A Message From The Principal
Greetings EBE Families,
I hope this year brings you joy, fulfillment, and countless positive moments. It has been wonderful welcoming our students back to school, eager and excited to resume learning! So, what’s happening in the land of EBE?
This year, our goal is to continue fostering an environment that embraces inclusion, respect, and the celebration of our differences. To support this mission, we are equipping our teachers through professional development sessions focused on creating inclusive environments and addressing critical topics like childhood trauma and anxiety. Our ultimate aim is to maintain a balanced approach that nurtures both academic achievement and social-emotional well-being, as we know children thrive in happy and healthy environments.
On the academic front, our reading and math departments are currently conducting spring assessments as we build on the fantastic momentum established last semester. We are deeply committed to partnering with families to provide meaningful learning experiences that inspire hope, joy, and the achievement of each student’s personal best.
Speaking of happiness, our students were thrilled to return after their snow day and discover that Mr. Twaddle had planned two fun-filled sledding days for the entire school! A huge shout-out to Mr. Twaddle for organizing such an exhilarating experience. Be sure to check out the pictures below of our kids having "Snow Much Fun!"
This Month at EBE
Week of January 6th
*If your student is attending any after school clubs be sure to enter the change in Pick Up Patrol*
(in the event of a Snow Day, please shift the Day Schedule to the next school day)
- Monday – 1/6- Day 3
- Girls After School Sports
- Tuesday – 1/7- Day 4
- 5th Grade Boys After School Sports
- Wednesday – 1/8- Day 1
- Beginner Band 7:50
- Thursday – 1/9- Day 2
- Friday- 1/10- Day 3
- 3rd Grade Field Trip to Uptown
- Author Visit book orders due
Week of January 13th MLK Food Drive 1/13-1/17
- Monday – 1/13- Day 4
- Girls After School Sports
- Tuesday – 1/14- Day 1
- 4th Grade Boys After School Sports
- PTO Meeting
- Wednesday – 1/15- Day 2
- Beginner Band 7:50
- Thursday- 1/16- Day 3
- Musical PJ Day *if you haven’t already donated, please send in a donation to support our 5th grade musical
- Friday- 1/17- Day 4
- School Wide Assembly: "Understanding Worries: Helping Kids Cope with Anxiety – Presented by One of Your Classmates"
Week of January 20th
- Monday – 1/20- NO SCHOOL Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service
“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?”
- Tuesday – 1/21- Day 1
- Wednesday – 1/22- Day 2
- Beginner Band 7:50
- Thursday – 1/23- Day 3
- 3rd Grade Strings 7:50
- Friday- 1/24- Day 4
- Grades 1 & 2 Author Assembly: Jessica Whipple
Week of January 27th: Art Goes To School Gr 3-5
- Monday – 1/27- Day 1
- Girls After School Sports
- Tuesday – 1/28 Day 2
- 5th Grade Boys After School Sports
- Wednesday – 1/29- Day 3
- Beginner Band 7:50
- Thursday – 1/30- Day 4
- 3rd Grade Strings 7:50
- Friday- 1/31- Day 1
- Bingo Night Snow Date
EBE Pretzel Friday Volunteers Needed Volunteers are needed to pick up pretzels on Friday mornings at the Philadelphia Pretzel Factory ( Route 3 in West Chester) by 7:45 and deliver them to EBE by 8:00 ( before buses). It's a quick and easy way to donate your time and effort to the PTO and, more importantly, to the students.
Feel free to sign-up for one week or multiple weeks. We will send you any information you need in advance of the pick-up day.
Thank you for your efforts to support our kids and this program!
Contact us with any questions (ebepretzelfriday@gmail.com).
EBE Special Someone Dance
The PTO is looking for volunteers to help organize and decorate the for EBE Special Someone Dance on February 7th! Please email cougarconnect123@gmail.com if you are interested in helping. Thank you for your support!
National School Lunch Program
National School Lunch Program provides free and reduced-price lunches to eligible students who meet income guidance requirements. To learn more, visit our school webpage link below.
To apply for the National School Lunch Program, please use the link below, email Mrs. Garduno at egarduno@wcasd.net, or call or text 215-907-4535 to request a hard copy of the application.
As always, we thank you for the privilege of partnering with you for your child's education.