Central Valley Charter Schools
Yosemite Valley Charter and Monarch River Academy
Welcome Message
School Information
Learning Period Expectations
The Learning Coach and all enrolled students must be present at each Learning Period meeting.
Please set aside 1 hour for a single student and 15 minutes for each additional student to meet with your teacher for your Learning Period meeting.
Bring your curriculum to your Learning Period meeting to review progress in all academic subjects listed on the Master Agreement. Bring all of the work completed since the last learning period meeting and be prepared to discuss the curriculum plan for the weeks ahead. If there is not a curriculum plan you will work with your teacher to create one for the next Learning Period.
RSVP to your Learning Period meeting invitation from the teacher within 48 hours.
After 2 attempts to schedule the Learning Period meeting, the teacher will schedule a Learning Period meeting for you to attend.
Body of Work
A Body of Work Review will be done every learning period to gather valuable data on grade level progress as it relates to the state standards. Determining the student's progress will center around the Educational Plan (Standards). The school will be able to utilize this information to report the effectiveness of our academic program to stakeholders, like WASC, authorizers, and our School Board.
At each Learning Period meeting, families will share all of the learning that has occurred since the last time you met with your teacher. Teachers work with the parent and student to reflect on student learning by reviewing the assignments and learning activities assigned each Learning Period. You will be using the shared information to determine mastery of standards and match these to the student’s Educational Plan.
Student Work Samples
Student work samples are required for each learning period to represent what your child has been working on and to verify monthly attendance.
TK-6th Grade: During the learning period meeting your teacher will collect a variety of samples of student work for each of the subjects: ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies.
7th-12th: Your Teacher will collect one work sample from each course you are currently enrolled in, including electives. Your Teacher will also be monitoring class progress, including completed work and quality of work.
You will log into the Parent Portal and claim attendance for each learning period.
Final attendance with signature and date is due on the last day of the learning period. Thank you for making every effort to complete your attendance on time!
Access the parent portal:
Funding for 24/25
Annual Planning Amounts are a student's instructional funds and can be used to purchase curriculum, educational supplies and pay for educational activities and enrichment to expand student knowledge and experiences. Visit the FAQ about the OS (Ordering System) for more information. Annual Planning Amounts are planning amounts for academic success. Enrichment services and products serve to expand student knowledge and experiences.
Products include, but are not limited to . . . Amazon, field trips, museum day passes, educational games, technology, educational supplemental curriculum, novels that support student educational learning, and materials necessary to support student learning.
Services include but are not limited to . . . fine art classes, academic extension courses, physical education classes, tutoring from an established business, driver’s education, dance lessons, music lessons or any other service that requires instructor-to-student interaction in an in person setting.
Services are only authorized through Yosemite Valley Charter and Monarch River Academy-approved vendors.
Funding amounts for 24/25 are:
- TK Program 1 $1100
- TK Program 2: $2200
- Kindergarten-8th grade $2800
- High School 9th-12th grade $3000
Reminders: All items purchased with instructional funds are property of Yosemite Valley Charter and Monarch River Academy Schools. Non-consumables or unused consumables will be returned once educational curriculum is completed or student withdraws from the school.
*Note: Funding and guidelines are subject to change.
Online Subscription Program (OSP)
We will offer Online Subscriptions (OSP) for the school year. If you would like to order an OSP you can do so by selecting OSP order as the type of order in the Ordering System.
Assessments & Student Monitoring
Assessment data is critical to the school for many reasons. It is one of many indicators of student learning used to make decisions that directly impact a student’s Educational Plan. Assessment also drives programmatic decision making school-wide, and is a required part of the WASC accreditation and charter renewal processes. Because of this, it is very important to the school that all students participate in school-wide and state-wide assessments.
STAR 360 is an online adaptive assessment that is completed three times during the school year. Families receive an email with all the needed information once the assessment window is open. It is important to complete the test during the testing window so your teacher is able to review the results and discuss the information with you. Testing will be conducted around the months of August/September, January/February and April/May.
As a public charter school, Yosemite Valley Charter School and Monarch River Academy is required by the state to have 95% of our students in grades 3-8, 11, participate in CAASPP yearly. Students in grades 10-12 will take the science portion 1 time during those years. We appreciate your participation in state testing in the spring as it has a big impact on charter renewal. Yosemite Valley Charter School and Monarch River Academy wants to continue to provide amazing programs and resources to our homeschool families and this is one way you can help us do that!
Report Cards
Report Cards for students grades 7-12 are required; however report cards for TK-6 grade are optional.
Below are the options you may choose from should you decide you'd like a report card for your student. If option A or B is selected please note the teacher will provide the recommended grade based on the review and assessment of student work and learning from each learning period.
Option A:
- Teachers review student work assignments and learning each learning period to assess student progress. Teachers may ask to see specific types of student work to evaluate student progress toward grade-level mastery of standards.
- Traditional, teacher created Report Card generated in School Pathways at the end of each semester
- Report card filed in the student’s Cumulative Record
Option B:
- Teachers review student work assignments and learning each learning period to assess student progress. Teachers may ask to see specific types of student work to evaluate student progress toward grade-level mastery of standards.
- Traditional, teacher created Report Card generated in School Pathways at the end of each semester
- Report card NOT filed in the student’s Cumulative Record
Option C:
- Share student progress at monthly meetings and as appropriate throughout the school year
- No traditional Report card generated or filed in the student’s Cumulative Record
Community Partners
A student's annual educational funds can also be used to support student learning through services provided by approved Yosemite Valley Charter and Monarch River Academy Schools Community Partners. You can see a list on our website.
Can families request a community partner? YES!
The first step is to fill out the Community Partner Application Survey. This can be filled out by the vendor, the parent or the teacher. The more information, the better. This includes a good contact person and email address.
Students in grades 3-12 who do not already have an existing school-issued device will be eligible to participate in our 1:1 device initiative (at no cost to the student's planning amounts). Be on the lookout for an email with an address confirmation. VA students will have the opportunity to pick these up in person on 8/19 (more information coming).
Please visit the Tech Center for all other technology information. Tech requests are made/accepted year-round. Requests are made through the Ordering System by creating a tech order when prompted for the type of order.
Lending Library
Before ordering enrichment items please explore the Lending Library! The lending library is FULL of so many wonderful resources!
- TONS of K-8 curriculum resources. The lending library contains nearly all major curricula options. So before ordering, head over to the lending library to see if there is a copy you can check out for the year or view before ordering.
- Books galore for kindergarten to 12th grade students. The lending library contains nearly as many novels and resource books as your local public library! You don't want to miss browsing these books that your student can check out to read throughout the year.
- Games and activities that you can check out for free! Card games, board games, puzzles, you name it, the lending library has it!
Many of these items are brand new and have never been used. So don't delay...come in and check it out!
School Calendars
Primary Grades TK-6
Choosing your Curriculum
If you are new to indepdent study programs, we are happy to help navigate the vast choices available and filter resources that would best fit the unique learning style of your student. Before selecting a curriculum please take some time to reflect on the following questions and work with your teacher to select the curriculum that is the right fit for your student.
Who will be providing the instruction to the student?
What are your student’s strongest subjects?
Which subject does your student need more help with and might benefit from teacher-led instruction?
Does my student do better in a live class or does my student do better in a self-paced class?
What type of learner is your student? Kinesthetic, Auditory, or Visual?
QUIZ: What type of learner are you?
Does the student want online or paper?
What will your learning day/week look like?
Curriculum Paths
As we lead students on their educational journey, our charter school offers several paths to ensure the individual learning needs of each student are met. These four different paths provide different levels of support while requiring different levels of accountability and record keeping from the learning coach/parent to ensure all the learning needs of the student are met. The curricular options below are listed in order from the most structured options requiring the least planning and record keeping to the most teacher-supported option requiring the most record keeping, documentation, and communication with your teacher.
Recommended Curriculum
Welcome Phone Call
August 7-August 21: Teachers will reach out to students on their roster to create a curriculum plan and collaborate on the learning activities and assignments for LP1 for each child. During that call, they will discuss our four different curriculum paths as well as our recommended curricula. They will also answer any other questions you might have so that you can have an amazing school year. Curriculum must be selected by August 16, 2024 or Bright Thinker will be the curriculum ordered for your student.
Learning Period Meetings
The school is committed to empowering each student to reach their full potential. Students are engaged learners capable of deep understanding, creative thinking, and innovative approaches to problem solving. Parents and Independent Study Teachers will work together to build an Educational Plan that supports all student's mastery of grade level standards.
Each Learning Period teachers will assign students learning assignments and activities to meet grade level standards. Providing appropriate pacing each Learning Period will ensure students are progressing through the grade level standards and gaining the skills specific to each grade.
Learning Launchpad Opportunites
We're building friendships through fostering social skills, empathy, and communication in a supportive environment for students TK-8th! Check out our website for more information!
The purpose of Launchpad is to provide daily live interaction within specific grade-band communities, taught by the same teachers. Our mission is to nurture and develop positive friendships among young children through teacher-led, engaging virtual online activities, games, and interactive sessions. Focused on fostering social skills, empathy, and communication, our program provides a supportive environment where kids can build lasting bonds while having fun.
Secondary Grades 7-12
Choosing your Curriculum
Recommended Curriculum
Secondary Learning Period Meetings (7-12)
School Websites
Assistant Superintendent
Assistant Superintendent