Solanco High School
August 2024 Newsletter
Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!
Solanco High School Families,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year! I hope you’ve had an enjoyable summer. We are very excited for our students to arrive on August 26th, and I look forward to partnering with you on this journey.
We believe that through hard work and determination, our students can achieve great things. Our motto, Solanco Golden Mules: Never Outworked, reflects this commitment. As we begin a new school year, I challenge our students to give their very best effort in everything they do—whether in the classroom, on the athletic field, or in their interactions with one another.
I am confident that great things are in store for us this year. If there is any way I can support you, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Wishing you a very successful 2024-2025 school year,
Dr. Long
Students: Do You Need Your Laptop Before School Starts?
Students will receive their laptops on the first day of school. Some students may need their laptops before that due to SATs, Link Crew, Dual Enrollment, Etc.
The Solanco Technology Department has office hours available for students to pick up laptops before the school year begins. See the attached flyer for more details!
Solanco High School Main Entrance Construction Update
Student Schedules
10th - 12th Grade student schedules will be available to view on PowerSchool starting August 12th. Students who wish to change their schedule should submit their request to their school counselor by August 29th.
9th Grade students will receive their schedules at freshman orientation on August 21st.
Solanco High School Counselors:
- Students' last name A-G. Mrs. Patti McTaggart, patricia_mctaggart@solancosd.org
- Students' last name H-P. Dr. Kelly Shumaker, kelly_shumaker@solancosd.org
- Students last name Q-Z. Mrs. Grace Callirgos, grace_callirgos@solancosd.org
Solanco High School Named Jostens Renaissance School of Distinction!
Student Attire
While the primary responsibility for student attire rests with the family, Solanco High School expects that all students will dress in a way that is appropriate for the school day or for any school-sponsored
event. Areas of emphasis for 2024-2025 related to student attire include:
• Students should dress in a fashion that reflects professionalism and a readiness to learn.
• Students may not wear any clothing that reveals visible undergarments.
• Students may not wear clothing with images or language depicting/suggesting drug or alcohol use or clothing that contains profane or sexualized images/language.
If a student is in violation of the dress code, the administration will contact a parent/guardian to bring the child a change of clothes.
Before/After School Traffic Patterns
Solanco High School partners with A&M Consultants to ensure traffic on campus flows efficiently before and after school.
- Student drivers and parent drop off/pick up will enter the Solanco High School access road via the lower entrance off Route 222. All traffic on the access road will flow in one direction (South to North).
- Vehicles will not be permitted to enter the High School’s access road via the Solanco Rd. entrance during arrival & dismissal.
- Parents & students will exit the Solanco High School parking lot onto Solanco Rd. Vehicles will be permitted to exit left or right onto Solanco Rd.
- Traffic guards will be stationed on Route 222 to help assist with bus dismissal in the morning and afternoon.
Lancaster County Career & Technology Center (CTC)
The first day of school for CTC is Thursday, August 22, 2024 - Be sure to look for a correspondence soon. Solanco High School students in full-day programs are encouraged to attend CTC starting on the 22nd but are not required to do so. Students who chose to attend on the 22nd and 23rd must provide their own transportation.
Solanco students are required to attend CTC beginning on August 26th. This is when school district transportation will be provided. Solanco School District provides shuttle busses from Solanco High School to CTC campuses. Busses depart Solanco at 7:35 am and return at 10:45 am (half-day programs) and 2:30 pm (full-day programs).
Please note: Lancaster CTC operates on a different calendar than Solanco. The CTC calendar at a glance is linked below.