Swann Lion Times
Your weekly update from your Lion Pride!
What Our Lions Are Learning
Be sure to talk with your Lions each night about what standards they are working on and what activities they are doing to master those standards! Here is some general information to get the conversation started.
In math, students started their first Open Up units. Click here to see the Open Up lessons for all grade levels! 6th graders are working with area and surface area, 7th graders are working with scaling shapes and geometry, and 8th grade is working with rigid transformations.
In ELA, students are beginning their first units. 6th grade is reading Percy Jackson, 7th grade is reading A Long Walk to Water, and 8th grade is reading Summer of the Mariposas.
In Social Studies, 6th graders are working on the five themes of geography, 7th grade is learning about the early kingdoms around the world, and 8th grade is working on the early settlements on the East Coast.
In Science, 6th graders are working on states of matter and atoms, 7th graders are learning about the weather, and 8th graders are in their evolution and earth science unit.
6th Grade math Moment
6th graders are working on parallelograms. See if your student can explain why this quadrilateral is not a parallelogram. Can your student explain their reasoning?
7th Grade Math Moment
7th graders in Accelerated 7 are working on area of circles. Look at this drawing. Find the area of the shaded region. Express your answer in terms of pi. Can your student explain how they know?
8th Grade Math Moment
STEM Stories
This week in STEM Lab, Geology students learned about the three types of volcanoes and worked in groups to create posters about the characteristics of each type.
Noticias de Spanish Immersion
Las clases de la Sra. Cruz exploraron monedas internacionales. Examinaron las caracteristicas, los tipos de cambio, y los paises de origin. Las monedas de Korea son los favoritos! Ms. Cruz's classes explored international currency. They examined their characteristics, exchange rates, and countries of origin. Korea was the unanimous favorite!
Student Data Notebooks
All students are in need of a 1/2 inch 3 ring binder with the clear front cover for MTSS. Students will use the binder to track their personal data throughout the school year.
Chromebook Distribution
This year, students will again be allowed to take their Chromebooks home. All students are issued a Chromebook and a charger. Please help us reinforce with your student the importance of taking care of these items. To be allowed to take their Chromebook home, students must return the Chromebook contract. If you have not yet signed this document with your student, please ask them about it this weekend. you can print your own copy here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YoY0-YXQkavYQg8pwHEInjC_D7xHiMINViOgqwYDdVU/edit?usp=sharing
All parents and teachers can use Go Guardian to help keep students safe while online on their Chromebooks. Visit our website for more information about Go Guardian: https://www.gcsnc.com/domain/23373
Student and Family Handbook
Families and students can access the Swann Student Handbook and the GCS Handbook on our website: https://www.gcsnc.com/domain/16465
Please review the handbooks with your students so that everyone is aware of school and district rules and policies. The dress code, pick up and drop off policies, the code of conduct, and much more are included in these documents.
Swann Presents Annie Jr.
There is a Special VIRTUAL Interest Meeting this Thursday, Sept. 21st at 6 p.m. about our Spring Musical Annie Jr. See the website for more details! https://www.gcsnc.com/Page/87536
Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87826556934?pwd=VVpLQmJDa1FZM2ZjSE9ZYkpFc1VqUT09
Meeting ID: 878 2655 6934 Passcode: J29Fch
Make Sure Your Immunizations are Up-to-date Now!
Fall Sports
It's time to cheer on our Lion Pride! We will post the Fall game schedule on the website soon!
The second round of fall sports begins in October, students interested in joining a fall sports team should check the Athletics page of the website for times and dates of conditioning and try outs. All necessary forms are also posted on the website. Remember that any athlete must have a current physical on file to participate.
Family and Community Involvement Opportunities
School Based Leadership Team Parent Representative
We need a new parent rep to serve on our school-based leadership team (SBLT) for the 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 school years. Please cast your vote for the new rep using the form here:
We are excited to welcome Swann's family and friends into the school this year! Our focus is on increasing parent engagement. We have a list of teams we are looking for folks to serve on throughout the year. Click on the interest form below and let us know how you want to be a part of our Lion Pride this year!
1. Fill out the interest form for volunteers, and we will call you or email you when opportunities arise.
2. Register as an official GCS volunteer here.
Join the PTA Today!
Swann is a proud PTA school! Click here to join our PTA as a parent, student, community, or staff member. If you are interested in serving on the Board, let us know and we will put you in touch with the current PTSA reps! School is better when we work together!
For more information or if you are interested in serving on the PTA Board as President or Secretary, please reach out to swannpta@gmail.com.
Support Our Teachers!
9/25 Teacher Workday--No School!
9/26 Hispanic Heritage Celebration 5:30-7:00
9/27 NWEA Reading Test
10/4 NWEA Math Test
11/2-3 Teacher Workdays
11/10 Veteran's Day--No School
11/22-24 Thanksgiving Break
12/22-1/2 Winter Break
5/24-31 EOG Testing