Newsletter No. 12
Newsletter proudly sponsored by
GJ Gardner Homes - Franklin / Papakura is excited to release a generous fundraising referral offer to the Onewhero School Community. With titles due in Kaipo Heights in September, the new development offers large sections with options for elevated views. With pre-priced house and land packages available or the option to design your own dream home, contact the friendly team at GJ Gardner Papakura/Franklin.
For every unconditional build contract entered into before the end of September MJB construction will donate $2500 to the school, so please be sure to mention Onewhero Area School.
If you are interested in more information please email clinton.herring@gjgardner.co.nz
Principal's Message:
Kia ora e te whaanau,
Last week we held our annual cross country. It was fantastic to have beautiful weather so that we could hold the event with everyone watching. It is a real highlight of the year and was awesome to see the students coming in with big grins and covered in mud. It is a real true rural experience. It was great to see the ECE join us as well. Watching these little ones run is a special feature of our school. Thank you to all those who came along to cheer.
We have had a few trips in the last couple of weeks, with students competing at Franklin sport events. Well done to all those that attended. The under Year 6 rugby team had an awesome competition coming second overall. Big thank you to Miss Brewer for taking them.
Once again we have COVID back in the school. Please be mindful of the symptoms: headache, scratchy throat, fever, runny nose, and in children vomiting. If your child is sick please keep them home and get them tested. We would also like to encourage students to be wearing masks as this will help reduce the spread.
Lastly it is unfortunate that we will be saying goodbye to Mrs Smith in Room 12 at the end of the term. She will be leaving us to teach online for international school. Thank you Mrs Smith for your time at our school and we wish you all the best.
Ngaa mihi,
Rebecca Bills
Onewhero Area School
ICE CREAM SALE - 19th August 2022 Break 1
DAFFODIL DAY - Friday 26th August Non Uniform Day
We’ll be celebrating by holding a non-uniform “Yellow” day on Friday 26th August. We will also have a “Biggest Heart” coin trail event on this day and daffodil pins and stickers will be available for a donation.
Guitar and Ukulele Tuition
20 minute lessons. You can enjoy learning to play an instrument. All pupils have the opportunity to enter competitions or sit music exams if they wish or choose to play for fun!! Contact Donna Allely, 021 185 8553, allelydj@gmail.com (BTchg, NZMSM Diploma).
Junior shorts – size 4 x 1 only $22.90
Junior culottes – sizes : 4/8/10/12/14 $26.60
Junior polar fleece vests – sizes : 8/10 $15.00
Skirts (can be worn from Year 7) – sizes : 52/57/92/97 $39.20
Senior shorts (have button/zip) sizes : 10/12/14/76/96/100/104/108 $22.90
Senior trousers (have button/zip) sizes : 76/80 $30.70
Senior blue polo size medium x 1 only $25.90
Senior white boys shirt size 12 x 2 only $33.90
We also have the PE tops available in every house colour.
Sizing : 5-6/7-8/9-10/11-12/13-14/Small/Medium/Large $36.00
Please feel free to send your child up to the office to try anything on for sizing if you are unsure. Payment can be made online or at the office. You can contact us on office@onewhero.school.nz
Please name every item of clothing so if it ends up in our lost property the office staff can return it to your child.
We also have a second hand uniform department which is run by Brenda McLean in Room 7. She is available for you to visit on Mondays only from 3pm. If you would like to know what is available please email her on : b.mclean@onewhero.school.nz
Community Notices:
Counties Energy Trust AGM – Monday 29th August, 5.30pm
All electricity consumers in the Counties area are warmly invited to attend.
At Counties Manukau RFU Navigation Homes Stadium, followed by refreshments.
Boost Your Learning
Does your child require further support, over and above what can be offered at school?
Would your child benefit from bespoke and nurturing learning sessions from a highly experienced teacher designed to accelerate learning and boost confidence? We would love to help. We are a team of dedicated teachers, specialising in English and Maths support, for primary, intermediate and college students.Visit www.boostyourlearning.co.nz for more information or contact Jenny 021 223 3349 to book a free consultation.
Dandelions and Dragonflies
The Childcare and Early Learning Centre on the school grounds has now been fully renovated. We’ve extended the operating hours and are now open Mon-Fri from 7:30am-5:30pm. We’ve also been through all the licencing requirements to now be able to provide spaces for babies for the first time, so we can cater from 3 month olds through to 5 year olds. We’ve also installed a Commercial Kitchen and hired a Qualified Chef to provide nutritious meals to children for the first time.
To find out more or to arrange a Centre Visit, please contact:
Dandelions and Dragonflies
Centre Manager, Jade Lane
www.facebook.com/DandelionsAndDragonfliesOnewheroAuckland Regional Dental Service:
Kia ora
For information about the Children’s Community Dental Service (Auckland Regional Dental Service) during COVID-19, please refer to our website: https://www.waitematadhb.govt.nz/home/ards/.
Our website will always contain the most up-to-date information for our service at each Alert Level.
Due on site at OAS Term 4.
Kind regards
The Children Community’s Dental Service
Computer & Network Engineer:
J & D Computer Services - Jane Young
Phone: 09 2328 007 Mobile: 021 067 1195
Email: support@jdcomputers.co.nz Web: www.jdcomputers.co.nz
We offer a wide range of services to help you get the most out out your computers...
- computer repair & upgrading
- virus removal
- business documents
- sales - new & used
- data recovery
- internet security
- networks
- tuition
Download The Onewhero Area School App
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"Being The Best We Can - No Limits!"
Email: office@onewhero.school.nz
Website: www.onewhero.school.nz
Location: 29 Hall Road, Onewhero, RD2, Tuakau
Phone: 09 232 8866
Facebook: facebook.com/Onewheroareaschool