The Patton Post
Friday, 6th September

- Principal's Message (NEW!)
- MAP Testing (NEW!)
- Curriculum Night Information (NEW!)
- Traffic Update (NEW!)
- Bike Safety Event (NEW!)
- Forgotten Items (2nd Post)
- Good Lunch Time Habits (2nd Post)
- Join the PTA/ABC 25 Foundation (2nd Post)
- Spirit Wear Sale (2nd Post)
- Food Service Information (Ongoing Post)
- Signing Students in and out (Final Post)
- Absence Procedures (Final Post)
- 2024-2025 Calendar (Ongoing Post)
- Dates to Know (Updated Post!)
Friday, September 6th
I hope everyone had a wonderful long weekend and enjoyed some quality time with their family! I heard many stories of swimming, boat riding, trips to the city, hangouts with extended family members and friends. Hearing of all these activities made me so happy!
Our Safety Week was a huge success this past week and I want to take a moment to commend and thank all the students and staff for how they handled each and every drill! I am always impressed by how quickly and efficiently we are able to get through all of our drills. Students followed all the directions given by their teachers and waited quietly for the drills to be concluded. We appreciate our students so much!
I hope to see many of you at the Back to School Bash this evening! This event is always such a fun way to kick off the school year and I am always so grateful to the PTA for organizing it for us! Please remember to bring a reusable water bottle - there will be no drinks sold at this event.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Ellie Chin
On Wednesday, September 11th, the district testing window for the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Assessment opens.
Students in grades K-5 will test in both reading and math. Classroom teachers will share their testing schedules with you. We ask that you try to schedule any appointments or other outside activities around the assigned testing days and times.
Your support in making sure your child gets a good night of sleep and eats a healthy breakfast on testing day is appreciated.
Score reports will be shared with families in mid-October.
CURRICULUM NIGHT - Thursday, 12th September (NEW POST!)
We are so looking forward to seeing you all next week for Curriculum Night! Please review the information below and be sure to mark your calendars!
Curriculum Night is an opportunity for parents to meet their child's teacher, learn more about their child's classroom and the curriculum they will be learning during the school year.
Please note that this event is specifically for parents and guardians ONLY. Parking is very limited for this event. If you can walk, we encourage you to do so.
Please view the schedule below and plan to come to Patton at the appropriate time to visit your child's classroom. The main entrance will be unlocked at 5.50pm. Staff will begin their presentations promptly at their assigned times. We hope many of you will be able to join us next Thursday.
Please note that the parking lot north of Patton is for staff only. Some staff are arriving at different times for their evening presentations. It may seem that there are spaces available in the parking lot, however, teachers who are arriving later will use those spots. Please leave the north parking lot for staff parking. We appreciate your cooperation. Our teachers do not want to be running in late to meet you!
Thank you all so much for transitioning to our new drop off patterns so quickly this week! We do not have enough volunteers to safely open Door 12 (the Patton Avenue door) for morning drop off but our 1st and 2nd graders have done a GREAT job coming through Door 7 this week!
We know mornings can be hectic at the best of times so THANK YOU for adapting to this change and getting your child/ren to school on time and safe! It is hugely appreciated!
We have a few reminders for you this week.
- Please do not drop off students before 8:50am. There is no adult supervision before this time and our traffic volunteers cannot ensure student safety on the blacktop.
- Please also do not drop your child/ren off in the parking lot unless you are also planning on walking them across the crosswalk and waiting with them on the blacktop. The parking lot gets very busy and we want to ensure that all students are getting to the blacktop safely.
- Please do not turn left in a car as you exit the Patton blacktop - it is clearly indicated that this is not allowed with the signage. We have received complaints from neighbors and they have advised that they will be reporting any cars doing this to the School Resource Officers.
- Please remember that there is no parking allowed on Maude/Harvard Avenue. We were made aware that some people received tickets from the police this week for parking there. Please pay attention to the signage on surrounding streets.
The traffic team is still in need of volunteers to help! If you (or a caregiver) can spare half an hour in the morning or the afternoon it would be hugely appreciated. Please reach out to pattontrafficteam@gmail.com if you are interested in volunteering.
THANK YOU again for all your help in ensuring our Panthers are safe and ready to start the day!
BIKE SAFETY EVENT - Tuesday, 10th September 3:45pm (NEW POST!)
If your child/ren can ride a 2 wheel bike unaided and would like to learn some road safety skills, please sign them up for the "Bike Rodeo" our traffic team will be hosting next Tuesday, after school.
All participants must wear a helmet.
Please sign up HERE or by clicking the image below.
As part of our "Safety Week" we will be speaking with the students about taking responsibility for their own items and ensuring they get to school ready to have a successful day! This year we are trying to minimize the need for parents to come to school during the school day. Reducing foot traffic really helps ensure we are keeping our building safe and secure at all times.
We do understand, however, that mornings can get busy and life can just get in the way sometimes! If you ever need to drop anything off for your child/ren, please come to the main office. You will find a bookshelf in the entry vestibule - please drop any items onto the shelf labeled with your child/ren's grade level. Please ensure all items are clearly labeled with your child/ren's name and teacher.
This would also be a great time to talk to your children about being responsible for their water bottles and sweatshirts. Our lost and found is already filling up after just 6 days of school. Please remind your children to take a look or search yourselves on Curriculum Night.
- K - 2nd: 12:10 - 12:40pm.
- 3rd - 5th Grade: 12:40 - 1:10pm
We have many students with food allergies this year so please help us by explaining to your child/ren the importance of NOT sharing their food with peers at lunchtime or at snack time. We all remember what it's like to see someone else's awesome lunch and wish we could switch out our chips for their fruit snacks but please explain that, at school, sharing lunch items is not ok.
Thank you for partnering with us on this - we will be spending time explaining this to students throughout the first few days of school, but reinforcement from home is always appreciated!
If you haven’t joined the PTA for the 2024-2025 school year, please consider doing so! Annual PTA membership is only $12 and can easily be completed through the School District 25 Online store! Click here to Join the Patton PTA
As a Patton PTA member, you will be able to access the Patton Student DirectorySpot App, which provides you with access to other PTA members contact information. This app is useful for planning birthday parties, carpools, and playdates.
Patton School is not able to provide you with contact information for other families. If you would like to communicate with parents of children in your child's class, the only way to access their information is through the Directory Spot App. Please do note that this is a manual process, it is not automated upon joining PTA. As a result, there is a delay in receiving access to the Directory Spot App. Please plan accordingly if you have a fall birthday coming up!
Your PTA membership gives you discounts at different retailers (see www.pta.org/benefits for details). You are also a member of the National PTA, which advocates for the safety, education, and well-being of our children.
Questions? Please e-mail ahpattonptamembership@gmail.com
The ABC/25 Foundation is a non-for-profit organization founded in 1991 by a group of caring parents to give A Better Community for District 25, hence the name ABC/25 Foundation. The mission of the Foundation is “to foster innovation, creativity, and excellence for the children of District 25.” The foundation’s Board of Directors and committee is composed of district parents, local community leaders, and school administrators that volunteer their time to serve the students of District 25.
We invite you to join ABC/25 Foundation and make an impact on District 25 student learning. Your support ensures that we can continue to provide students with projects and programs that foster innovation, creativity, and excellence. Your donation supports teacher/staff grants, school membership incentive grants, and foundation events that all members receive priority access to.
Each year, the ABC/25 Foundation grants $2,500.00 to any AHSD25 school when 25% of the school’s families become members. If you have children at multiple schools, each school will get credit for your participation, so make sure to indicate if you have multiple schools when joining. The membership grant funds may be used at each school’s discretion. Past membership grant funds have been used to purchase, among other items: lighting and sound system updates, playground equipment, app subscriptions, digital books, Chromebooks, Nooks and iPad minis. You may have noticed some posters hanging up at our Ribbon Cutting Ceremony. We have a poster maker that is well-used for many purposes that was purchased with funds from teh ABC/25 Foundation membership grant.
Please consider joining HERE!
Show your "Panther Pride" by purchasing some amazing spirit wear this Fall! We always love to see the Patton Panther adorned on sweatshirts, T-shirts and, by the looks of this flyer, hair ribbons!! Wow!
Our Food services team are delighted to welcome you back this school year! All product nutrition and ingredient information can be found on the AHSD25 Food Services page and all allergy information is available on the MySchoolMenus app (download using the QR code).
Please see links below for some helpful information
- Where can I view the school lunch menu? Click Here
- How does my student order a school lunch? Click Here
- How do I pay for my child’s meals? Click Here
- How do I apply for free & reduced meals? Click Here
Should your child need to enter or leave school during the school day (including for lunch), we ask that you notify the teacher and Patton's office beforehand, via email or phone. When you arrive at school, you will need to sign your child in or sign your child out using the QR code posted on the sign OR the ONLINE FORM. Students are required to be signed in if they arrive at 9:05 or later.
The form should only be filled out when you arrive to pick up/drop off your child. The form "time stamps" your entry and filling it out too soon provides inaccurate attendance information. If you fill out the form before picking up your child, the office will request you to fill it out again so the time accurately reflects when your child was picked up or dropped off. The QR code will be posted outside the main entrance, but many families also find it helpful to bookmark this page for easy access.
If your child cannot attend school on a specific day, there are two ways to report an absence. Please click HERE to record absence information using our online form, which is located on our school website on the Absence page. You may also call our office to report an absence. When you call our school’s main line at 847-398-4288, you will initially hear an auto attendant. You will be prompted with a few options: press “1” to report the absence; press “2” for the nurse; press “0” or remain on the line for the front office. This procedure not only helps us fulfill necessary attendance obligations as required by Illinois law, but it also helps us to monitor the safety of our students en route to school.
2024-2025 SCHOOL CALENDAR (Ongoing Post!)
Should you want to print this calendar as well, please click HERE.
Friday, September 6th - PTA Sponsored BACK TO SCHOOL BASH!
Thursday, September 12th - Curriculum Night
MAP Testing - 9/11, 9/12, 9/13, 9/17, 9/18.
Friday, September 20th - PTA Sponsored: Kindergarten Family Night
Friday, September 27th - PTA Sponsored: First Grade Family Night
Please be sure to click on the Patton PTA website button above for information about other upcoming events
Main Line: (847) 398-4288
Fax #: (847) 394-6681
Absence Procedure
Twitter: @AHSD25Patton