Maverick Monthly: September 2024

Welcome from Superintendent Jeremy Williams
It is an exciting time for Eastland ISD! This is most readily seen in our extracurricular activities. Football, Volleyball, and Cross Country seasons are all underway, and our student athletes are performing well! Likewise, the Marching Band is practicing and making improvements every day. Preparations are underway for various UIL competitions at Siebert Elementary and Eastland Middle School. Outside of the extracurricular activities, students are putting in good work in their classrooms. Every day our students are striving for excellence, and we are proud of their hard work and perseverance.
We are extremely thankful for our Eastland families and members of our community for all the support you give our students. Whether you're a member of the Siebert PTO, the Band, Athletic, or Ag Boosters, or taking the time to talk with your student about their homework, your contribution does not go unnoticed. Alongside individuals, we are grateful to the local businesses that donate time and resources to Eastland ISD. Without all of your help, Eastland ISD would not be as successful. We are grateful for the effort the Eastland community puts towards building our students up and making sure they have all they need to succeed.
The first six week period ends on September 27th, and all signs point to an amazing school year for Eastland. We will continue to put in the work and keep the positive momentum going.
Jeremy Williams
Eastland ISD
September School Board Meeting Recap
The next Regular Board Meeting will be October 14.
Kaylynn, Natasha, Elspeth Lead the Pledge!
Kaylynn, Natasha, and Elspeth were selected to lead the pledge at the September Board Meeting. The three students did a wonderful job. Thank you!
Zuleyka and Carlos are Eastland Middle School's August Students of the Month!
Zuleyka and Carlos were chosen as Eastland Middle School's August Students of the Month! These two students stood out in the first month of school.
Zuleyka was noted as being a huge help with non-English speaking students, translating when needed and helping them with their studies. Teachers said that she is one of the most delightful and positive kids to be around. She also plays Volleyball for the Lady Mavs and marches with the High School Band.
Carlos is a positive student that teachers stated has a great attitude, has high energy, and is great to work with. He plays football for the Middle School Mavericks and helps coaches keep track of stats for the High School Mavericks. He also marches with the High School Band.
Congratulations to both of these outstanding students!
Za'Nyea and Cason are Eastland High School's August Students of the Month!
Za'Nyea and Cason were selected as August Students of the Month for Eastland High School. Both are noted as leaders of their class.
Za'Nyea is a Varsity Cheerleader, a member of FCCLA, and plans to go to Cisco College to study Nursing as well as to continue Cheerleading. She's noted to be the 'mom' for the fellow classmates, and is extremely helpful to staff as well. If a student forgets something, Za'Nyea usually has an extra to help them out, and if a teacher needs something, she is usually first to volunteer to help out.
Cason is one of Eastland High School's outstanding athletes. He plays Football as well as Golf and Track. He is the Senior Class Vice President, Vice President of Eastland's Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and a member of the Beta Club. He will graduate with 60 dual credit hours, and plans to attend Texas A&M to study Engineering.
Congratulations to these two amazing students!
Cindy Forrest and Brenda Perez Recognized as Employees of the Month!
At the September School Board Meeting, Cindy Forrest was recognized as Teacher of the Month, and Brenda Perez was recognized as Employee of the Month!
Brenda Perez is a Special Education Aide for Siebert Elementary. Additionally, she drives a bus route for Eastland ISD. She was selected to be Employee of the Month for her attention to detail and focus on safety. Notably, when she believed something was wrong with the bus she was driving, she did everything by the book, following all safety regulations and rules to ensure students remained safe while the problem was assessed.
Cindy Forrest teaches 2nd Grade for Siebert Elementary. She has done a wonderful job with her students, and works well with her fellow staff. Outside of inspiring her own students to pursue excellence in their studies, Principal Chesser notes that Mrs. Forrest has inspired him and other members of staff with her faith and patience.
Congratulations to both of these outstanding members of Eastland ISD's staff!
After Cindy Forrest was recognized as Teacher of the Month, Eastland's Blake Fulenwider Dodge Dealership surprised Mrs. Forrest with a special gift basket. Included with the gift basket was the key to a Jeep Wrangler, which she was permitted to use for a week! Thank you to Blake Fulenwider for this show of support for Eastland Teachers!
Check out these photos from recent events across Eastland campuses!
Mavericks and Lady Mavs Face off Against Clyde Bulldogs!
On September 6th, the Varsity Mavericks Football team and Lady Mavs Volleyball teams headed to Clyde's Bulldog Stadium!
More photos from the games can be found below:
Varsity Lady Mavs Volleyball VS Clyde: https://photos.app.goo.gl/ZpB6qfPorgHgeNNR6
JV Lady Mavs Volleyball VS Clyde: https://photos.app.goo.gl/ZrREFAjAyfegLLv89
Varsity Mavericks Football VS Clyde: https://photos.app.goo.gl/2qPu5VRfVvGkTgUF9
FFA Officers Greet Siebert Students
More photos can be found here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/bXJsgwMdEAJTKrPx7
Eastland Middle School Mavericks Play First Home Game of the Season!
7th and 8th Grade Mavericks had their first Pep Rally of the year, followed by their first home games of the season! Both teams played well, with 7th grade outplaying and beating Comanche, and 8th grade having a close game, but coming out a bit short in the 4th quarter.
Photos of the Pep Rally can be found here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/nmJdbrNJGWRExrzW9
Photos of the 7th Grade game can be found here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/kN6DPoy4GQeMRDtB8
Photos of the 8th Grade game can be found here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/RTTbmPrbKHHeJxPYA
Morning Pep Rally for the Mavericks!
Photos from the Pep Rally can be found here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/PuX9J6oyZbMVajCr9
8th Grade Principles of Ag Students Learn About Training Dogs
After the High School Pep Rally, 8th Grade Principles of Ag students met Braylee Moore (@texastrickdogs on Instagram), a certified dog trainer. Students learned about what goes into training a dog, learned about the different types of dog shows, and the purpose of those shows. Afterwards, Moore demonstrated what a trained dog is capable of, showcasing obedience training and tricks that the two dogs she brought along could do. Students then used the commands she taught to get the dogs to do tricks!
More photos can be found here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/DPXDFowqairApJgb8
Sports You Groups for Eastland Athletics!
If you have students involved in Eastland athletics, make sure to join the appropriate sportsYou group! Eastland ISD coaches will use sportsYou to push out updates and information on upcoming events. Downloading the app and signing up for the group your student is a part of will help you keep up with any changes in schedules, practice, meal information, and more.
Check out the documents below for the sign up information for each group! If you have difficulties with the QR code, please use the access code and the steps listed on the page. Note that there are two groups for Football: one specifically labeled as Parents, and another for general updates.
Eastland High School sportsYou Groups:
Eastland Middle School sportsYou Groups
Important Dates on the EISD Calendar!
September 27th: End of First Six Weeks period
September 30th: No class for students: Staff Development
October 4th: No school, Student Holiday
October 7th: No school, Student Holiday
October 14th: Next Regularly Scheduled School Board Meeting