Second Grade December Newsletter
As we head into the holiday season, and are well into the 2nd marking period, let’s take a look back at everything we learned last month. In ELA, we completed Knowledge Domain 3 in Greek Civilization and started Domain 4 in Greek Myths. In math, we compared numbers, found 100, 10, and 1-more/less than given numbers, and have began adding and subtracting numbers within 100. We completed our Health unit, and have began our Social Studies Geography unit. It has been a busy month!
Important December Dates:
12/3 - PTA Meeting
12/23 - 1/1- WINTER BREAK (No school for students)
Second Grade Teachers
Mr. Abbinanti
Mrs. Currie
Mrs. Mitchell
Ms. Tran
Mrs. Langone (Reading Initiative)
Mrs. Lowe (Math)
In December, we will finish up Domain 4 and review concepts we have been learning to wrap up the domain. We will begin the next domain, Cycles in Nature.
Domain 4 - Greek Myths
Students will finish learning that the ancient Greeks worshipped many gods and goddesses, and that the twelve they believed lived on Mount Olympus, the home of the gods, were the most powerful. Students have learned the definition of a myth: a fictional story, once thought to be true that tried to explain mysteries of nature and humankind. Students have heard about Prometheus and Pandora, Demeter and Persephone, Arachne the Weaver, the Sphinx, and Hercules, among others.
Domain 6 - Cycles in Nature
This domain will introduce your students to the many natural cycles that make life on Earth possible. Your students will increase their knowledge of cycles in nature by learning more about seasonal cycles, and by beginning their study of flowering plants and trees, animal life cycles, and the importance of the water cycle. Students will also learn about the effect seasonal changes have on plants and animals. As students learn that all organisms experience the developmental stages of the life cycle, they will also learn how their growth and development relates to Earth’s seasonal cycles and begin to understand how all organisms depend on Earth’s limited water supply.
We will continue working on Module 4!
Module 4: Addition & Subtraction Within 200 with Word Problems to 100
Unit 4 Math Topics Covered This Month:
D: Strategies for Composing Tens and Hundreds
E: Strategies for Decomposing Tens and Hundreds
F: Student Explanations for Written Methods
Social Studies
In Social Studies, we will continue with our Geography unit. We will explore the following essential questions:
How do people develop, borrow, and share customs and traditions?
How is your community shaped by people from different cultures?
How are places and regions classified?
Why do people modify and adapt to the environment?
How do people modify and adapt to the environment?