Byberry Inclement Weather Info
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Inclement Weather Procedures - MaST Byberry
Dear Parents/Guardians:
This is to inform you that MaST’s buildings will close on the same days as the School District of Philadelphia due to inclement weather or other citywide emergency.
MaST may also opt to close our building independent of any decision made by the School District of Philadelphia.
Depending on the circumstances, administration will make a decision and communicate whether there will be a two hour delay, early dismissal, or closed with an assignment due.
The school will send out a notice via the Talking Points Text Alert System regarding any updates for closures or delays.
Also, you may check the following sources for information:
School Website - http://mastccs.org
MaST Announcements email list - subscribe here: https://mastccs.org/email
School’s Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/mastcharter
School Name will be listed on Channel 3 (CBS), Channel 10 (NBC), and Channel 6 (WPVI)
Two Hour Delay:
Grades K to 8 will begin the school day at 10:00 a.m.
Grades 9 to 12 will begin the school day at 9:30 a.m.
Students will not be granted entry into the school building until 9:00 a.m.
For children riding yellow buses to school, if your child’s normal pick-up time is 7:00 a.m., the pick-up time would then change to 9:00 a.m. If there is a two-hour delay due to weather, the Before Care program will be canceled for that morning.
Early Dismissals:
At any time due to inclement weather, we may have to dismiss the students early from school. Specific details and dismissal times will be communicated out when an early dismissal is called. If there is an emergency early dismissal, the After Care program will close at 4 p.m. Please make emergency backup plans for your child to ensure they get home safely.
Closed with An Inclement Weather Assignment:
Each homeroom teacher will share an Attendance Tracking Google form by 8 AM. This form, along with an independent assignment for the day, will be distributed via Google Classroom, email, and/or Talking Points. Students in Grade K-5 will complete the next “Inclement Weather” day packet that will be sent home soon. All assignments and Attendance Tracking Google Form submissions must be completed by 2 PM.
Thank you,
MaST Administration & MaST Schools Network Team