potential
2) Identify the beliefs and other obstacles that are stopping them from achieving their potential
3) Learn effective ways to overcome those obstacles.
The powerful tools and skills gained through this experience will allow the teens to transform their lives and create unlimited possibilities for themselves, their families, and the world!
From the Guidance Department
Upcoming Events
- The Guidance Department is here to support all of our students. If you have questions or concerns, please call/email your student's guidance counselor.
- The College Boot Camp is scheduled for 10/15 and 10/21. Seniors will be invited to attend during their senior related class. Students who are planning on attending a 4 year college/university should attend. Students will learn about the Common App and have the opportunity to navigate it online.
- On October 24th, a group of seniors will be touring UMass Boston and Wentworth Institute of Technology.
- Tuesday, October 29 at 6:00 we will be hosting a College Financing Seminar in the Auditorium with Beth Connelly-Sylvia from the Educational Opportunity Center for Juniors and Seniors and their parents/guardians. Here you will learn about the financial aid process as your students are getting ready to apply to college.
- The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) testing is scheduled for November 19th. Please listen for the announcements and see your guidance counselor with questions.
Academic Support- 2024-2025 Programs
Program Overview
- The Academic Support Program provides students with a broad array of services, including tutoring, credit recovery courses, and after-school sessions with the goal of providing students with additional educational support.
- All services are highly recommended and give students the opportunity to continue to access the curriculum in various academic content areas with dedicated and compassionate instructors. After-school transportation is provided by the district.
- For additional information please contact Sarah Blanchette, Academic Support Coordinator. Sarah.Blanchette@gnbvt.edu Ext. 757 B257
- Please refer to the links provided below for program details.
Homecoming 2024- Ticket Sales Start Oct 7th!!
Spirit Week Themes- Oct 15-18 & Oct 21-23- Plan Your Attire!!
Oct 15 & Oct 21- Dress your type
Oct 16 & Oct 22- Pajama Day
Oct 17 & oct 23- Dress like the 2000's
Oct 18- Pep Rally Day! Wear your class color:
Freshmen: White
Sophomores: Green
Juniors: Gold
Seniors: Black
Students Receive the Principal's List and Perfect Attendance Awards
Recently, students earning all 90's and above in Trimester 3 of the '23-'24 school year and students who attained perfect attendance for the entire '23-'24 school year, attended the award presentation.
Principal Williams presented the Principal's List awards and Mrs. Jennifer Carreiro, Supervisor of Attendance, extended the Perfect Attendance awards.
From the Health Office
Health Office Contacts:
If at anytime, you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to the nursing staff:
Nurse Ursula Crowell: ursula.crowell@gnbvt.edu- ext 205
Nurse Casey Clarke: casey.clarke@gnbvt.edu- ext 661
Nurse Jaala Duarte: jaala.duarte@gnbvt.edu- ext 204
Greater New Bedford Regional Vocational Technical High School
1121 Ashley Blvd
New Bedford, MA 02740
WEBSITE: www.gnbvt.edu
INSTAGRAM: @gnbvoctechhighschool
X: @GNBVocTechHS