Washington Elementary
Raider Reader - September 2024
Dates To Remember
September 9th: PTA Meeting in Washington Library @ 6:30pm-7:30pm
September 11th: Boy Scouts 3 Minute Presentations During Lunch Time
September 11th: AIMSWeb Testing
September 12th: AIMSWeb Testing
September 12th: BoyScouts Sign Up in Washington Lobby @ 6:00pm-7:00pm
September 25th: Bus Safety Presentations Kindergarten-2nd Grade @ 9:00a,-10:00am
September 26th: Student Immunization Clinic w/ Family Healthcare @ 8:00am-1:00pm
September 27th: PTA Walk-A-Thon in Washington Green Space Outside
Washington Mission
Washington Values
Opt-In to Receive Text Messages from Our School
Please opt-in to receive text messages from Washington and Fargo Public Schools via BrightArrow for school and FPS announcements. FPS has switched to a new mass communication system for the 2024-25 school year and you MUST opt-in in order to receive text messages from FPS. If you do not opt-in, you could miss important information from our school or the District. You can opt-in at any time by texting the word “YES” to 79041. Thank you!
Apply for the Free and Reduced Lunch Program!
*Please Note: All families will need to pay for meals if their student eats school breakfast or lunch for the 2024-2025 school year unless they qualify for free or reduced meals.
Bike/Scooter Locks Recommended
Bikes, Scooters, skateboards, and other transportation items cannot be stored inside the school during the school day and it will be required that they put this item into one of the bike racks on the property if ridden to school. We highly recommend that if students plan to have a bike or scooter at school that they have a lock in order to lock it to the bike rack, as thefts of these items are common in the Fargo area.
Family Healthcare Immunization Clinic for Students
Family HealthCare will again host events to provide immunizations for Fargo Public Schools students throughout the fall 2024 semester. The initial event on September 26th will be held at (order of schools seen during event):
1) Longfellow Elementary School
- 20 29th Ave NE
- 1725 Broadway N
- 2930 8th St N
- 1420 8th St N
- 801 17th Ave N
At this event, our mobile unit will arrive to the first listed school by 8:00am and aim to start seeing patients by 8:15-8:30am. We will then progress to the other locations throughout the morning as patients are available. The mobile unit will be set up outside.
PTA Update
There will be a PTA Meeting Monday September 9th in the Washington Library at 6:30pm if you would like to attend.
The PTA Walk-A-Thon will be on September 27th in the Washington green space outside by the playground.
Here is the link for signing up for the PTA Walk-A-Thon: https://app.99pledges.com/fund/walkwashington2024/addme
Thank you for supporting Washington Elementary!
Parents Check Lost and Found
A message to parents: As the weather begins to change and students are wearing more sweatshirts and jackets, we ask that you please regularly check our Lost and Found Table in the front lobby. Students frequently forget their jackets, gloves, hats, sweatshirts, and boots outside and around the school and they end up in having to be donated at the end of the year. We would love for you and your child to have their items returned instead. Any electronic items or jewelry will be held in the office. We thank you in advance for checking in on the Lost and Found!
Attention GMail and Hotmail Users
If you have a Hotmail or GMail email address and you think you might be missing school notification messages, please follow the steps in this linked document to create a contact/people entry for the noreply@fargo.k12.nd.us and swensoc@fargo.k12.nd.us email address.
That process will add the email to your “safe sender” list and help make sure you see all emails from Fargo Public Schools and Washington Elementary School.
Texting Option for Attendance
Now you have the option to text the Washington Office about your student's absence or late arrival! There is a specific number for texting and cannot receive calls, also please do not text the landlines as texts are not received on these lines.
*The Attendance Texting Number is: 701-446-8541.
Box Tops for Education
Washington School is a member of Box Tops for Education, and by using the easy-to-use App, we can earn money for the school to use for our students!
Box Tops for Education was started by General Mills in California back in 1996, after the company decided they wanted to create a program to help support education and benefit America's schools.
Currently, Over 90,000 K-8 schools are enrolled in the Box Tops program.
It’s easy to participate, as you can download the App from your App Store to your phone or tablet (See Below) and then scan your grocery store receipts with your device's camera. It’s that easy!
1. Download the App
2. Create an Account
3. Go To: "Find a School", use Zip Code 58102, and choose Washington Elementary School
4. Click "Complete Profile" and you're ready to scan your first receipt!
This will be great for our school and helps us purchase extra supplies for our students! Please take a moment to sign up and remember to scan your receipts. Thank you for supporting our school!
Spirit Day
Every Friday will be Spirit Day at Washington School! We will show our Washington Spirit by wearing Washington clothing or the colors blue and gold. We ask parents to join us in this activity by wearing their Washington clothing or the colors blue and gold at home or at your place of work.
Boys & Girls Club
- The Boys & Girls Clubs of the Red River Valley (BGC) offers affordable and flexible youth development programs for before school, after school, and school-out days for youth K-5th grades, and The CLUB Teen Center at our BGC Midtown location after school and summer for teens 6th through 12th grade.
- We’ve increased our capacity for after-school activities at The CLUB Teen Center at BGC Midtown, cost is only $10 per teen annually, and registration opens in May.
- And we’ve launched the Maris Academy, a year-long program designed specifically for grades 6-12 that provides exciting career exploration opportunities right here in our community!
Visit our website at BGCRRV.org for more information.
Boys & Girls Clubs of the Red River Valley
Scheduling, Registration, & General Information
701-235-2147 | schedule@bgcrrv.org | BGCRRV.org
Is your family living in any of the following?
- A shelter, motel, car or campground
- With friends/family because you can't afford housing or have been evicted
- On the street
- In an abandoned building or trailer
If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, your child(ren) may be eligible for McKinney-Vento services. Please call Mary at (701) 446-2456 or email kruegem1@fargo.k12.nd.us to determine eligibility.
Washington Elementary
Rachel Kenowski, Assistant Principal
Website: www.fargo.k12.nd.us/Washington
Location: 1725 Broadway North, Fargo, ND, USA
Phone: 701-446-5400