Wolf Tracks
Sunday, Mar. 2, 2025
Staffing Updates
We have a number of staffing updates to share with everyone:
- Mrs. Sparrow will be joining Ardrossan Elementary as Assistant Principal after Spring Break
- Mrs. Candler will be returning to Lakeland as Assistant Principal after Spring Break
- Mrs. Boychuk will be filling in as our attendance secretary until the end of April
- Mr. Krause will be remaining with us for the rest of the school year in his current role
- Mrs. Kozlow teaching grade 2 (Mrs. Ash's class) for the remainder of the year
📆 Upcoming Dates and Events
Mar. 4 - School Council Meeting @ 6:30pm
Mar. 4 - Parent Action Society Meeting @ 7:30pm
Mar. 5 - Hot Lunch Order Deadline
Mar. 5 - Early Dismissal 2:10pm - Theme - Dress like the Staff!
Mar. 7 - PL Day - No School
Mar. 8 - International Women's Day
Mar. 10 - Hot Lunch - Nitza's Pizza 🍕
Mar. 11 - Linking Generations Visit
Mar. 11 - Managing Anxiety - Parent Session
Mar. 12 - Hockey Hooky Field Trip (Junior High)
Mar. 13 - Salisbury & Bev Facey High Registration Teams visit grade 9s
Mar. 14 - Pi Day
Mar. 14 - Elementary Report Cards go Live
Mar. 17-18 - Junior High Banff Ski Trip
Mar. 18 - Linking Generations
Mar. 21 - School Closure Day
Mar. 21 - World Poetry Day
Mar. 24-28 - Spring Break - No School
Mar. 31 - National Indigenous Languages Day
Check our school website for the most up-to-date information.
School Council and PAS Meeting - Tuesday
On Tuesday, March 4 we will be having our next School Council and Parent Action Society meetings starting at 6:30. An email was sent out to all parents with links to the agendas.
During the School Council meeting we will be reviewing our proposed school fees for the 25-26 school year. Thank you to everyone who was able to fill out our Parent Fee Survey. Feedback indicated that the vast majority of parents are content with our current fees. Moving forward our plan is to keep fees the same or charge less in areas where we can cut costs.
In the Parent Action Society meeting we will be discussing ideas for ways to spend the casino money that was raised last year before voting in the April meeting.
We would love to see many parents attend both meetings! This is a great way to be engaged in your child's school!
Lakeland Ridge Choir
This extra-curricular club will meet in the music room from March 5 until April 17. Students will eat in the music room together and sing during the lunch recess. They will learn a variety of songs and vocal warm-ups.
Students can come to the music room on March 5th if they are interested in joining. A letter will be sent home with a permission form on that day.
If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Rice at 780-416-9018 or Jennifer.rice@eips.ca
Day 4 Choir Dates
Wednesday, March 5th (early dismissal)
Friday, March 14th
Tuesday, April 1st
Wednesday, April 9th
Thursday, April 17th
Pass the Mic: Let's Talk About Racism
Lakeland Ridge has been working with the Canadian Museum of Human Rights (CMHR) to support teaching and learning about racism. In January Sarah Adomako-Ansah from CMHR presented to all staff about resources, lessons and tools for guiding safe and meaningful dialogue around racism. Students in Grades 6-9 will be engaging in conversations about racism, microagressions and anti-racism during health classes. Below is a link to the Pass the Mic: Let's Talk About Racism.
Lakeland Ridge STEAM Night – Expression of Interest
We are thrilled to announce that Lakeland Ridge School will be hosting a STEAM Night on Thursday, May 8, from 6:00–8:00 PM, and we invite all grade 3-9 students and their families to join us for an evening of exploration and discovery.
The event will feature hands-on activities and interactive exhibits across Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM), designed to ignite curiosity and foster a love for learning.
To help us plan effectively, please fill out the interest form to let us know if you and your family will be attending!
Parent Connection - Literacy
Looking for ways to get your kids reading more? Here are some places you can go for your next great read:
- Go to a local bookstore or library and get one of the
books recommended on the March Book Madness
book lists. - Listen to an audiobook on Julie Andrew’s podcast
Julie’s Library. - Celebrate World Poetry Day on March 21st by reading
a rhyming story or novel in verse.
Parent Session - Managing Anxiety
We are excited to host this interactive and information session for parents. If you are interested in attending, please RSVP below. Childcare will be provided on site (must request upon RSVP).
Weekly Regulation Practice - Share Your Happy
As students leave their Block 4 class on Wednesday, they will be asked to "share their happy" for the day by writing one thing that made them happy on a sticky note and sharing it with a classmate.
Why? Our brains have a negative bias. Having negative thoughts "stick" in your brain more than the good thoughts is normal! If we feel like we are getting stuck in a negative thought pattern, we have to intentionally grab onto positive thoughts. The more positive thoughts we grab, the less chance of those negative thoughts taking over. No matter how bad a day has been, we can always grab onto something positive!
All of the regulation strategies we’ve been practicing this year can be found on our school website.
Newsies Production - Tickets are now on sale!
March 10th - Nitza's Pizza
Our next hot lunch is on March 10th and will be open to all grades K-9 students.
For information on how to order hot lunch, take a look at the hot lunch page on our school website.
Volunteers are needed so please sign up through the Healthy Hunger website when ordering!
Order deadline is Wednesday, March 5th.
AMH Monthly Caregiver Series - March
Contact Us
Email: general.llr@eips.ca
Website: https://www.lakelandridge.ca/
Location: 101 Crimson Drive, Sherwood Park, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-416-9018
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Lakeland-Ridge-School-1490402014609661
Instagram: @LakelandRidgeWolves