McAllister Minutes
March 2024
Mark Your Calendar
*Also listed on our ParentSquare Calendar
3/1 - Snuggle Up with a Good Book Spirit Day: Wear pajamas to be snuggly while you read!
3/1 - 1st Grade Field Trip
3/4-3/8 - SPRING BREAK!!!
3/10 - Daylight Savings Time
3/11 - Kindergarten Registration Support Session 12-2pm
3/11 - PTO Meeting 2pm in the Cafeteria
3/11 - School Leadership Team (SLT) Meeting 3:15-4:30pm in the Media Center
3/13 - Tornado Drill
3/13 - Fire Drill
3/13 - Battle of the Books Finals 9am-2pm
3/11 - Kindergarten Registration Support Session 12-2pm
3/15 - End of Grade Period
3/15 - Kindergarten Registration Support Session 12-2pm
3/15 - PTO March Madness Fundraiser Kick-Off
3/18 - CCS Staff Workday
3/19-3/29 - PTO March Madness Fundraiser
3/21 - RBM STEM Spirit Day (Wear Blue, Yellow, or Bobcat Attire)
3/25 - Spring Picture Day
3/26 - Kindergarten Evening Registration Support Session 5-7pm
3/28 - Reports Cards Go Home
3/29 - Holiday
4/1 - Teacher Workday
4/1 - Kindergarten Registration Target Completion Date!!!
Spring Picture Day
- Professional photographers will be on campus for spring photos on MONDAY, March 25th. Proofs will be sent home with all students. Families can see packages and options below or visit Please return all non-purchased portraits to school as soon as possible.
Staff Treats Sponsored by 1st Grade Families in March!!!
March 11-15 - GREEN
We are excited to introduce color themed treats for each month's Beginning of the Month Breakfast/Brunch. Please sign up to provide a treat based upon your student(s) grade level and color theme. Thank you for your continued support for our teachers and staff! Treats can be dropped off in car line, from the bus lot, and/or in the front office anytime during the week. Treats are collected and available for the entire staff in our workroom.
We Need You!
Our teacher assistants are increasingly being used to support students instructionally. Though we are excited to transition to more of an Instructional Assistant role, this does mean that they have less time for some of the supports previously provided for teachers (e.g. clerical, copies, lamination, etc.).
This is where our community and families come in! We would love to capitalize on our supportive school community by asking for the gift of time. Please see the sign-up sheet link below to donate a few small blocks (a few hours) of your time.
Link for Sign-Up: Clerical Support
All volunteers must be approved by Cabarrus County Schools. Please follow the link below to start the process and contact the front office with any questions.
Link for volunteer approval: Secure Volunteer | Get Started Now
Thank you for your continued support!
Student & Staff Wellness
Positivity Project (P2)
Morning Meetings: Cabarrus County Schools began implementing P2 in 2022 and will continue and expand this work in the coming year. At RBM STEM all class and all students will utilize P2 lessons and activities daily during Morning Meeting. Please see the implementation calendar below.
P2 Word Walls: As part of the Green Shield Application process, we need to have a P2 Word Wall in each classroom.
Please see the new PBIS resources:
PD Present/Subscribe to STEM:
On our last early release day, teachers received a gift with a new classroom strategy to try. Teachers tried these strategies out before Spring Break and will soon be debriefing to to share the successes of implementation.
Teaching & Learning
Parent Access to Curriculum Information:
All families in invited to view the CCS curriculum documents and resources at the link below. RBM STEM will utilize these resources throughout the year and any additional purchased resources deemed necessary or desired will be reviewed/approved through our School Improvement Team.
Family Tech Tips
In March our Bobcat students will be learning about PRIVACY & CYBER AWARENESS. Click here to view Family Tips on this topic.
Family Digital Resources
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
RBM PTO is excited for the 20223-2024 school year! The year is brimming with events and activities that are not possible without the support of a great team, a team that is looking for more support. Your time and talents are very valuable and needed for this upcoming year. The PTO is always in the need of your help, from volunteering at events or even helping on the board. Your help would be greatly appreciated. For more information email us at
Ongoing fundraisers:
Box Tops ID# 129791
Harris Teeter ID#1832
Lowe’s Food ID#60373
Amazon Smile
Online Spirit Store
School Improvement Team
Parent Representatives:
Shonda Carter
Abigail Eastridge
Laura Moore
Jenna Roman
Brian Sullivan
Tracy Toussaint
School Improvement Team Meeting Dates:
September 11, 2023 @ 3:15pm
October 2, 2023 @ 3:15pm
November 6, 2023 @ 3:15pm
December 4, 2023 @3:15pm
January 8, 2023 @3:15pm
February 5, 2023 @3:15pm
March 11, 2023 @3:15pm
April 8, 2023 @3:15pm
May 6, 2023 @3:15pm
School Improvement Plan
Click here to view RBM's School Improvement Plan.
Username: GuestS15728
Password: GuestS15728
*Monthly Agendas and Minutes Posted
Construction Updates
Connect with RBM
Location: 541 Sunnyside Drive Southeast, Concord, NC, USA
Phone: 704-260-6270
Twitter: @rbrownbobcats