September 22, 2024
Fall has officially arrived, and with it, the exciting first month of a new school year! As we wrap up our fourth week, it’s clear that our students have settled in beautifully. They’ve embraced new routines, made friends, and are already showing incredible growth. The energy around the school is vibrant, and we’re excited about the year.
In their classroom, students have reviewed the Cafeteria, Playground, and Hallway expectations that our align with our values of South SOARS. Take a look and review with your children below. They are doing a great job with these!
Brenda Lee, Principal
Olivia Goodrich, Assistant Principal
We are starting our year with a five-week SOARS kickoff schedule! Each week, our classrooms will review one letter of the SOARS acronym. Last week, we began with S for "I am Safe." Students reviewed classroom, hallway, cafeteria, and recess expectations. Kindergarten and first grade read "A Little Spot of Safety," and second through fifth grade read "Officer Buckle and Gloria." This week, we worked on O for “I take Ownership.” Kindergarten through second grade read "I’ll Do It-Taking Responsibility," and third through fifth grade read "What if Everybody Did That?" Students drew pictures and wrote about how they show ownership at school.
S- I am Safe
O- I take Ownership
A- I am Accepting
R- I am Respectful
S- I am Successful
We are looking for new members of our South School School Council!
As mandated by the Massachusetts Education Reform Act (June, 1993) South School established a School Council that is a representative, school building-based committee composed of an equal number of parents and staff and a community member. The Council is an advisory body to the principal and its purpose is to assist the principal in reviewing the school building budget, in developing a school improvement plan, and in identifying educational needs and goals for our students at South School. The council will meet four times this year.
We have vacancies here at South School for Council representation. If you feel you are able to share your time and energy in this capacity, please let Brenda Lee know to place your name in nomination. Please be assured that the only criterion for eligibility is a love of children and a willingness to serve! In your email, state your desire to serve, any life experiences that may support Council work, and the number of years you are willing to serve (one or two). Please deliver it or email it to Brenda Lee ( by Friday, October 11. If ballots are necessary, they will be sent home through the PTO. Details to follow.
We need your help and assistance since our school will be stronger as a result of our working together on behalf of the children. If you have any question, please reach out to Brenda.
Want to stay up to date with all the latest PTO news?
A kind reminder to our families that cell phones must be turned off and in students’ backpacks at the start of the school day. Smartwatches may be worn as regular watches, however, students are not allowed to text, communicate with others, use applications, take pictures or videos, or access social media services and websites.
Should parents/guardians urgently need to reach their child during the school day, we ask that you call the main office. Students are also allowed to come to the main office if they need to contact someone at home. If a cell phone or watch becomes a significant distraction, school administrators will reach out to parents/guardians. The Andover Public Schools is not responsible for lost, stolen, damaged, or broken devices.
To promote healthy digital habits during the school day, the resources below may be helpful to use. We appreciate your partnership as we work to keep interruptions to the school day at a minimum.
Resource for Apple Watches:
How to set a Schooltime schedule
Open the Watch app on your iPhone. Tap All Watches, then tap your child's watch.
Tap Done, then tap Schooltime.
Turn on Schooltime, then tap Edit Schedule.
Choose the days and times when you want Schooltime to be active.
Tap Add Time if you want to set up more than one schedule in a day.
Resource for Gizmo Watches:
How to set up Schoolmode
Open the. GizmoHub app.
Tap the. School mode switch. turn on or off. If necessary, set up a School Mode schedule.
All students are able to receive 1 free breakfast and 1 free lunch daily during the 2024-2025 school year. Breakfast will be served in the cafeteria from 8:45 - 9:00 and does not need to be ordered ahead of time.
Lunches will need be preordered. It is very important that our cafeteria has an accurate lunch count each day. Please review with your children each morning what you have ordered for them.
Please click below for the monthly menu and more information about Andover's Nutrition Program including how to sign up.
Tues, Oct 1: Fourth Grade Field Trip - Archeological Dig
Wed, October 2: Early Release ~ Dismissal @ 12:15
Wed, Oct 9: Booster Fun Run
Thurs, Oct 10: Ball in The House visits South
Mon, Oct 14: NO SCHOOL ~ Indigenous People Day
Wed, Oct 16: School Photos
Location: 55 Woburn Street, Andover, MA, USA
Phone: 978-247-9800