Superintendent Newsletter
May 12, 2024

Update from Superintendent Shuldiner
Dear Lansing School District Community,
I hope that this newsletter finds you well. As always, it is a pleasure to be writing to you all.
On Friday, we hosted the First Annual Educator Appreciation Celebration at Eastern Fields. Hundreds of staff came out to eat hot dogs, play corn hole, and throw plastic axes at a bull's eye. There was even a dunk tank, which the Presidents of both LSEA and LASA and the principal of Lewton staffed. All three literally took a plunge for staff merriment. We had community partner and district hand-outs, like mental health gift bags and t-shirts. Staff could win prizes. Music was provided by All of the Above Hip Hop Academy (one of our great after school partners), with their Executive Director personally DJing. The weather was pleasant, and everyone felt the camaraderie. It was a wonderful event. I can't thank the Office of School Culture, the Communications Department, and SodexoMagic enough for their work in putting this event together.
Sadly, for many years, the district has failed to create traditions like this, where we come together to celebrate the great work of our educators. Sharing a meal, playing a game together, or just spending time with each other in a stress-free, positive environment creates bonds, trust, and friendships that a fruit basket or a nice email cannot approach. I do hope that this is the beginning of an annual tradition. I also hope that it spurs other school-based activities that can turn into their own traditions.
When I was a principal, our school had two favorite days, "March Madness" and "Field Day." The March Madness event was a staff-student basketball game. Inevitably, the students would destroy the staff. It was fun. Everyone loved it. Staff would get razzed by the students for weeks. I still have many of the t-shirts we made specifically for the event. Field Day was even more anticipated, with different grades battling each other over silly games like egg toss and three-legged races. But the grand finale event was always a tug-of-war between seniors and staff. It was great. It was a wonderful way for all of us, students and staff, to participate in something fun and enjoyable. Now, 20 years after the creation of these events, they are still going strong, embedded in the DNA of the school. I can't wait for us to create generational events like these for our district.
I also want to celebrate Mother's Day in this message. Today, millions of children will call, text, or even video chat with their mothers. If you are lucky enough to see your mother in real life, there may be a brunch or a dinner. As I write this newsletter, I can see that my neighbors on both sides have their families over for a get-together. Like the Educator Appreciation event, a family meal or party brings us closer and celebrates those we love. I hope you all can make time for family this weekend.
So, I want to wish my mom and all the moms reading this message a Happy Mother's Day. Thank you for your love, direction, and support on behalf of children everywhere.
And, of course, thank you to everyone reading this newsletter for your incredible support of our district. Together, we will do great things for the children of Lansing.
Benjamin Shuldiner, Superintendent
Lansing School District
Thank You, Teachers!
Student Feature
Sydney Leinbach β Salutatorian, Eastern High School
Sydney Leinbach boasts a 4.26 grade point average, which has netted her the title of Class of 2024 Salutatorian at Eastern High School. She is taking Diploma Courses through the school's International Baccalaureate Programme and Health Tech classes through Lansing Community College. Amidst the rigors of her studies and being a tri-sport athlete, Sydney still finds the time to be involved in the Quaker community through an impressive roster of extracurricular activities, including student council, National Honor Society, Varsity Club, and the Asian American Club.
After graduation, Sydney will be attending the University of Michigan to pursue Nusing with a focus of becoming a Nurse Anesthetist.
Way to go, Sydney β we can't wait to see where you go from here!
Staff Feature
Jeff Crone β Lansing School District Technology Department
Jeff Crone is a vital asset to the Lansing School District Technology Department. The building staff he serves appreciates his quick and efficient communication style and ability to get to the point while keeping things moving forward.
Jeff's contributions extend beyond fixing technology issues. He plays a crucial role in educating others about these issues and why they occur, thereby empowering them to tackle similar problems in the future with confidence.
His dedication and efficiency in addressing work orders are impressive; if he doesn't get to them on the same day, he is always in the building first thing the following day.
Free Mental Health Help for District Staff and Students Age 14+
Check Out BWL's First Step Program!
School to Training and Employment Program
The Lansing Board of Water and Light's (BWL) 1st STEP gives high school seniors a PAID work-based learning experience, the opportunity to earn a scholarship, the ability to explore career paths in the utility industry, and more!
Students who meet the following eligibility criteria should consider applying for this amazing opportunity:
- High School senior whose permanent residence has service from BWL
- Age 17 by January 1
- Overall GPA of at least a 2.0
- Plans to live and work in the Greater Lansing Area
- Plans to pursue post-secondary education and training in skilled trades beyond high school
- Ability to work three hours during the school day
- Be drug-free
- Dependable Transportation (ability to get to work on time)
- Dependable and hardworking
Sound like something you're interested in?
Contact your school counselor or the BWL job placement coordinator at (517)702-6400
For more information, check out the accompanying documents below.
The 2024-25 Transportation Application is Open!
Deadline for Transportation Applications is Friday, July 14!
Make sure to fill out your transportation application as soon as you can β this ensures that you can get the transportation your child needs: whether it be a seat on the school bus, a gas card, or CATA card. At the jump, you will be able to get instructions for filling out the application and using gas cards as well as CATA maps.
Questions regarding transportation for the 2024-25 school year?
Call the Transportation Assistance Team at (517)755-3017.
π§ Juniors and Seniors β Check Out the CTE Program WEDNESDAY! π§
James and the Giant Peach at the Riverwalk Theatre
Join Lansing RIF (Reading is Fundamental) and the Riverwalk Theatre for a special performance of Roald Dahl's "James and the Giant Peach!" Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for children 12 and under (less than half of the box office price). Don't consider cost a barrier; scholarship assistance is available for district families who wish to attend.
Everyone in attendance can choose a FREE RIF book after the performance!
Call (517)755-4966 with questions or to purchase tickets.
Sunday, May 19, 2024, 02:00 PM
Riverwalk Theatre, Museum Drive, Lansing, MI, USA
πSENIORS β Fill Out Your FAFSA for a Chance to Win a Year of FREE Pizza! π
For the Class of 2024, winning a year of free pizza is as easy as pie!
To enter, just fill out the newly simplified FAFSA (no essay required!)
by June 30, then text FAFSA to 1-844-34-PIZZA. #ReachForThePie
Scholarship Opportunities β Deadlines Between April 30 and July 31
Important District-Wide Dates
May 16 β Board Meeting | 6:00 p.m. | 519 W. Kalamazoo St.
May 24 β Half Day (Elementary Schools)
May 27 β No School | Memorial Day
May 29 β Parent Community Advisory Council Meeting | 6:00 p.m. | 4200 Wainwright Ave.
June 5 β Half Day High Schools
June 6 β Half Day High Schools
June 6 βBoard Meeting | 6:00 p.m. | 519 W. Kalamazoo St.
June 7 β Last Day | Half Day for All Schools
June 8 β Graduation
June 13 β Board Meeting - Information Study Session | 6:00 p.m. | 519 W. Kalamazoo St.
June 20 β Board Meeting | 6:00 p.m. | 519 W. Kalamazoo St.
Did you know that you can subscribe to our calendars?
Visit www.lansingschools.net/district/calendars, select the school(s) whose calendar you would like to subscribe to, and tap the tiny calendar at the top right. For more detailed instructions, click here.