Physical Education News
October 2024 - Ms. Murray
October's Character Trait Theme - Responsibility & Self Control
Responsibility means being dependable, making good choices and taking accountability for your actions.
Self Control
Self Control means being able to resist immediate temptations and avoid acting on impulse in order to achieve more important goals, such as learning and being kind. When kids have better self control, they do better in school and get along better with others.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0YDE8_jsHkSOCCER UNIT
This month we finished up our soccer unit. During the soccer unit students will learn and practice how to dribble, pass and instep kick (shoot). They will also play a culminating activity as a group/team. Why teach soccer in physical education class? Soccer is currently one of the most popular sports in the world and is accessible to many children. Soccer helps children learn manipulative and motor skills (these skills are also part of the K-12 Physical Education Standards for the State of Michigan). Playing in a group or on a team teaches students how to communicate, work together and make quick decisions. Playing soccer can also help develop muscle tone, endurance and flexibility. Lastly, it's fun!!!
Fitness testing has begun for grades 3-5. We've currently completed the 50 yard dash, 880 yard run, sit-up test and sit and reach. Testing takes place all year long. We space out the tests so they're not all done at once. Fitness testing is a great way to monitor and assess students' ability as it relates to aerobic fitness, strength and flexibility. It can also help students understand how healthy they are and learn to set goals to improve their health-related fitness. Students' will participate in various warm-up activities that involve physical fitness and building their muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility and stamina.
Basketball Unit
This month we began our basketball unit. We practiced the hand dribble. These skills were practiced both in isolation and during activities. Hand dribbling occurs when the ball is pushed in a forward and downward motion. It requires good dynamic balance and space awareness.
Why practice hand dribbling in physical education class? Practicing hand dribbling in elementary physical education is important because it develops fundamental motor skills like hand-eye coordination, agility, and ball control, which are essential for many sports and can be applied to various physical activities beyond just basketball, while also promoting overall coordination and confidence with the ball in hand; making it a valuable skill for children to learn at a young age.
Elks Hoop Shoot Competition
All of the elementary schools in Royal Oak have begun their participation in the Elks Hoop Shoot Competition during physical education class. It's a free throw competition with three age groups: 8-9, 10-11, 12-13. The top two boys and top two girls who made the most free throws in each age group have the opportunity to move onto the next level of competition at the middle school, competing against same aged peers from the other elementary schools in Royal Oak.
For more information about the Elks Hoop Shoot please click on the following link:
Building Healthy Communities: https://bhcwsu.org/home/healthy-at-home/
At Home Physical Education: https://www.thepespecialist.com/peathome/
Open Physical Education Curriculum: https://openphysed.org/activeschools/activehome
Healthy Kid Friendly Recipes: https://www.eatingwell.com/recipes/18049/healthy-kids/
Healthy Recipes for Kids with Allergies: https://kidswithfoodallergies.org/recipes-diet/
Danny Go Movement Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsUPVERZFlI
Go Noodle: https://www.gonoodle.com/profiles?intendedPath=%2F
Contact Information
Deanna Murray
Physical Education
Oakland Elementary: 248-542-4406 ext. 5036
Oak Ridge Elementary: 248-588-8353 ext. 5036
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