August 2nd, 2024

August 2nd, 2024
Message From the Principals
Greetings Lincoln Academy Families!
Can you believe it is August already?! We are so excited to be able to welcome scholars and families through the front doors in less than a month at our orientation and open house events!! Right after that, on August 28th, we'll be officially starting our school year and are looking forward to seeing all the scholars smiling faces in our classrooms!!
Please read the following carefully as it includes a lot of information regarding registration, uniforms, orientation & welcome back nights as well as Fall sports sign-up. This upcoming school year will be filled with growth, joy, and exploration!! Continue to enjoy your summer and Go Lions!
Here are important dates to keep in mind as the beginning of the school year is quickly approaching!
- 8/21 - New Family Orientation with School Leadership Team (5:00 - 6:00 pm)
**Families that joined us mid-year last year are also encouraged to attend!**
- 8/22 - K4 Scholar Orientation (4:45 - 6:30 pm)
- 8/26 - Open House (4:00 – 6:00 pm)
- 8/28 - First Day of School K5-12th
- 8/28 - 8/30 K4 (Last Name A-L ONLY)
- 9/2 - NO SCHOOL - Labor Day
- 9/3-9/5 - K4 (Last Name M-Z ONLY)
- 9/6 - ALL K4 Scholars report moving forward
Tavi Riddle, ES Principal (tavi.riddle@tlabeloit.com)
Janae Gile, MS/HS Principal (janae.gile@tlabeloit.com)
This Year's Orientation Process
Please note that this year all NEW families (K4, 6th, and any other grade level), as well as those that joined us mid-year, will have TWO orientation/welcome back events to attend! There is the mandatory New Family Orientation meeting with school administrators to learn more about TLA expectations as well as a K4 Orientation OR Open House (K5-12th) where scholars will be able to meet their homeroom teachers and bring supplies in. Please see the details below:
New Family Orientation–August 21st 5:00-6:00 pm
All new families, as well as those that joined TLA mid-year (K4-12th), are invited to join us for our mandatory New Family Orientation night. We invite all scholars to attend, however, use your discretion as there will be some sitting and listening involved that may be harder for younger scholars to sit through. The New Family Orientation event will be for new learners and parents to review the TLA Commitment to Success and our Family Handbook. In addition, there will be an opportunity to connect with other families, Parent Leadership Council members, administrators, and new classmates. We are excited to meet scholars and their families and to highlight all the great things about TLA! Please note that if you are a returning family and simply adding another sibling, you do not need to attend.
K4 Orientation–August 22nd
- Scholar’s last names starting with A-L 4:45-5:30
- Scholar’s last names starting with M-Z 5:45:-6:30
Join us for our Meet, Greet, and Play K4 Orientation! We are so excited for scholars to see their school and interact with their classmates. Families and scholars will have the opportunity to meet their teachers, other K4 staff, and TLA administrators. Scholars may bring their school supplies as well. See you all there!
Open House Welcome Back–August 26th 4:00-6:00 pm
New this year, we are excited to be hosting an Open House Welcome Back Night for ALL of our K5-12th grade scholars and their families. This will be an opportunity to meet homeroom teachers and peers. Scholars are encouraged to bring their school supplies and will be able to leave them in their classrooms or lockers. We are excited to see all of your smiling faces as we get ready for another year of learning and growth. See you soon!!!
Important Registration Information
Skyward Family Access
TLA utilizes a scholar management system known as Skyward. This system enables access to online grades and allows families to view and update their personal information stored by the school. For new families, login details have been sent via email. To access Skyward, please visit the Parents section of TLA’s school website and click on "Skyward Family/Scholar Access." (https://skyward.iscorp.com/scripts/wsisa.dll/WService=wscomlincolnacawi/fwemnu01.w) If you have any questions or need assistance, contact the school office at 608-690-5100.
Required Scholar Forms
Annual scholar forms for the 2024-2025 school year are now available online. Families are required to complete a form for each scholar every year. Back-to-school forms can be accessed through the Skyward Family Access Portal. Please ensure all information is accurate. If you have any questions about the forms or need assistance, contact the school office at 608-690-5100. These forms must be completed by August 28, 2024.
Supply Lists
Please find the supply lists for each grade level on our school website under parent resources (https://www.thelincolnacademybeloit.com/parents). These lists outline the materials your scholar(s) will need for the upcoming academic year.
School Calendar
Our 2024-2025 school calendar is also available online under "Parent Resources" on our website (https://www.thelincolnacademybeloit.com/parents]. It includes key dates such as holidays and parent-teacher conferences. Please bookmark this page for future reference.
Scholars routed last year will automatically be routed for the new school year. Please note: If a sibling was enrolled for the 2024-2025 school year, you will need to submit a separate form for each scholar. Transportation assignments are based on individual scholars, not on family units.
Incoming and New Scholars
If your scholar received services through an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or a 504 Plan at a previous school, please fill out this Special Education/504 Plan google form. We want to ensure all records are received from previous districts to support the success of your scholar!
Uniform Information
The Lincoln Academy adopted a uniform policy to promote unity, develop a sense of community and school spirit, decrease potential peer pressure, and keep clothing costs affordable. All families will purchase their uniforms directly from our vendors.
Please click here to view the 2024-2025 Uniform Dress Code.
Pants, Shorts, and Skorts: Must be purchased from French Toast. Your purchases from French Toast will be mailed directly to you. Note: Uniform pants (only pants) may be purchased from another source if needed; however, they must look like the uniform pants provided by French Toast (same style and material). Walmart carries a brand called Wonder Nation that is acceptable.
Physical Education (required for 6th - 12th Grade): Must be purchased from Walnut Creek. You may purchase online or in person at Walnut Creek, 408 East Grand Avenue, Beloit. Purchases made from Walnut Creek may be mailed directly to you or picked up in the store.
Polos, Sweatshirts, and Cardigans: Must be purchased online from HALO. The ordering deadline was July 28th and the The HALO store is now closed. For those families wishing to order additional uniform tops, the store will re-open this winter for another round of ordering.
There will be a limited supply of used uniforms for sale later this month. More information will be shared with families as the time approaches.
Please reach out to JeanMarie.McKearn@tlabeloit.com if you have any uniform questions.
New School-to-Home Communication System
We are excited to announce that we adopted a new form of school-to-home communication at The Lincoln Academy called ParentSquare. This unified communications platform is designed to keep parents and guardians informed and encourage greater engagement and connection with TLA. It provides a safe way for district administration, school principals, teachers, staff, coaches and parents to:
Send and receive school and class information
Share pictures and files
See calendar items
Sign up to volunteer
and much more . . . all in one centralized place!
Parents—Getting Started Video Padres: vídeo de introducción
All district and school, grade level and classroom information will now be sent to your computer or phone via email and/or text. For even more convenience, download the ParentSquare app (available for free for iOS and Android devices).
Watch for your email invitation to join the TLA ParentSquare community coming soon!
Middle & High School Counselor Updates
6th Grade Scholars ONLY - Exploratory Selection
Thank you to the 6th grade scholars who completed their Exploratory selection in Skyward. If you have not completed the selection process in Skyward please do so as soon as possible. Instructions on how to request courses were sent via email. Scholars should pick four requests and two alternate requests. The Lincoln Academy will schedule all core subject classes. Please email Director of Career Planning and Partnerships, Laura Benisch at laura.benisch@tlabeloit.com with questions.
High School Scholar Schedules
The 2024-25 high school scholar schedules are now available for viewing in Skyward. Please email the College and Career Counselor, Mrs. Erin Wolf, at erin.wolf@tlabeloit.com with any questions or concerns regarding your schedule. When Mrs. Wolf returns to work in mid-August, she will review all requests and send a confirmation email regarding any changes made.
In order to graduate, scholars are required to complete .5 credit of Work-Based Learning. If your scholar has not completed a minimum of one semester of Work-Based Learning as a Junior and is not scheduled to complete it during their Senior year please email the Director of Career Planning and Partnerships, Laura Benisch at laura.benisch@tlabeloit.com to discuss options.
Fall Sports Sign Up (6th-12th Grade)
TLA will have volleyball and cross country this fall at the varsity, junior varsity, and middle school levels. To be eligible to participate, scholars will need to satisfy the following:
Have a current sports physical on file (dated after 4/1/23).
All fees are paid on their scholar account.
All athletic forms are submitted via Skyward.
Fall sports sign-up is currently open and will continue through August 18th. Please use the following link to complete the sign-up. TLA Fall Sports Sign-Up
Volleyball (Girls) Information:
High School and Middle School tryouts: August 19th-23rd
High School first practice: August 26th
Middle School first practice: September 3rd
Cross Country (Co-Ed) Information:
High School and Middle School open-gym: August 19th-23rd
High School first practice: August 26th
Middle School first practice: September 3rd
Sports Physicals
As we gear up for the start of another school year, we urge our scholars to utilize this time to complete their sports physicals. A sports physical is a mandatory requirement every two years to maintain eligibility for athletics in 6th-12th grade. For the second year, an 'Alternate Year Card' is necessary. Families with scholars in 6th-12th grade who do NOT have a current sports physical on file will receive an email notification next week.
WIAA sports physical paperwork must be completed as well as having the physical and the paperwork can be located HERE under "Athletic Forms."
2024-2025 TLA Coaching Staff
We are excited to announce the addition of two coaches to the TLA coaching staff.
- Gabi Olson, an outstanding teacher here at TLA, will be the head varsity volleyball coach. Coach Olson brings a ton of energy and positivity to the program. We look forward to a great season!
- Andrei Sullivan will be the TLA boy's junior varsity basketball coach. Coach Sullivan has the passion and experience to help the TLA basketball program reach the next level. Please welcome Coach Olson and Coach Sullivan.
As we embark on this exciting journey with our new coaches, we encourage the TLA community to show their support. Below, you will find the contact information for each of our head coaches. Whether you have sport-specific questions or are interested in volunteering, we urge you to reach out. Your support is invaluable and greatly appreciated.
- Volleyball: Coach Gabi Olson gabi.olson@tlabeloit.com
- Cross Country: Coach Cristina Clothier cristina.clothier@tlabeloit.com
- Boys Basketball: Coach Ken Evans ken.evans@tlabeloit.com
- Girls Basketball: Coach Jason Miller jason.miller@tlabeloit.com
- Wrestling: Coach Joe Clothier joe.clothier@tlabeloit.com
- Track and Field: Coach Shae Mitchell shae.mitchell@tlabeloit.com
- Baseball: Coach Robert Cieplewski robert.cieplewski@tlabeloit.com
- Golf: Coach Hector Gonzalez hector.gonzalez@tlabeloit.com
Community Connections
Free Laundry Days!!
August 24th & 31st from 8:00-10:00 am at The Mat on Madison Rd, Cranston Rd, & Park Avenue Laundromats. See flyer below for more information as well as who to contact to donate!!
Learning Neighborhood Fun Fest
Being held at Big Hill Park on August 24th from 11:00-1:00 pm. See flyer below for more details and to RSVP.
The Lincoln Academy
Email: info@tlabeloit.com
Website: https://www.thelincolnacademybeloit.com/
Location: 608 Henry Avenue, Beloit, WI, USA
Phone: 608 690 5100
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TLABeloit/
Twitter: @tlabeloit