Bulldog Update July 2024

July 2024
We are excited to see everyone back at school soon!
Here's some quick info and updates before we see you in August!
Meet Your Administration Team
Ms. Stockwell
8th grade
Mrs. Myers
Asst. Principal
7th grade
Mr. McHargue
Asst. Principal
6th grade
6th graders! Come to Jump Start 6!
July 30-31, 8:15 am - 12:00 pm at Barr
A great way for 6th graders to get used to Middle School is to come to Jump Start 6! We tour the school, meet teachers, practice locker opening, review schedules & school procedures,
answer questions and more! (Lunch is not provided.)
Sign up using the QR code or the link HERE.
Contact Jess McHargue if you have questions or need more information (jmchargue@gips.org or 308.385.5875).
Mark your Calendars!
School Starts
School starts for 6th graders on Wed., Aug. 14 - early dismissal: 8:15 am - 2:15 pm
All Students attend on Thurs., Aug. 15 - regular dismissal: 8:15 am - 3:45 pm
School Supplies
What do you need for school supplies?! Here is what is recommended but not required:
All students
Pencils (need a pencil every day!)
2, 1” binders
4 composition notebooks
Tennis shoes for PE
Wired headphones/earbuds (bluetooth earbuds not allowed)
6th grade
Pencil pouch
Pocket folders
7th grade
Pocket folders (ELA)
Loose leaf papers (Social Studies)
8th grade
Graph paper
Pocket folder
Supply lists can also be found on online HERE.
Stay Updated!
More info will be sent in August!
Please check your texts or emails for the latest Bulldog Update!