Curtis Chronicles
December 18, 2023
Welcome from Curtis Principal, Sonya Pitcock
Cougar Families,
We hope all our Curtis families have a wonderful winter break and holiday season. Best wishes for a wonderful New Year as well! We are thankful for your partnership and support of our school and staff!
Parent reminders:
Bus drop off and pick up is in the front of the school and parent drop off and pick up is on the gym side. Please help us by following these locations in order to keep our bus lanes clear. Our transportation department works hard to keep buses running on time and when parents are in the bus lanes that slows down their schedule. Also, if you are coming to campus to pick your child up after 3:00, please park in a parking space to not block the bus lanes.
If you have a balance in the cafeteria, please get those cleared up as soon as possible. Letters and notices have been sent home and provided to your child.
Please be sure to send a note with your child after an absence so it can be excused. You can submit this in skyward, or through a note to our registrar. Your child’s compulsory attendance is affected by not notifying us of the absence.
We are finishing up this semester this week with our final projects and tests. Please be sure your students are at school to complete their work this week. We cannot give any tests early. Please see the schedule for when students will take each subject tests. Grades will be final by January 8 and 8:00 AM, so once students leave on Friday, they will not be able to submit any other work for this semester.
Thanks for your help with these items.
Sonya Pitcock
Curtis Middle School
COUNSELORS CORNER! Fostering Statewide Community Connections
Allen ISD is excited to invite EB parents to a special workshop focusing on "Community Participation Programs" under Title III, Part A.
Date: Tuesday, January 23, 2024
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. CST
Upcoming Events
December 22: End of 2nd semester
December 22: Early Release - school out @ 12:35pm
December 25-January 5: Winter Break (no school)
January 8: Staff Development Day (no school)
January 15: Martin Luther King Jr Holiday (no school)
January 19: PTA Membership Meeting
January 23: Middle School Expo Night
February 8: Marco's Pizza spirit night
March 21: Chick-Fil-A Spirit night (Stacey Road)
April 5: PTA Membership Meeting
April 11: Portillo's Spirit night
May 5: PTA Membership Meeting
May 8: PinStack Spirit night (Allen)
December Staff Meeting
It’s time for a Cookie Exchange!! The Curtis PTA would love your help in providing cookies, cakes, brownies and bars for our Curtis Staff for a cookie exchange on Thursday, December 21. Check out the sign up genius below for details and instructions on how to donate some sweet treats to our amazing staff. Thank you as always for your help and support, especially during this busy holiday season!
Calling all Parents - we need your help!
Taking fun pics this year? Help the yearbook staff by uploading your photos to be featured!
Please submit them here https://tinyurl.com/CMSYBPIX24 or scan the QR code shown.
Need photos of: 1st day of school, CMS football, volleyball, cheer, dances, band, orchestra, etc.
Volunteers Needed - Copy Room Helpers!
Copy Room helpers are needed to help staff & teachers during their busy workday. Please take a look at the signup- https://curtisptsa.membershiptoolkit.com/volunteer/114513
Please be sure you have completed your annual Allen ISD volunteer application and background check in order to volunteer. CLICK HERE for application.
PTA Business Sponsorship Program
CMS PTA is pleased to once again offer our business sponsorship program. Curtis PTA would like to invite community businesses to show support for our staff, students and community by making a financial contribution to our PTA for the 2023-24 school year. PTA strives to make every child’s potential a reality.
There are two contribution levels for you to consider.
Red Level, $100
- Your logo and link to your website on CurtisCougarPTA.org from now through June 30, 2024.
- Be included in the end-of-year thank you email.
Black Level, $250
- Your logo and link to your website on CurtisCougarPTA.org from now through June 30, 2024.
- Be included in the end-of-year thank you email.
- 1 Thank you in our campus-wide newsletter that goes out to all families.
- 1 Thank you and shout out with a link to your website on our Curtis PTA Facebook page.
CLICK HERE for more details or email Ways & Means
Do you shop at Kroger?
Log onto the Kroger website or stop by the customer service desk at any Kroger. Link your Kroger rewards card to Curtis Middle School.
Our school code is XX655.
Allen ISD Volunteer Application
Volunteers who work with AISD student groups and organizations will need to complete a volunteer application. These groups include, but are not limited to, PTA organizations, booster clubs, cheerleading squads, dance squads (athletic and fine arts) and any other AISD student organizations where adults will be working with students other than their own children at AISD sponsored events.
Click on this link to fill out the volunteer application: https://www.allenisd.org/page/register-volunteer
Curtis Middle School PTA
Email: communications@curtiscougarpta.org
Website: https://www.allenisd.org/curtisms
Location: 1530 Rivercrest Boulevard, Allen, TX, USA
Phone: 972-727-0340
Twitter: @CurtisCougars