Message to NAMS Families 01/03/25
Happy New Year and Welcome Back!
After Hours Clubs/Activities - Winter Session 2025
After Hours Clubs/Activities - Winter Session 2025
Mondays (1/6, 1/13, 1/27, 2/3, 2/10, 2/24, 3/3, 3/10)
Grade 6 Basketball - Mr. Gosselin and Ms. Blaney (Gym) SIGN-UP ONLY
Wellness Games - Mr. Abel (Wellness Room) SIGN-UP ONLY
Puzzle Club - Ms. Hannay (Room F108)
Art Club - Ms. Iarrobino (Room RA101)
Mani/Pedi Club (C206) - Ms. Nightingale
Tuesdays (1/7, 1/14, 1/21, 1/28, 2/4, 2/11, 2/25, 3/4)
D & D / Retro Games - Ms. Reusch and Ms. Sapienza (Library) SIGN-UP ONLY
Grade 7 Basketball - Mr. Gosselin and Ms. Blaney (Gym) SIGN-UP ONLY
Snack and Study - Ms. Correnti (Room C212)
Film Club - Ms. Keefe (Room S110)
Card Games - Ms. Nightingale (C206)
PE Plus - Ms. Pino (Wellness Room)
Chess Club - Mr. Rafalli (Room C109)
Thursdays (1/9, 1/16, 1/23, 1/30, 2/6, 2/13, 2/27, 3/6)
Grade 8 Basketball - Mr. Gosselin and Ms. Blaney (Gym) SIGN-UP ONLY
Snack and Study - Ms. Reusch (Library)
Perler Bead Club - Ms. Hanney (Room F108)
Cooking Club - Ms. Pino (Health Room) SIGN-UP ONLY
Art Club - Ms. Tomkins (RA 102)
If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Kathleen Bodenrader,
After Hours Director, in F109 after school anytime or bodenraderk@northandoverpublicschools.com
After Hours Clubs/Activities - Fall Session 2024
All NAMS students are welcome!
What is After Hours?
After Hours Programs offer a variety of clubs/activities after school free-of-charge to all students. The courses are designed to give middle school students a chance to try something new, share an interest with others, or just to have a place to hang out after school in a safe, welcoming environment.
Thanks to the money we raised through our fundraiser, our NAMS PTAC is able to pay for this programming.
The Winter Session will begin on Monday, January 6th and continue through Monday March 10th. Programs are offered on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 2:20-3:20 p.m.
Please note: All participants must make arrangements for getting home at 3:20 p.m..
How do I sign up?
Some clubs will be SIGN-UP ONLY!!! (This is indicated above) Sign-ups will take place at lunch on Tuesday October 1st. Other clubs are drop in where students simply need to show up for whatever club they are interested in on the first day it is offered. Students will be asked to sign in and sign out of the club each day. If your student cannot make it the first day, please let me know so numbers can be adjusted.
After Hours Clubs/Activities Descriptions - Winter Session 2025 may be found here.
NAMS Musical - Legally Blonde
NAMS production of Legally Blonde is scheduled for 3 performances on the following dates and times:
- Thursday, January 23rd at 7:00 p.m.
- Friday, January 24th at 7:00 p.m.
- Saturday, January 25th at 2:00 p.m.
Information about tickets is coming soon.
You're invited to Community Chat on February 1st
You're Invited!
Join North Andover School Committee Members Joe Hicks and Ed Moscovitch
For an Informal Community Chat on Saturday, February 1, 2025 from 11:00-12:00 p.m.
At the School Administrative Building Conference Room, 566 Main Street
(please enter via the back door)
Wait Until 8th Program
Attention Families: Wait Until 8th Program
The North Andover Parent Resource Network (NAPRN) is partnering with NAPS to host the Wait Until 8th speaker and movement. If you’re not familiar with this, it’s a movement aimed at encouraging parents/guardians to wait until 8th grade to give their children smartphones and social media. We are hosting this speaker in late January 2025, and are encouraging parents/guardians to join the movement.
Additional details and registration information will be available in January.
Please check out the NAPRN website at www.naparentresourcenetwork.org
Order Your NAMS 2024-2025 Yearbook
You can order your NAMS 2024-2025 Yearbook now for $40 at yearbookordercenter.com
Use order number 5986 to find the NAMS Yearbook.
Volunteers Wanted for NAHS Robotics Competition - 1/25/25
NAHS Robotics Teams will be competing at NAHS again on January 25th. Please consider volunteering to help at this 2025 North Andover High School Vex Robotics Event at the link below:
NAHS Grade 8 Open House - Save the Date!
SAVE THE DATE: North Andover High School looks forward to welcoming NAMS families on Monday, February 3rd for our 8th Grade Open House. During this event, families will have access to a building tour, learn about our academic offerings and course selection, and preview our co-curricular activities like athletics teams and clubs. The high school will send more information to families after the new year. We hope you'll join us!
Technical and Vocational High School Options
Essex North Shore Agricultural and Technical School: NAMS Presentation and Open House
Essex Tech Admissions: https://essexnorthshore.org/admissions/
Essex North Shore Agricultural and Technical Schools will be holding an Open House Saturday, November 23, 2024. There are 2 session offered and registration is required to attend.
Essex Tech will begin accepting applications for the 2025-2026 school year on Wednesday, October 16, 2024. Watch for the “Apply Now” button on their admissions website. For more information please visit https://essexnorthshore.org/admissions/
Deadline for applications is Friday, January 10, 2025.
Youtube link to view the admissions video: https://youtu.be/lxQIa5tifq0
Representatives from Essex Tech will hold a presentation for all 8th grade NAMS students on Tuesday, October 22nd at 8:00 a.m.
Lottery System: This school year will be just as the previous school year, a lottery based process of admissions. If a student passes both 7th & 8th without failing or over our limit of unexcused absences they may qualify for the lottery, otherwise they may not and will be notified. North Andover is a surrounding school meaning all applicants can only participate in one of our 7 Agricultural, Animal and Science programs that we have videos and listing on our website under programs for all to see.
Greater Lawrence Admissions: https://www.glts.net/domain/25
Open House for Prospective Students & Families : November 3, 12:00-2:00 p.m.
Registration for Fall 2025 admissions will open on October 21 and applications will be reviewed after Q1/T1 of Grade 8 is complete for Class of 2029.
Priority Deadline for Class of 2029 - February 3, 2025
GLTS is excited to announce the launch of their online application portal. The online application is available on the GLTS website here: Admissions or students & parents can log in directly to our portal here: https://glts.go2cte.com/
Representatives for GLTS will hold a presentation for all 8th NAMS grade students on Monday, October 21st at 8:00 a.m.
NAMS Private School/Technical School Application Process
We understand the importance of finding the right school for your child and will support them throughout this process. If your child is planning on applying to a private high school or technical high school we ask that you reference the following link to download all necessary documents as well as to familiarize yourself with our process and requirements.
Please have your child fill out the information sheet and provide an electronic copy to your child's guidance counselor as well as any teacher who is writing a recommendation. This information is incredibly helpful as our wish is to provide a comprehensive evaluation of your child's strengths, accomplishments and overall skill set.
We ask parents and students to research private high schools on their own. The guidance department does not provide information or applications regarding private high schools, however, we will assist your child by writing recommendations and sending all supporting documents. For "on-line" recommendations, the guidance department completes the "school report" (i.e. "principal/counselor recommendation" and "transcript" form). "Personal" and "Special Interest" recommendations are generally completed by someone other than the guidance counselor.
Please Note:
- Trimester 1 ends on December 6, 2024 which means that transcripts cannot be uploaded prior to this date.
- All private/technical school applications that have been given to Mr. Gosselin will be uploaded when transcripts are available. We will make every effort to upload your child's applications by the identified due date.
Early Release Dates 2024-2025
Early Release Dates & (Students are dismissed at 1:05 p.m.)