Falcon Flash
September 6th, 2024
Final Beginning of the Year Paperwork Reminder
Beginning of the year reminder!
Please return all beginning of the year paperwork.
One addition to the Code of Conduct this year includes new state legislation that requires every student and parent/guardian to acknowledge receipt and agreement of the transportation policy within the first 7 days of school. Failure of acknowledgement could result in a loss of transportation privileges.
Code of Conduct
Expected Bus Behavior
The privilege of riding a school bus will depend upon students obeying the following rules and procedures in accordance with the Kenton County School District and under 702 KAR 5:030 Section 19-20, as well as parents or guardians adhering to expected behavior while interacting with District Transportation staff, including, but not limited to KRS 511.020, KRS 508.078, KRS 508.025, KRS 519.020, and KRS 525. 070. These behavioral expectations apply to students, drivers, parents/guardians, and others, whether going to and from home, at the bus stop, on the buses, on our school grounds or in our school buildings.
New State Legislation requires every student in the district and at least one parent or guardian of each student to acknowledge in writing the receipt, comprehension, and agreement of adherence to the transportation safety policy within seven days of the student’s first attendance day during each school year. Failure to submit written acknowledgement by a student or their parent or guardian may be grounds for revocation of a student’s transportation privileges until the acknowledgement is properly received.
Bus Seating, Passes, and Issues
Similar to classrooms, bus drivers have the right to assign students to seats and limit items brought on the bus. No students will be transported on a bus other than his/her own without a pass that has been signed by the school official. Depending on bus route size, passes may be limited by the school or the transportation department. If there are problems on the bus, please contact the The Kenton County School District Transportation Department.
NOTE: The term “school bus” shall include district-owned vehicles that meet the standards or specifications of the KY Department of Education authorized by law.
Conduct on the Bus
● Students must arrive at the bus stop on time. (It is recommended to arrive 5 minutes before scheduled pick-up time). Students are not to damage the bus and should report any damage to the bus driver. If they do cause damage, their parents or guardians may be held responsible for restitution.
● Students are to obey the driver promptly.
● Students are not to interfere with the vision of the driver.
● Students are not to lean out the bus windows. They must keep their arms, legs, head, and property inside the bus.
● Students are not to block the aisle of the bus or transport animals on the bus, except in cases of service animals as required by federal law.
● The driver shall not permit the transport of any object that would block the bus aisle or exit in case of a collision under 702 KAR 5:080 Section 7(2)(e).
● At no time shall students be permitted to eat, drink, or use tobacco products while riding the bus. 702 KAR 5:080 Section 7 and 17
● Use of electronic communication devices may be permitted providing that the device is not causing a disturbance to others and /or the volume is low enough that instructions can be heard by the driver.
● Picture taking, video recording, and ringing cell phones are prohibited. The ride to and from school are considered school hours and the applicable board policy will apply. For more information refer to the Violations/Definitions section of this document under Communication Devices/Cell Phones.
● Students are to leave the bus only at their regular bus stop or at the school, unless they have written permission of a school administrator.
● Students are to respect the people they pass while on the bus. They are not to yell or make signs to those the bus passes along the road.
● Students who cross the roadway must cross in front of the bus after the driver signals that it is safe to do so.
The bus driver will assist the principal or school administrator in seeing that the above rules and procedures are followed. If any student persists in violating these procedures, the bus driver shall notify the school administrator and transportation manager. A bus driver may initiate the removal of a student from the bus at the time of an incident if the situation places the student or others at risk of physical harm or otherwise makes it unsafe for the driver to continue transporting students. The student’s transportation privileges may be revoked until a disciplinary determination for the incident is reached. The principal has the responsibility of maintaining discipline on all school buses servicing his or her school, and will do so in cooperation and consultation with the Transportation Department. The principal is authorized to suspend immediately, as a disciplinary measure, bus riding privileges for any student who is reported to him/her by the bus driver. In addition, the school administrator may suspend bus-riding privileges if the student continues to disobey the rules and procedures. The principal may consult with the transportation department. If a suspension from the bus becomes necessary, the principal shall notify the parents orally with a written notice to follow. A copy of the notice is sent to the Director of Transportation. After complying with the above procedures, the superintendent or principal is authorized to exclude a student from transportation services.
Students who lose their riding privileges shall not be eligible to transfer to another bus while privileges are suspended. Parents are responsible for arranging transportation for their children to and from school. (In cases which involve students with disabilities, the procedures mandated by federal and state law for students with disabilities shall be followed which include the bus suspension counting as a full day suspension for students with disabilities.)
NOTE: These directives reflect minimum standards. When a student or parent/guardian is found to be in violation of the School Bus Policy as outlined in The Kenton County Code of Conduct and Expected Behavior or Board of Education Policy, additional disciplinary consequences may be levied at the principal’s discretion as the situation warrants.
High Attendance Day
High Attendance Day September 12th!
Let’s take our attendance to the next level!
Dress like your favorite video game character or wear your favorite video game shirt.
Dates to Remember
September 12th - High Attendance Day
September 13th - iMom Breakfast
September 30th - Fall Picture Day
September 30th - October 3rd - Book Fair
October 1st - Literacy Night 5:30pm
October 4th -7th - School Closed Fall Break