Wildcat Weekly 01/28/2024
January 28, 2024
This Week:
February 1: B.A.S.E 3:35pm-5pm
Upcoming Important Dates:
February 14: Hearing & Vision Screening
February 14: Valentine's Parties
March 2: Family Fun Day
News from our Principal
Mid Year Reminders: Drop-off/Pick up Procedures
We have close to 150-175 students that get dropped off or picked up every day. While most days, the process runs smoothly, please read the reminders of morning drop off and afternoon pick up. Remember: student safety is our top priority.
Morning drop off
Drop off has two choices. If you choose to drop off in the car line at the curb, please stay in your car and have your child with belongings ready to exit the vehicle. If you need to get out of the vehicle, please park in the stadium lot and drop off at the service drive gate.
The front of the school entrance/exit is for buses only during arrival (8:15-8:25). Families may not drop off in front of the school.
Afternoon pick up: stadium parking lot only
Please park in a parking spot. If snow is covering the lines, do the best you can.
Do not park along the fence or outside of the parking spots. This keeps families safest and allows traffic to flow smoothly.
Do not pick up in the front of the school unless you have communicated with the front office to pick up early or you are running late.
Thank you for following these procedures. We know it can be chaotic and busy, however, if we all work together, we will achieve the common goal of dropping off/picking up your students and keeping everyone safe.
Electronic Devices
Please note the following protocol for electronic devices as stated in our school handbook. The handbook can be found in its entirety on the North Oakview Website.
Electronic Devices
Please do not send electronic devices to school. For the safety of all students, it is impossible to monitor personal devices which may contain inappropriate language/references/graphic material for students. If a student has a handheld game, cell phone, watch, or any other electronic device, he/she must keep it in a backpack while at school. If the electronic device disrupts the educational environment it will be taken by the classroom teacher, given to the principal, and made available for parents to pick it up.
PTC News
Help us feed our teachers at North Oakview during conferences -Tuesday, February 20 and Wednesday, February 21. These 2 nights are very busy for teachers, and we want to provide a delicious dinner for them, so they have one less thing to worry about.
Please use the link below to sign up to bring an item and drop it off to the school office before 3pm on the date that you signed up for. Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. If you signed up for a gift card, please deliver to the office by Friday, February 16 or contact the PTC for Venmo. Thank you!
North Oakview PTC: Help Feed Our Teachers (signupgenius.com)
Lunchroom Help Sign Up
If you would like to help out in your child's school, here is a sign up where you can get a chance help out in the lunchroom. There are two different time slots to choose from. Also, please fill out a Volunteer form.
Please see the button below.
Family Fun Night Information
School Store Fundraiser
Help us WIN a Book Vending Machine for our school! Your student can earn a book buddy by having you go to the website www.schoolstore.net, sign up, send a few emails, fill out the envelope and send it back to school. They can also win other prizes along the way when your emails get fulfilled.
Hello Parents,
I want to personally thank all the families who have already participated in our SchoolStore fundraiser! We are on our way to reaching our goal, but we need everyone's help to make sure our teachers get the essential tools they need to help our students succeed.
If your family has not participated, there's still time!
This safe and easy fundraiser is 100% online so there is no face-to-face selling, collecting money, or delivering products. Your child will receive a prize just for participating, and more prizes will be awarded when goals are reached.
Please help now. It really will make a difference.
Here is all you need to do to participate:
1. Go to https://www.schoolstore.net/sid.t?0000154499 to sign up.
2. Send form emails inviting family, friends and co-workers to support your child.
3. Return the Envelope with the Student Prize Code to school for your child to get their fun participation prize.
North Oakview Elementary School
P.S. Family participation is the key to our success, and we are counting on you!
In the winter when the wind chill/"feel like" temperature is how we determine if the students will go out for recess.
Also, PLEASE make sure that your students come winter prepared. Snow pants, hats, gloves/mittens, boots and coats.
Snow fun requires warm clothes
As long as the wind temp is not below zero, students will play outside. Since there is now snow on the ground students need the following to play in it: Snow pants, Coats, Hat, Gloves/Mittens, Boots. If they do not have any they will need to stay on the blacktop of the playground to keep their bodies warm and dry.
3rd and 4th grade PE clubs have been enjoying the snow!!!
Valentine's Parties
We will be having Valentine's Day Parties on February 14th. Please be on the lookout for more information from your student's teacher.
North Oakview B.A.S.E classes
4-week Sessions, 3:30-4:45/5pm
See classes in link below.
Adult & Youth Enrichment Programs
Please see the link below for upcoming programs.
Nurse's Corner
Please keep your student home if they are not feeling well with or without a fever (100.4F). Encourage good hygiene. This includes hand washing after toileting and before eating, shower or bath frequently using soap, launder clothes often (don’t forget the outerwear: coats, hats, mittens, scarves, etc), and check your student’s hair for nits and lice daily. Together we can keep the students healthy at school and home.
Nurse Camp
There are several things you can do to help stop the spread of germs. If there is any benefit to a global pandemic, perhaps it is some of the lessons we have learned.
- Going to work sick used to be seen as almost heroic. We now know it is far more considerate to stay home if you are ill.
- Covering your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing is more than just being polite, it can stop tens of thousands of tiny droplets from entering the air and making others sick.
- Be mindful about the surfaces you touch and try to avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth but above all, WASH YOUR HANDS FREQUENTLY!
Add to your calendars!
February 6: For the Love of Reading
February 14: Valentine's Day Parties
February 14 - 16: Hearing & Vision Screening
February 20-21: Conferences
February 23 & 26: Mid Winter Break No School
February 29: PTC Meeting
March 2: Family Fun Day
March 4, 5, 7: Kindergarten Informances
March 10: Daylight Savings Time
March 29: No School/Spring Break
April 1-5: No School/Spring Break