Wildcat Weekly
July 2023
What's Happening This Month?
- November 22nd - End of Trimester
- November 25th - 29th - Fall Break - NO SCHOOL
- December 2nd - 6th - Candy Cane Sale
- December 5th - PTO @6:00pm in the Teacher's Lounge
- December 6th - Winter Wonderland @5:00-7:00pm
- December 7th - Celebration Saturday @9-11am for Reveur
- December 13th - Report Cards Go Home
- December 18th - 1st and 2nd Grade Music Program @6:00pm
- December 20th - Illuminate @Japenese Gardens for 4th grade 7:00pm
- December 23rd - January 3rd - Winter Break - NO SCHOOL
**Our Spiritwear store is open! Each month our spiritwear store will be open from the 2nd through the Last Day of the next month. Then the store will close for one day (the 1st of each Month) in order to process and fulfill orders**
The Ron Clark Academy (Houses) Store
Each Friday, the house representing their colors the most will win a house point, so make sure to deck out from head to toe in your house color!
PTO Fundraiser
PTO is hosting a Little Caesar's Fundraiser this year! You are able to order crazy bread, pizza, and much more online that is frozen for you to make whenever you'd like! It's great for a quick dinner or even after a big Holiday dinner when you don't feel like cooking anymore! Visit the link below to order!
PE Coach's Corner
Click on the below link to learn what's going on in our PE classroom!
Is your child getting enough sleep?
We are noticing that more and more of our kiddos are coming to school extremely tired. Some are even falling asleep at their desks! Please take a look at the chart below to see some suggested sleep schedules.
School-age (6–13 years): 9–12 hours
- Waking up at 6am - Bedtime should be 9pm at the latest
- Bedtime 9pm - off electronics at least by 8pm
Lost and Found
We have a huge amount of lost and found items - almost like a mini Walmart!! Please make sure to claim your child's lost and found items by no later than Friday, November 22nd because after that it's going to Goodwill!
November Caregiver Update
Don't forget families, that our parking lot is an active kid zone. Please make sure you are driving slowly and watching out for all pedestrians. It's getting a little crazy out there and we want to make sure we are keeping everyone safe from harm! We really appreciate your help in this matter!
Nurse's Nook
It's that time of year when sicknesses start to run rampant! Please remember if your kiddos has been vomiting or has a fever higher than 100.4, they may not come to school until they are vomit or fever free for 24 hours. Below is also some additional information on Lice and the guidelines we need to follow here at school:
1. Head Lice Treatment:
If you find head lice, your student should be treated right away. Parents/caregivers should follow treatment instructions carefully, and removing lice and nits (eggs) by hand may be suggested. Sometimes a second treatment is needed to completely get rid of lice.
2. Prevention:
To prevent lice, remind your child not to share personal items like combs, brushes, hats, or pillows. Regular checks at home can catch lice early and stop them from spreading.
3. School Control Measures:
We don’t do routine school-wide head lice checks because they aren’t proven to be effective. There’s no need to keep your child at home unless they have live lice. We also don’t send home letters about head lice for privacy reasons.
4. Confidentiality and Support:
We aim to protect students' privacy and prevent any social stigma. If you think your child may have lice, contact the school nurse for a private check.
This policy follows guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics. Please reach out to the school nurse with any questions.
Highlights from the Month
Spirit Wear Store
The spirit wear store will be open from the 2nd of each month, until the last day of the next month. It will then close for the first day of the month to process orders and deliver to the school.
Whitehead School Webpage
Spirit wear can be worn with uniform bottoms any day of the week!