New Berlin High School
Email: hllewellyn@pretzelpride.com
Website: www.pretzelpride.com
Location: 300 East Ellis Street, New Berlin, IL, USA
Phone: 217488602
Facebook: facebook.com/newberlinpretzels
Twitter: @NBHSPretzels1
Instagram: newberlinpretzels
YouTube: Pretzel News Network
TikTok: nbhspretzels
September At-A-Glance
25 2:21 Dismissal; Parent Teacher Conferences from 5-8
26 2:21 Dismissal; Parent Teacher Conferences from 5-8
HS VB Game - Yee Haw Theme
27 - Not in Attendance; CACC Students are in attendance! HS FB Home VS Pittsfield
Parent Teacher Conferences - September 25-26th
Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on September 25th and 26 from 5-8PM. Sign-up through Family Access. Click the attachment below for directions on how to sign up, where rooms are located, and other importante information.
We are looking forward to meeting with you!
UIC Nurse for a Day
Mr. Viola and 7 NBHS students participated in the UIC Nurse for a Day field trip on Wednesday, September 18th. Those in attendance were Alex Steger, Michael Pecoraro, Madison Griffitts, Emma Marx, Danica Grimm, Erica Morenz, and Kassidy Wallace.
Spanish Classes Start JH Lessons!
Ms. Kennedy's Spanish Dual Credit classes are back at it! This year they have separate 3rd and 4th year classes. They both had their first day of teaching Ms. Burke's 6th grade classes. Each class did a fantastic job teaching students about greetings and goodbyes. We are looking forward to many more fun lessons this year!
Ms. Delai's Art Classes - Art To Remember Project
Hi families and friends,
Our school is participating in a creative fundraiser with Art to Remember that allows you to purchase keepsake products customized with your child's art. There are over 60 products and many are less than $20. These make great gifts and a percentage of every purchase goes right back to our school. Click on the link below and enter the online order code shown on your child's order form or to search for your child's artwork. Then, have fun shopping!
If you have any questions, please email Ms. Delai - mdelai@pretzelpride.com
ROE #51 Capital Area Education Fair = October 2nd
Next Wednesday, October 2, all Juniors and Seniors will be attending the Capital Area Education Fair at the Orr Building at the Illinois State Fair grounds. We will be back in time for lunch and CACC.
Student Services - Kane's Closet- Resources Available to All Students
National Honor Society Sneaker Drive This Month!
Got some shoes laying around that you are willing to donate? Send them to the high school and our NHS use funds from the donated shoes to give to the Angel Tree this holiday season!
School Attendance Matters!
Here is our building's Weekly Attendance Update. We are still at 95.3% for the year! We dipped a little on Friday - Let's get back on track this week!
Keep Up To Date with the Morning Announcement Broadcast!
NBHS Daily Advisory Agenda - Up-to-date information for all high school students shared in Advisory every day!
NBHS EXTRA Awards for the Week of 9.2.24
The students below were nominated for the NBHS EXTRA Award this week by their teacher! Way to be EXTRA!!
- EXTRA Ready
- EXTRA Responsible
- EXTRA Respectful
- Jake Cowman, Haylee Rister, James Curry, Evan Schutz, Jake Piotrowski, Drew Bishoff, Carson Dodd, and Noah Dragoo
Happy Birthday Pretzels!
We would like to wish these Pretzels a Happy Birthday this Month!
22 Hailey Hein
23 James Ushman
24 Evan Hagerman
25 Grace Dent
26 Wyatt Frantz
27 Kanyon Pitman
28 Ciara Wankrl and Jonathon Winkelman
29 Michael Bandelow and Hunter Neuman
Who Do I Contact If I Need Help With...
Often times, parents do not know who to email or call about specific questions.
If you have a child in grades 6-8, they are in the Junior High, and the JH Principal contact is Mr. Radford - bradford@pretelpride.com
JH Secretary - Mrs. Bandelow - sbandelow@pretzelpride.com
If you have a child in grades 9-12, they are in the High School, the HS Principal is Mrs. Llewellyn - hllewellyn@pretzelpride.com
HS Secretary - Ms. Mills - cmills@pretzelpride.com
Scheduling Questions - Mr. Viola - jviola@pretzelpride.com
Registration Questions - Ms. Spann - jspann@pretzelpride.com
Attendance and Fees Questions - Mrs. Peecher - dpeecher@pretzelpride.com
Lunch Account Questions - Mrs. Pidcock - hpidcock@pretzelpride.com
Driver's Education - Mr. Holderread - nholderread@pretzelpride.com
Athletics - Mr. Lucas, Athletic Director - blucas@pretzelpride.com
NBHS Breakfast/Lunch Menus
Pretzel Athletics and Activities Updates
Pretzel Sports Boosters Updates
You can buy Sports Passes for all home pretzel games from the Sports Boosters. To buy your pass, visit www.pretzelsportsboosters.com/athletic-passes
The sports boosters has agreed to help coaches with 8th grade nights and Senior nights by providing cup cakes and drinks for the team and flowers for the 8th graders/Seniors. If you would like to help the Sports Boosters with this, contact Renee Cooper for more information.
If you are interested in helping work concession stands at any home game, contact Kris Neuman at krisneuman@gmail.com or 217-741-3980.
The Pretzel Sports Boosters is always looking for parents to help make our program a success. If you would like to contribute in any way, please let them know at pretzelboosters@gmail.com
Pretzel Sports Boosters Officers
Jake Surratt - President
James Snyder, Vice President
Renee Cooper, Secretary
Kris Neuman, Treasurer
Offices of Student Support Services Information
Upcoming College/Career Exploration Opportunities
Scholarship Opportunities
24.25 Scholarships
Scholarship opportunities will be posted here as we are made aware of them!
Please check out the link below to find out about the scholarships that Mr. Viola sends out each week to seniors!