November 12, 2024
News From The Principal
Little Steps Can Make A Big Difference!
Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day - Thursday, Nov 14th 2024
Join us for Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day! Meet WillaG staff at 7:45 am at the Church of God 7th Day parking lot (1145 Willagillespie Rd) to walk together and stand against racism and bullying.
Walkers earn a raffle ticket for prizes like a scooter and a Stanley cup!
We’ll also have an end-of-day Ruby Bridges parade around the school and through the gym, with a choir performance, Brave like Ruby!
Click here to learn more about Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day here:
As alway, Go Eagles!
Sheila Minney
Principal, Willagillespie Elementary
- November 14th - Ruby Bridges Day
- November 15th - Popcorn Friday!
- November 21st - Picture Re-take Day
- November 21st - Evening Parent/Teacher Conferences 4-8 PM
- November 25th - NO SCHOOL Parent/Teacher Conferences 8 AM - 8 PM
- November 26th-29th - NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Holiday
News From the Nurse
Monday November 18th is Willagillespie’s annual school health screening. Lane County Dental Prevention will do a quick dental exam for all students and fluoride varnish and/or sealant application for those that returned the yellow permission form sent home earlier in the year. The Oregon Lions will perform vision checks using a Spot screener for all students.
If your student wears glasses or contacts, please have them bring those to school and wear them for the vision screening.
A white paper will come home in their homework folder about 2 school weeks after the clinic with your student’s results.
If you are not interested in having your student screened for dental, vision, or both, please let me know at least two school days before the screening. Please include the specific screening you are opting your child out of and the reason (religious or have submitted proof of vision/dental care previously to the school).
Cathy Erickson, RN
About Us
Email: serra_d@4j.lane.edu
Website: www.willagillespie.4j.lane.edu
Location: 1125 Willagillespie Road
Phone: 541-790-7100
Facebook: https://facebook.com/willagpto