News and events

January 12, 2025
Upcoming events
January 13th - Long Assembly Schedule
January 17th - Long Assembly Schedule
January 20th - No School
January 27th - Late Start 8:30 am
2025-2026 Registration Information
Course registration for the 2025-26 school year is happening NOW! All students and families of current 9th, 10th, and 11th graders have received information and instructions via email and students heard a presentation during advisory on January 6th. All information is available on the Blaine High School website including resources and options for support if you have any questions.
Please note that current high school students are required to select their courses and enter them through their StudentVue account by the deadline on the morning of January 15th. Thank you.
Snowdaze Week
Spirit Week Info (Dress up themes):
Monday, January 13th: Meme Day
Tuesday, January 14th: Senior Citizen Day
Wednesday, January 15th: On Wednesdays We Wear Pink
Thursday, January 16th: Throwback Thursday
Friday, January 17th: Character Day
Snowdaze Dance Information
When: Friday, January 17th from 7:00-10:00 PM. Entry for the dance closes at 8:30 PM.
Where: BHS Cafeteria
Dress Code: Semi-Formal
Career Center
Seniors, as you are starting to hear admission decisions from colleges, remember to please continue to update Scoir accordingly. This information is vital in planning purposes here in the Career and College Center. Also, this will save you a step later in the year when it comes to requesting final transcripts. Make sure you continue to check your email as you will continue to receive information about the FAFSA, scholarships, and important next steps.
Financial Aid:
Students and families are encouraged to complete the financial aid application as soon as possible. Many schools have February 1-March 1 priority deadlines for financial aid.
Financial Aid Steps. For families who were unable to make our Financial Aid help night on January 8th, you can access 1:1 support with financial aid experts to complete this important application through any resource below.
The College Place: Personalized college planning, FAFSA help, and more. https://calendly.com/tcpsouthernminnesota.
College Possible: https://collegepossible.org/news/fafsa-support/
College Financial Aid Offices also offer individual support for financial aid completion.
Bank of America’s Student Leaders® program - due Jan 15
This program annually connects more than 300 community-minded high school juniors and seniors from nearly 100 communities to employment, skills development, and service. Since 2004, this signature program has helped prepare a diverse pipeline of community-minded young students to be successful in the workforce through leadership training and work experience through a paid internship with local nonprofits and participation in leadership training.
This is the 10th year for the Student Leaders program – it is an 8-week paid internship where they will be provided with an iPad and a paid trip to Washington, D.C. to meet other Student Leaders from around the country. Students will participate in leadership training and will have the opportunity to meet with their Representative and Senator.
The program is open to Juniors and Seniors.
3-4 students will be chosen from Minnesota.
The Washington, D.C. trip fosters lifelong friendships and connections that the students will carry with them long after graduation.
Students will participate in an 8-week internship with Hennepin Arts in Minneapolis. They will work in a variety of departments ranging from marketing, social media, and development depending on their skill set and their interests.
Black Youth with Stethoscopes Talent Garden Youth Summit - Sat, Feb 22
Youth ages 12 to 18, are you interested in learning about how to become a doctor, dentist, nurse, physician assistant or one of many other health care roles? Meet with Black health professionals working in the field, and get a chance to do a simulated blood draw, learn how to use your own stethoscope, practice delivering a baby, using an ultrasound and more! Location: Hennepin Healthcare Clinic & Specialty Center, 715 S 8th St, Minneapolis, MN 55404
Summer Opportunities
The Stanford Summer Humanities Institute invites rising high school juniors and seniors (current grades 10 and 11) to experience Stanford University's renowned excellence in the humanities and social sciences. In this immersive, three-week residential program, students engage deeply with complex texts and ideas, develop college-level writing skills, and learn to articulate nuanced arguments in both written and spoken expression. Guided by Stanford faculty and supported by graduate student teaching assistants, students will explore essential questions at the core of the humanities. To learn more, click here
Please check out Additional Summer Opportunities here. (Many application deadlines approaching soon.)
Anoka-Hennepin hiring event on January 16th at Champlin Park High School will have several open positions for students ages 16+.
Additional Job opportunities.
Business Professionals of America (BPA)
Camp Enterprise: A Transformative Business Experience for Students
Camp Enterprise, hosted by the Edina Rotary and Edina Morningside Rotary, is a three-day camp designed to introduce high school juniors and seniors to the free enterprise system while fostering entrepreneurship, leadership, and ethical business practices. Junior Mark Elau, sponsored by the Blaine Ham Lake Rotary Club, attended the camp in late October and described the experience as life-changing. "My time at Camp Enterprise was an awesome experience that really opened my eyes to the world of business," Mark shared. Organized specifically for young leaders, the camp offered workshops on financial concepts, leadership styles, and ethical decision-making. Mark served as CFO during a team project, applying the lessons he learned in real time. Despite not knowing anyone initially, he formed meaningful connections with peers from diverse backgrounds and drew inspiration from accomplished guest speakers.
Mark’s enthusiasm carried over into December when he spoke at a Rotary meeting to share his key takeaways from the camp. Using a PowerPoint presentation, he highlighted his newfound skills, personal growth, and the valuable insights gained during the event. The club was so impressed by his presentation and his interest in finance that they offered to sponsor him again next year. Mark's poise, professionalism, and dedication to learning not only made an impression on the Rotary members but also highlighted the strength of Blaine High School’s BPA program. Representing his school and BPA with excellence, Mark’s experience exemplifies the impact of programs like Camp Enterprise in shaping the next generation of business leaders.
Health Office
There has been an increase in the number of pertussis/whooping cough cases in the area.
Pertussis is a vaccine preventable illness. The first symptoms of pertussis look like a cold and can include a low grade fever, runny nose/sneezing, and a cough. The cough can occur in sudden bursts and you may vomit after a coughing spell. It is often worse at night.
For more information on pertussis, please visit Whooping Cough MN Dept of Health
If your child is being tested for whooping cough, please keep your child home from school while the test is pending – it can take several days. BHS will clear your student’s attendance with a doctor’s note stating they are being tested for pertussis.
When should my child stay home from school?
Many students and parents are frequently concerned about when students should stay home or attend school. The following information is intended to help with this decision.
General practice:
If a student has had a fever of 100 degrees or more, the student must stay home for 24 hours after the temperature returns to normal without fever-reducing medication.
If a student has vomited or had diarrhea, the student must stay home until 24 hours after the last episode.
If a student has had any rash that may be disease-related or the cause is unknown, check with your family physician before sending the student to school.
If a student is ill, please call the school daily to report the illness.
Volunteer news
All volunteers must fill out a BHS Volunteer Application for the 2024-25 school year.
How to Volunteer with Anoka-Hennepin Schools
January 17 - Snowdaze Dance Chaperones
The BHS Snowdaze Dance will be this Friday, January 17, 2025.
We need many adults to chaperone the cafeteria and commons from 6:30pm-10:15pm so that students may safely enjoy the evening.
After you have filled out your 2025-26 BHS Volunteer Application, please sign up to chaperone using the link below:
January 17 Snowdaze Dance Chaperones
Field Trip Volunteers
Interested in chaperoning a field trip with your student’s class? Please contact me (paula.miller@ahschools.us) AND your student’s teacher as soon as possible, and fill out the BHS Volunteer Application so that we can have you ready to go.
Year-Round: Cafeteria Servers
If you would like to help our child nutrition staff with light kitchen duties, please contact paula.miller@ahschools.us to get connected.
Attention Booster Clubs:
The Vendor Fair is back on February 6! Here is the flyer - use the QR code to register!
And, here are some more resources for Booster Clubs from Parent Involvement.
A huge THANK YOU to our winter volunteer coaches, fine arts performance volunteers, those who helped with registration packets for the 2025-26 school year, and those who helped with Winter Conference Snacks for the teachers!
Our BHS volunteers have given over 13,000 hours of their time so far this school year!
BHS Volunteer Services Coordinator (VSC): Paula Miller
AP Testing
Students and families in AP courses at Blaine High School,
We are proud of you for challenging yourself to achieve at a high level and for working toward
earning college credit in high school! AP classes are now in full swing. Most students have
joined their AP classrooms and signed up to take their AP exams in May. The last and final step
of preparation for the exams is payment. Our payment window will be open from February 3rd
at 8:00am - February 21st at 3:00pm. Parents/Guardians should pay for their students' exams
online in the ParentVue app. The payment will be completed through the online shopping cart in
SchoolPay. We highly recommend students are present with parents as they complete
this portion as course titles can be similar! For help logging into ParentVue, please call
763-506-HELP(4357) during school hours. Linked are the directions for SchoolPay. Students do
not have access to pay for exams through their accounts. If tests are not paid for by Friday,
February 21st at 3:00pm, there is a $40 late fee per test, assessed by the College Board
to sign up for an AP TEST.
Accommodations for IEP, 504, or Medical Request
are due by January 24, 2025
Google form to request testing accommodations, if student has 504 or IEP or Medical Request
Please email with any questions
Winter Weather Reminder
Winter weather reminders
Minnesota weather is shifting gears, and the Anoka-Hennepin School District has plans in place for when extreme winter weather arrives.
The safety of all students is the first priority when determining if schools should stay open in adverse weather. If a determination is made to close school due to extreme winter weather, the district will alert families in a variety of ways, including:
Phone, text, or email message from AHlert system (for Anoka-Hennepin parents/guardians only).
District and school websites.
District and school social media pages (e.g. Facebook, Instagram and Twitter).
Media outlets including WCCO, KSTP, FOX 9, KARE 11, CCX Media, WCCO radio, and Star Tribune newspaper.
Those responsible for activities scheduled in schools over the weekend will determine if adverse weather conditions necessitate a cancellation.
Read more about the district’s policies on extreme winter weather at ahschools.us/weather.
Anoka Hennepin Hiring Event
The Anoka-Hennepin School District will host an in-person hiring event for operational and student support positions Thursday, Jan. 16 from 3:30-5:30 p.m. at Champlin Park High School. The hiring event will take place in the school cafeteria located at 6025 109th Ave. N (Enter Door E4).
Anoka-Hennepin Schools is a great place to live and work. Our communities work together to provide residents with safe and friendly neighborhoods, high-quality schools, a wide range of business and economic opportunities, beautiful parks and abundant recreational activities.
Join us to learn about employment opportunities and have a same-day, on-site interview for various positions. Participants are strongly encouraged to begin filling out applications ahead of time at ahschools.us/jobs and come prepared to interview with hiring managers.
What we offer: Eligible employees may enroll in a comprehensive benefits package.
Health, hospitalization, dental insurance.
Life and supplemental life insurance benefits.
Long-term disability plan.
Opportunities to participate in flexible benefits plans such as health savings and dependent/child care savings accounts.
Professional development opportunities.
Anoka-Hennepin has employment opportunities for any phase of your work life. Full-time, part-time and substitute positions are available, including flexible weekly schedules with hours ranging from early morning, mid-day, late afternoon, or evening opportunities.
Everyone plays a role in student achievement; help your community succeed by applying today!
Visit ahschools.us/jobs or call 763-506-JOBS for more information.
This e-newsletter is published by Blaine High School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.