World Language

6th Grade
In Italian class, students have been learning how to describe themselves and family members (physical appearance and personality).
In Spanish class, 6th graders have wrapped up their unit about family and are beginning their new unit about food. In this unit, students will learn how to order food in Spanish, compare and contrast different foods, and express their likes and dislikes about food. Students in Sra. Speaker's class have also been learning the play "Marco el Mago." In Srta. Lima's classes, students are participating in a March Madness style music competition called "Locura de Marzo." Each day they listen to, compare, and rate songs in Spanish from different genres and artists from all around the world.
6th grade Spanish students presenting their "familia famosa" projects to the class.
7th Grade
In Arabic class students are learning about their choices of healthy food including fruit, vegetables, dairy products and proteins. They will learn how to ask about likes and dislikes, and the difference between eating and drinking. Students are also learning to celebrate a piece of tradition and culture with the month of Ramadan approaching soon.
Italian students started unit all about the house. Students are learning to talk about their home and what they do around the house.
7th grade Spanish classes have completed their unit on hobbies/pastimes and are now beginning the new unit about the house and chores. In this unit, students will explore different types of homes throughout the Spanish speaking world and compare and contrast them with their own. They will also learn how to describe the different activities and chores they do around the house. In Srta. Lima's class, students are also participating in a March Madness style music competition called "Locura de Marzo." Each day they listen to, compare, and rate songs in Spanish from different genres and artists from all around the world.
8th Grade
In Arabic class, students are learning how to speak in real life situations where they need to express themselves by asking and answering some questions about daily activities. The focus for this unit is food as students will also be learning about celebrating a piece of tradition and culture with the month of Ramadan approaching soon.
8th grade Italian students have started the new unit all about traveling.
8th grade students completed the AAPPL oral proficiency assessment and will be informed of results soon. (See photo below of students using the DILL language lab to practice different speaking prompts.) Students will now begin the new unit all about travel. In this unit, they will learn how to make travel plans and describe past trips using the past (preterite) tense. In Srta. Lima's classes, students are also participating in a March Madness style music competition called "Locura de Marzo." Each day they listen to, compare, and rate songs in Spanish from different genres and artists from all around the world.