OHS Weekly Wag ๐พ
Woofin' it with Principal Wells Week #20, January 12, 2025
This Week at OHS...
OpenSciEd in Grade 6
5th Grade ELA
4th Grade Cracks the Code
Students 4th explored the history of Morse code and learned how to write their own messages using this ingenious communication system!
Monday, January 13th:
-Sport Fit 3:00-4:00
Tuesday, January 14th:
-Chorus 7:45-8:40 am
-Crafting 3:00-4:00
-Jazz Band 3:00-4:00
Wednesday, January 15th:
-Concert Band 7:45-8:40 am
-Math Olympiad 3:00-4:00
-Theatre Games 3:00-4:00 @ Center School
Thursday, January 16th:
-Concert Band 7:45-8:40 am
-4th Grade Instrument Lessons- Don't forget your instruments!
-Robotics 3:00-4:00
Upcoming Dates
January 20- Martin Luther King Day, No School
January 29- Early Release, 12:20 pm, lunches served
February 5- PTA Meeting via Zoom, link sent separately, 7:00 pm
February 17-21- Winter Break, No School
February 26- Project 351Workshop 9:45-12:15
March 5- OHS Staff/Student Basketball Game
March 19- Project 351Workshop 9:45-12:15
March 21- Term 2 Report Cards Issued
March 25- PreK-6 Art Show @ Center School
April 3 and 4- Grade 6 ELA MCAS
April 8 and 9- Grade 5 ELA MCAS
April 10 and 11- Grade 4 ELA MCAS
May 6 and 7- Grade 5 Math MCAS
May 8 and 9- Grade 6 Math MCAS
May 13 and 14- Grade 4 Math MCAS
May 15 and 16- Grade 5 Science MCAS
Annual Health Screenings This Week
Annual height and weight screenings for 4th-grade students and postural screenings for 5th and 6th-grade students will take place this week. Detailed letters have been sent home in students' backpacks.
Families may choose to have the screenings conducted at school or by a physician. To indicate your preference, please complete the form at the bottom of the letter.
For any questions or concerns, please contact Nurse Ripley at 508-758-6241 or via email at amyripley@oldrochester.org.
6th Grade Students Looking to Make an Impact
Please consider joining Aja, Rose, and Emilia for a Beach Clean-Up next Sunday!
PTA Corner
Monday 1/13 and Tuesday 1/14, Center School is welcoming Elizabeth James-Perry, who is a local artist in our Southcoast Community. Center School is looking for a couple more volunteers to assist for classroom visits!
Please see sign up link below:
Please consider taking a peek and ordering to support the Mattapoisett PTA!
Help Needed in the Library!
Mrs. Mirabito is seeking volunteers to assist in the library! Initial training sessions will take place in the mornings, but scheduling can be more flexible after that. This is a wonderful opportunity for grandparents, retirees, or anyone looking to make a meaningful contribution. As an added bonus, seniors can qualify for up to $750 off their property taxes through a special arrangement with the town hall.
If you're interested or know someone who might be, please reach out to Mrs. Mirabito at lauramirabito@oldrochester.org.
From Dr. Curley, Assistant Superintendent of Student Services
The Old Rochester Regional School District and MA Superintendency Union #55 is working to update their Bullying and Harassment Prevention and Intervention Plan. Each school district, charter school, non-public school, Department-approved private special education school, and collaborative school must create a Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan (Plan) that prohibits bullying, cyberbullying, and retaliation. The Plan is to include information on reporting, notice to parents and guardians, notice to law enforcement as necessary, and counseling strategies and procedures for creating safety plans for victims. Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plans must be updated every other year (See M.G.L. c. 71, ยง 37O, added by Chapter 92 of the Acts of 2010.) When developing the Plan, school districts, charter schools, Department-approved private special education schools, and collaborative schools must give notice and provide for a public comment period.
The Old Rochester Regional School District and MA Superintendency Union #55 is seeking the public's feedback on the draft, proposed Bullying and Harassment Prevention and Intervention Plan. Please provide any feedback on this Google Form here by January 31, 2025.
Donations for OHS Feinstein Junior Scholar Pantry
Important School Contact Information
Phone: 508-758-6241
Main Office / Principal's Secretary: Mrs. Jennifer Janicki
School Nurse: Mrs. Amy Ripley
School Adjustment Counselor: Mrs. Bethanie Grant
In addition to this newsletter, donโt forget to follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/OHSmattapoisett
You can also download the ORR Connect App to get the latest updates.
See the Mobile App Info Sheet for details on the information within our app. If you have questions, please email weareor@oldrochester.org.
Search ORRconnect in the app store or use the following links from your mobile device.
From your Android Mobile Device
Finally, most communications to families will be emailed this year, as this is the most efficient and timely method. Please let us know if you would prefer to receive communication regarding your student via first-class mail.
Of course, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me directly.
Principal Wells
Think, Learn, Care
Email: stephaniewells@oldrochester.org
Website: https://ohs.oldrochester.org/
Location: 20 Shaw St.
Phone: 508-758-6241
Facebook: www.facebook.com/OHSmattapoisett