Lodi Primary School
November 2024
Email: fassbam@lodischoolswi.org
Website: https://www.lodi.k12.wi.us/
Location: 1307 Sauk Street, Lodi, WI, USA
Phone: 608-592-3855
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LodiSchoolsWI/
Twitter: @LodiSchoolwWI
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Message from Mrs. Fassbender
Thank you, families, for attending Parent - Teacher conferences last month! We appreciate the time you took to connect with your child's teachers. It was wonderful to see so many of you in the building! The staff and I would also like to send a huge thank you to all the families that provided items for dinner on Tuesday and Thursday. This kind gesture was very thoughtful, we sincerely thank you!
Primary School Families
We will be implementing our first Primary School Family Gathering for the year on on November 25. The Families are meant to help foster the sense of belonging, inclusion, and collaboration. The “families” are vertical groups of students and staff across grades 4K-2. Students will stay in these groups as they progress through the grades and we will introduce new students from 4k to the families each fall. As “families” we will complete a variety of activities each month that build positive relationships with other students and adults in our school. Be sure to ask your child which "family" they are a part of.
Feel free to click on this video link to learn more about our Primary School Families in the video introduction that was shared with our students and staff. We will look forward to our next gathering where students in 4k am will also get to join!
Please know that I am here for your child, this staff, and this school. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to call or email me. Together we will make this an incredible year!
Mrs. Amy Fassbender
How can I help my child at home?
Daily Reading Together
- Read aloud: Take turns reading a favorite storybook or discover new genres together.
- Create a reading corner: Designate a cozy, fun spot for reading, encouraging your child to develop a love for books.
- Storytelling: Encourage your child to tell or invent their own stories, which fosters imagination and language skills.
Word of the Week
Here are our words of the week for October. Ask your child if they know the word and what it means.
- gleam
- kindness
- gratitude
- promise
Important Dates & School Procedures
Important Dates
- Friday, November 1 No School - Collaboration Day
- Monday, November 11 Veteran's Day Program at the High School
- Monday, November 11 6:30 pm School Board Meeting
- Monday, November 25 PS Family Gathering
- Wednesday, November 27-Friday, November 29 No School
- Monday, December 2 School Resumes
Save the Date - Winter Concert
We look forward to another winter concert. This will be held at the High School Performing Arts Center.
- Thursday, December 5 Grade 4k - 5:30 pm
- Friday, December 13 Grade K - 12:20 pm, Grade 1 - 1:05 pm, and Grade 2 - 2:00 pm
Attendance Protocol
This is a reminder of the importance of reporting an absence if a student is going to be missing from school. Families can complete the Absence Form (click here) instead of calling school or emailing the office. If you have questions or are unable to complete this form you can still call the office at (608) 592-3855.
The form is also accessible through the https://primary.lodi.k12.wi.us/ page with a link that says “Report an Absence” on the main page.
Primary School Updates
ACT 20 Updates
We have recently updated our website to include supports for families to assist their child at home under the tab "home support." Check out this link for ideas.
Stuff the Turkey
With the holidays quickly approaching, we are all aware that we have so much for which to be thankful. Of course, our greatest gift has been working with your children each day! In the spirit of giving, the LPS is gearing up for our 11th annual community service project! We would like to let our Lodi Pride shine by helping others and giving back to our community. This holiday season, we are going to “Stuff the Turkey” again with food and personal essential items to stock the shelves at Reach Out Lodi! Monetary donations are also accepted.
If you are in the position to help out, you can start sending in items from the list provided. We’ll be collecting items through Thursday, November 21. Items may be sent to school with your child or dropped off at the Primary School. Attached are a list of items that you can send in.
Messages from Primary School Staff
Mrs. Val Bilkey - School Counselor
In November we will be talking about focusing our brains, having a growth mindset and obtaining goals.
How can you help your child at home? Ways to help promote a growth mindset and goal setting in kids:
Encourage helpful thoughts: Ex. instead of “I can’t do this” reframe it to be “If I keep practicing I can learn how to ___” or “This is too hard” turned to “This is hard, but I will do my best”.
Praise effort: Instead of praising the results, praise the effort your child put in. For example, you could say "You worked really hard on that".
Celebrate mistakes: Mistakes are part of learning and can be celebrated as an opportunity to learn and grow. Point out your own mistakes to model it’s ok to make mistakes.
Embrace failure: Failure can help kids develop resilience and grit.
Learn from mistakes: Ask your child what they could do differently next time to help them understand that they can learn from mistakes.
Make goals together: Setting goals can help kids develop independence and increase confidence. Develop action steps that will help you reach your goal. Talk through setbacks in your goal and explain that it’s ok. Celebrate the success of meeting your goals.
Use books and movies as models: After reading a book or watching a movie together, point out when characters demonstrate a growth mindset.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if there is any way that I can help you or your child.
Phone- (608)592-3855 ext. 1216 / Email- bilkeva@lodischoolswi.org
Mrs. Sue Chambers - Reading Specialist
How can you help your child at home? Helping Your 4K-5 Grader Become a Confident Reader -
As we continue to nurture a love for reading in our young learners, it’s important to create an engaging and supportive environment at home. Here are some effective strategies to help your 4K-5th grade students flourish in their reading journey:
1. Create a Reading Routine
Establish a regular reading time each day. Whether it’s before bedtime or after school, consistency helps children look forward to reading. Aim for 20 minutes of reading together daily.
2. Choose Engaging Books
Let your child pick books that interest them! Whether it's superheroes, animals, or adventures, selecting books that spark their curiosity will keep them engaged. Don’t hesitate to explore different genres, including picture books, early chapter books, and non-fiction.
3. Be Patient and Supportive
Every child learns at their own pace. Celebrate their successes, no matter how small, and provide gentle guidance when they struggle. Avoid pressure, and instead, make reading a joyful and rewarding experience.
Ms. Amy Good - Library Teacher
This month we . . .
learned about book care and “treating the books as treasures”, meaning, keeping them away from food and drinks, babies, and pets.
read the book, The Dot, by Peter H. Reynolds and designed our own dot.
talked about how to take care of our iPads.
read fall books and discussed text-to-self, text-to-text, and text-to-world connections, i.e. reading a book about fall when the season is fall.
talked about the difference between fiction and nonfiction and read a fiction and nonfiction animal book.
talked about ways to take care of our iPads.
How can you help your child at home?
Ask me . . .
What do we do when Ms. Good rings the chime?
Why did Ms. Good and Ms. Jen give us plastic bags?
How I can take care of my iPad or what I should not do with it?
Overall the students are doing an amazing job of getting their books turned in on time. Thanks for your support at home with this!
Feel free to contact me at any time if you have any questions at goodamy@lodischoolswi.org.
Happy reading,
Ms. Good
Ms. Tekla Nimmow - Art Teacher
We have been working hard in the art room this month! Each grade started out working on projects using their first names and we recently started Halloween/Fall projects. I partnered up with the Associated Bank in Lodi and there will be projects on display there each month. Kindergarten projects were up during October and 2nd grade projects will be there in November!
Square1 Art projects have been sent in and will be ready for orders this month. Watch for more info in weekly newsletters and messages through infinite campus.
I will be traveling to Thailand with the school district for the month of November to chaperone the exchange program at our sister school in Suphan Buri. During my time there Sandy Osterman, the previous PS, LES, and OSC art teacher, will be subbing for me. Sandy is a fantastic teacher and we are so excited to have her back for a short time! I am excited for this opportunity and can't wait to teach my students about it when I get back.
How can you help your child at home?
Ask them about the art projects they are doing at school! What materials are they using? How many days did you work on it? What has been your favorite project so far?
Mr. Garet Sagami - Physical Education Teacher
Students have been working hard the past few weeks on some new units in physical education class. We have been learning the rules of kickball and gaga ball, so students know how to follow the rules outside of the classroom like during recess. After learning the rules we were able to follow good sportsmanship and play a few games of each. The unit we have been working on for the past week has been Throwing and Catching. We have been working on how to understand the steps and how to perform these steps to friends and within the different games we have been playing such as: Step and Catch, Aliens and Astronauts, and Touchdowns. After learning about how to throw and catch we will be working on kicking in our next unit.
How can you help your child at home?
Ask your child if they remember the steps in throwing and catching to check if they understand and remember how to do so. For throwing the steps are: Point, Pull, Step, Twist. For catching: If it's above the waist its thumbs together and if it's below the waist it is pinkies together.
Mrs. Janelle Sivam - School Nurse
I am including information below that was sent out in all families in Infinite Campus on October 18th. As of now we currently have confirmed cases at the High School. Primary Providers are continuing to test those who present with symptoms. Currently, we have no positive cases in the other buildings.
Pertussis (Whooping Cough):
Pertussis is a very contagious bacterial infection that can spread through close contact when people with the disease cough. Symptoms can appear 5 to 21 days after infection. It usually starts like a common cold (e.g., sneezing, runny nose, etc.) followed by a cough that gets worse over one to two weeks. People with Pertussis may have coughing spells in which they can’t catch their breath between coughs. Some may loudly gasp (“whoop”) and vomit or feel like they’re choking.
If your child has Pertussis like symptoms:Please, contact your healthcare provider. Please have your provider write a note to clear your child when they can return to school.
If your student has recently been evaluated and tested for potentially having pertussis:
Per State Guidelines and Public Health, your student will need to be at home while awaiting the test result or until they have completed 5 days of the prescribed antibiotic treatment.
If the result comes back positive:
The local Health Department and School Nurse will contact you before your student can return back to school.
Prevention Steps To Help Prevent Illness:
Clean Your Hands:
Washing hands often will help protect from germs. If soap and water are not available, use alcohol-based hand sanitizer. CDC: Handwashing Facts
Cover Your Mouth and Nose:
Covering your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing. It helps to prevent those around you from getting sick.
Avoid Touching Eyes, Nose, Mouth
Germs can spread when a person something that is contaminated with germs then touches their eyes, nose, or mouth.
Stay Home When You Are Sick:
This helps prevent spreading illness to others.
Practice Other Good Healthy Habits:
Clean and disinfect frequently used surfaces, especially when someone is sick. Get plenty of sleep, drink plenty of fluids, manage stress, get enough sleep, and eat nutritious foods.
When children and their families are vaccinated, it helps protect the risk of getting seriously ill.
Other Resources:
Wisconsin Wayfinder: Children’s Resource Network helps assist families, caregivers, professionals, and organizations in finding a wide array of supports and services.
Janelle Sivam RN, BSN
School Nurse
Lodi High School 608-592-3853 Ext 4484
LES/OSC 608-592-3842 Ext 2103
Mrs. Lexine Weber - Music Teacher
The Lodi Music Boosters is a volunteer organization made up of music parents. We raise funds through fundraisers to help offset costs for music student activities, trips, scholarships, and more!
Want to get involved or have questions about the group? Contact Kristina Schiller at akmschiller@gmail.com for more information. Thank you for your support!
Food Service
Well the leaves are flying! We all know what that means-snow is coming! Our Harvest of the month features for November are Kiwi, sweet potato and Rosemary. Please watch for our featured items on the menu throughout the month.
Our Great Apple Crunch was a huge success again this year. Please see the district facebook for lots of pictures. We featured apples from Lapaceks, Jasper Orchards and Ski-Hi Apples. We had so many different kinds and they were all delicious! Thank you to all of them.
We encourage students to remember to visit our salad bar when you take lunch. We have a variety of fruits and vegetables for them to take and try. If there is something they would like to see on our salad bar please let us know and we will try to get it on there. We want students to get their fruits and vegetables!
We will have a turkey dinner this month in honor of Thanksgiving. Please watch your menu for which day it will be on. We have a lot to be thankful for and we want everyone to be able to enjoy a turkey lunch!
We at Taher are thankful for our staff and the opportunity to feed all of our students. We take that
opportunity very seriously and we want everyone to be able to experience our wonderful food. We
hope you have a blessed and bountiful Thanksgiving holiday!
Diane Lueck
Taher Food Service Director
For information on determining free and reduced meal eligibility, see this information from the Department of Public Instruction.
- Here is the link to the Food Service Website where you can learn how to check your account balance, make a payment or view the monthly lunch menu.
Lodi Primary & Les/OSC School Pto
Support for Students and Families
601 Clark St, Lodi, WI 53555
608-592-3855 ext. 1017
Santa Project
Each year, families in our district are offered support during the holiday season through the Lodi Santa Project. This project has been around for 30+ years providing local families in need with gifts, cold weather gear and other necessities anonymously for those who might otherwise go without. Last year we helped over 40 families with more than 100 children. These are especially difficult times for many families in our community. If you, or any family that you know who are part of the Lodi School District would benefit from this project, please reach out to the program coordinator, Pam Cunningham, directly via email at lodisantaproject@gmail.com. All information is kept strictly confidential.
Families who would like to support the Lodi Santa Project financially or who would like to sponsor a child or family can also contact Pam at the email address above. Monetary donations as well as donations such as socks, mittens, hats, books, teen friendly gift cards, board games, crafts, etc. are always appreciated!